S oN cr Chap, ti` (or fma11) as being yong, newly converted , and nothing populous; without breafll, as having yet no ftablifbed minifterie, (for filch is the fiate of the Churches ih their beginning,as appeareth by Mh1423. Titi . 5.) fo that herchiidren could not frisk out the [totem milke of the word , and be fatisfied with the brcafts of her.confolations, I Pet.z.i. Ef s.66.i 1. for fhe was not yet come to the eftate of Il rael whiskbreak were fafhioned,and the Lord entred into covenant with her, and thee became his, Ezek.16,7.8. when fbe(hall be Jjnken of] or, wherein (teeeb (hall be of her : when the tame of her calling and'converfion (hall come abroad, what furtherance Ihal we yeeld,to increafe,fettle, ftablifh her in the truth. This (heweth the duty of love from one Church to another, in commu- nicating their graces each to other, and praying one for ar:other.Seeanexample inAft. /1.19.22. 23. This Hebrew phrafe off eech to be hadof her (or ho her) may be underltood two wales, for or againfl ber : for her, when trestle (hall be of her efpoufals unto Chrift; thus David Pent and fßakte of (or with) Abigail, to table her to him to wife, I Sam. againit her,as the people take againfi God,and againfiMofes, Num. 21.5. and Princes fteake againfi me, pfsl. i t 9.23. For no f over doe a people turne to the Lord, but the wicked doe oppofe in word and worke.Andthus the Hebrews in their Chal- dee Paraphrafe expound it here, What [hall we doe for our fiffer, in the day when the nations (ball fßeake to goe up againfi her,moso marre ? V.9. If fhe be a waN ] The anfwer to thething proponed, made (as fore thinke) by Chrift, to which the Chaldee paraphraftagreeth, Paying, Michael the Prince ofelfrad will fay 1 or, by other her fitter Charches,defirous to procure her good. a n_' ; that is, ftrong and well grounded in thetruth;and fobecome a citie,which is often de- fcribed by wals,gates,bars, &c. 2 Chron.8.5.and 14.7. Revel. 21. 12. Spiritually it meaneth her faith and hope of falvation in Chrift, grounded on the do&rine of the twelve tribes of Ifrael,and twelve Apoftles of Chritt,Rev. z 1.14.19. as,7hóu (hat: call thy wallet falvacion, Elà.66. i 8. and, we have a firongcitie , falvation will God appoint for malt and bulwarks, Efa.26.1. Moreover, when God figni- fied the ftrength and courage of his Prophet a- gainft their enemies, he faith, I will make thee unto this people , a fenced brazen wall ; and they fhallfight a- gainfi thee, but (ball not prevaile, Ier.15.20. we will I build] Here by we,may be implyed the Trinity its the Godhead,as Gen. r.26.Song. i.1 I . or,we may meane Chrift inwardly and effe&uatly by his grace,and his people (her lifter) outwardly and miniflerially by the word of the Gofpell. a pallacc] or,a cafi/e,a tower, a faire and orderly buil- ding; filch as were wont oft -times to be Pet on ironqy wals of cities: and this being of flver, no teth the purity , excellencie and durableneffe of this pallace, adorned with the graces of Gods word and Spirit, that fo fhe might be builded for habitation rf God through the Spirit,Eph.2.2 s. and be able to refill the forces of her enemies. and if c be a ¿sore] if fhe got forward in the faith and pratlife of the Gopel, that the be not only built up as awall,bsot a, gate &door,fully edified ; as at the repairing oftcrufalem,when they fan &i6 -i ed the gates,and feiup the doors of it,Nehem.3. which gates,doors,barres, &c. were for the fate - guard of the inhabiants, & (hewed their care to refit and keepe out the enemies (as appeareth by I thecontrary,in Ier..9.31.) as alfo to open,that the righteout nation which.Gtepeth shetruthsmay enter in, Pfal.r s 8.zt.Therfore,Angels are at the gates of the heavenly Cicy,t o conduAGods peo- ple into it,Rev. 21.1227.& 22.14. ree williadafe ber]or, we will fence he, about, with board of Cirdar; which is faire,lirong aid durable, & of (we fa- vour : of filch the Teeple was braided,/ King.6.' 15.18. V./ o. I ans a wal ia, I became a wall; that is, I I o grew up and waxed thong in the faith & love of Chrift. Thelittic filter fheweth herreadineffe to receive and increafe it the do&rine of the Got. pet. my breafis at tower i]mybreafts are falhioned, Ezek. i 6.7. the mini(lery of the word eltablifhed in me,to nourifh up ch ldren untoChrift.The fi- militude of tomers,noteth altothe lirength,pow- br, & glory of the adnïniltration of the Gofpel : & the open preaching of it out of pulpits or high places,chat all may heare.For Migdal a tom , is ufed for a pulpit,in Nch.8.4. lull(, yes]in Chrilhs fight. findeth peace] Wee all in our natural] c or- ruption are enemies to God,Rom.5. s o. but being jufiified byfaitb , ere have peace with God, through our Lord IePutChrifi Rom. 5. 1. for thewor(eof righte- oufnefji is peace, and the labor of rigbteoufnef e, quietmffe and aJferance for ever, Lia. 32. I 7. and this peace is injoycd by the Holy Ghoft, Rom. 8.6.9. and it is oppofed to all the tronbles,tentations,perfecuti- ons & afi&ions in this life and world, Ioh. 16. 3 3. and is that which guardeth our hearts and minds, through Chrifi Iefsoe, Phil.4 7. Vert ai. Solomon had a Vineyard, & e.] Thefe Ii words may be underltood as fpoken by Chrift,or by his Spoute forementioned. If by Chrift, then it is a comparifon between Solomon with his vi- neyard, and Chrift with his. That Solomon (as his father David,/ Chro.27.27.) could not him - felfe look to his Vineyards , but appointed offi- cers to look unto thcm,who yeelded him a ycer- ly tribute,and had themfelves a part of the pro- fit for their labours : but Chrift (who is alwayes with his Church, Matt. 28.20. and walk th in the ! midflofthefeven oldemcand leflicks,Rev.2.1.)looketlt to his Vineyard himfelfe,that unto him, all the fruit and benefit thereof helongeth alone. If it be fpoken by his Spoufe(which I rather incline to) then it (hewed' a greater care & diligence in her I . now then in former times , when the confeffed, that fhe kept not the Vineyard which was hers ; that is, which was committed to her cuftody, Son./ .6. So by Solomon,(he meaneth Oil, by the Vinyard,his church in gene ral;for the bottle of Ifrael was the Lords Vineyard,Efa.5.7. Baal that is by interpretation the mafler(or owner) of f a mul- titude;meauing hereby either the world,amlig the multitudes wherof Chrift hath his Church; or in refpríl st