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iiüinTi Vi:r,rm/üfI`iff SONG Chap. VIII. 3 refpeet of the much frui .which it yeelded unto God,or hould yeold,baing fituate in a fertile place,. which he had blefed with his grace; fuch as in E- fay.ç. r. is called theborne a f the fenneaf pile, that is, avery frutitful!hill. he law th tsineyard]ehat is, he let :tout,, in farme; as it ss laid, xbere certain hoafeholder, which planteda'vineyárd, i*ic, and let it motto hufbanlemen, and went ¡tile a farce coshtrie: Mu :21.3 ;. Thus the Apgft:e faith to the Church of Corinth ,Woo arelabourerr together with God, lee are gods`Abandrie, r Cor. 3. g. arhosifasd (hekels offitver] or, a thaufand flverling:, meaning frlverahekels:lignifying hereby the greatfertiliric of chis V ineyard, that afforded tomuch to the ow- ncr, betides the labourers reward. So in Eta.7.2.3. dueatningto make che molt fruitful! place defo- late; he faith, Where there were athoufand vines, ata tboufandflverlings (orfilver Ihekcis) le (halt he for briars and shames, Verf. r a.Ol )vineyard which is mine] chic is, un- derltanding it to bee fpoicen by the Spoof:, as in Song t.G, which iscommicted to my care and kee- ping. is before me] that is, I alwaies;ooke.un- to it, care for it, and am diligent co manure and dreife it. As, all bio judgements were beforeme; and his flarretes l departed not from them; a Sam. 22. 23. to-thee O Solomon] that is, thou (hale have thy fell due for the fruit of thy vineyard, which is a 1 000. frlverlings, vat.' t. See Math. a 1.4 t. zoo. to theirthat käepetbefruit] that is, thy labou- rers 'liäll receive alto according to the agreement, every one for his Worke: fee Mar. ao:;a. 2. 3cc. So the Apollo faith, Every man lihall receive bin arena' reward ,accordin tohinorinelabour; í Cor. 3.8. Vert. t3. Thou that dwellefi] or, O inbabitreje: Chrift fpeakethro his Spoule, dwellingin thegar- dens, that is, in the Churches; teaching hèrconti- nuall duty, both to her neighbours, m éonfiant witntitng of tie truth; and to himfelfe, in prayer andthankfgiviig. the companions atte di'ng]or, dieattend to shy voice.' By companions, he f eemeth to mean her fellow Chriftians, partaker; of the fame farrh,fpirit and grace: a,Pee. c.a., By wise hoe un- derftandeth the dol loins of theChurch,whereun- to all might toattend, cattle thou me to bears] toweer, chÿvoice; as he expreffect before; in.Song 2.54. Letméheare thy weite-, chat is, thy prayers, praifes, and thankfgivingsaeaching her to call up; on and to ferve him continually. Or, cae/e rebeans me, that is, preach me to thy companions that at- tend to.thy voice; let thy doftrines he my Golpell, not mens traditions. Theft are the cwo maineand permanent duties of all Gods churches; that their do/trine be the true and pncorruprword of Chrdt; their prayers & Rev ice be direfted to biro alone, who is ready to hears and help in all time of need. To theft two, prayer and the Miriflery of theWord, theApofIles gave themfelves continually, Aíì.6.4. Verf.i4. Flee my Belayed] The prayer of rkc Spode Unto Chrift, desiring the end of his King - dome in this world, where he with his people are perfecttted and afifted,' and the oat-dining there- of into the high ea heavens. For Christ now raign- echin the mica of his enemies, Pfal.rto.z. andfo snuff raigne, till he hath put ail enemies under his feete :and at the end he (hall deliver up: the King- dome to God, even the Father, i Cor.15. 24. 25. Then the dead in Ch rift aril rig frrlt,ehey alto that live Mel remàine, (hall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the gyre; and fo hall we everbe with the Lord, r Thel:4. 16. r7.This day the defireth with fpeed:for though r it be ufually called the day of Chrifts comming(or appearing) yet becaufe he flail not come here to romaine, but to cary his ele& away out of this world, thee of eth the word Flee, or Depart away. The Hebrews in their Chaldee paraphraft,t hough they apply not this ro the end of the world, yes to /peake as beleeving thatChrill fhould ;mend into heaven and from thence fuceour his church on earth; laying : volt that time /ba11 the Elders of the Congregatiencf/fraelfay, Flee then O my Beloved, the Lord ofthe world, from this unclean earth, and /ce thy cillajefly dwell in the highef!boavens and in time oftribulation when wee /haftpray before thee, bee lxke Roe, o e,,orlikeaFaweseofiheHarts, which when it fieeth,loobeth ¢ehindeit;faleoke then toper; tes,and bave refpell to our tribulation awl"' aflitlios f oùt the higbell heavens; initill.the tinge shat thou Jba /t take pleafure in ns, and redeems es, and brit: Las mute the moantaineo f Ierafalem ;andtherethe Prieftsflallhorn before thee, theincerfeoffseeet- fpiets, bee/sees like] or, kl;,en(referable) thy felfetoa7fóá ; that" fwift and make haft co flee away a fee the notes on Song i 9.17. fawneoftheHarts];hatis,ayongHart. on themountaiaes offpices] This referred to the Roe or Harr,fhewech char they ufed toffee for their fuecour tomountain es where fpices grew; as inSong,2.r7. he mentioned the meuntaines of Be- rber. Or, referring it tp Chtitì hilnfcffe, ie may mcane the very heavens, called mountaines of (Pi- cts, for the height and pleafures which are there at the right hand ofGod for ever. And it may be in- terpreted, O than that art on teemoantaine: of [picot, that is, inheaveis;as,Hofasnaisthe high ,Match. 11.9 . thatis, thou which arc in the higheft hea- vens. Thus as this Song began with delire of Chriftsfirfteommingto Ore her with the kips of his moéth, by preaching his Gofpell: fo it endcth. with delire of his fecund comming, ro remove his Church out of all mifery, into the place of endletre and incomprehenfible glory, And the Spi- rit andthe Bride fay, Come; and let him thatheareth, fay, Connn' and Chrift himlblfe faith, Surely, I come quickly, enlmen; Even fo, Come Lord Iefus, Revel. za.t7.zo. FINIS: 5>9 4