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110 O//O/1/110ll 1,1 1'1 171/® GENESIS XXIk. 1 13.7. much mater cannot quench it, neither ,can the feuds i&tmne it : Song.8.7.Sce Gen.24.67. Verf 21. are fulled] or, are fall, cemplele : The 2I Chaldeèaddeth, the daye.;ofmyfervice are fulfilled : meaning the leven yecres covenanted,v:18. Some take it to meanefull , in- refpeet of his age : and that he was maried at the firft ;before the 7. yeers were expired. But in Pirkei R. Eûezer, ch.36. it is faid ;Iakob began to ferve for a wife 7.yeers:afìer 7./eers be made a banquet,anda rejoycin87.deies, and hadLeah &c.and added7 dams banquet more ' and received Rachel, gcein]intu tie chamber; (as Iudg.15.1.) that (he may be to me as my wife.See Gen.6.4.The Bride, ufitally bada privie chamber (orc!ofet) whereinto fhe entred at themariage day, Ioel 2.16. W here - upon,among the Iewes, the comming together in marriage, is called the affemblingg into the privy-ebam- ber,Maimony in trcat.of Wives,cb. t o.S. r. Ver.22.a banquet] named in Hebr.of drinking,as is noted on Gen.' 9.3 .fach we call a Bride -ale.T he Greek tranflateth it a mariage: hereupon the word mariage is ufed for a banques,orfeaff,in Luk.14.8. and Co the Syriak there tranflateth it. 23 Ver. 23. Leale ]inGreek,Leia.A notable example of perfidie in Laban,fo to deale with his owne fi- lters fon.And by reafon that women at such times were veiled, (as in other like cafes may be feene, Gen.38.t5,16.)Iakob could not difcern the fraud. 24 Ver.24.Zilpab] inGreek Zelpha, handmaid] or,bondwomanf,ervant,(ee Gems 6,1. V.25. the morning] Every mans warke (hall be made manJeff, fortbe Day fhall declare it, i Cor. 3. 13. They that do evill,know not the light ;and the morning it to them, even Of the fhadem of death, Job 24.56,17. Therefore is this fart obferved to be done in the evening, and dilcovered in the morning. beguiled me] The Chaldee fait h,lied unto me? Theft things as they (hew the evill mind and cariageofLaban, both in this his faft,and the exude following: fo may they be confidered -as a chattifèment of God upon Iakob, who had by guile (rho with a better mind) gotten the blefftng, Gen.27.35. For even the righteateo are recompenfed in the earth, Prov.15.31. and with what meafure men mete itfhall bee mcafeered to them again, Mat.7.2.But how great an af{liftion was this unto Iakob: to bee beguiled of his Love, and defyled with another, whom in refpeft of her he hated ? verf.3c.31. For, love is flrong a deatb,Song.8.6. Verf..27.tbe feven ofthis] or the weeke,that is, the leven daies banquet of this Leah, and fo confirme the mariage with bers and then we will give thee the other. Aweeke hath the name inHebrue,of fe- ven days ; as with us,it is called a fven- night. And themariage feat, tiled to continue feven dayes, as appeareth by Iudg.s4.1o,12. And it is a canon among the Iewes, that whofoever marieth a mairle, (hall rejoyce with ber 7. days net doing my wurke, but eating, drinking, andma ing merry.Aud fo,if he mar- ry a woman not a maid, 3. dales. And if he take more wives together, he mutt rejoyce with every ofthem ; her convenient time of joy : Maimmry, treat .of Wivcs,ch.l o.S.12,53. Thus Laban provi- ded,that Web by voluntary confent tothis mari- 22 25 27 i 1 t age with Leah , Ihould not be able afterward to put her away.The Ieru ahem Chaldeeparaphrafe, plainly applyeth this to the fzrndayesbartquetfor Leah. And that it cannot be meant of feven jereres, before he (hould wary Rachel : the birth of their children,and life of lallob after in the manifefl,Gen.47.9.and 41.46.and 30.24. there foal legiven] to weer , by me ; as the Greeke tranflateth , I willgite. The Hebrew alto may lignifie we reillgive:that is, I and my friends. this alto] meaning Rachel : ver.28. So to make him amends, he urgeth upon him,another mariage in- ceftuous. Which how ever Iakob accepted ; and it may, by the fpeciall motionof Gods fpirit , (as Samfonsmariage with thePhiliflian woman, war oftbeLord,Iudg. i 4.4.)yet ordinarily the fafttan- not be cleared, nor may be imitated. Though in myltery,the churches of Iewes and Gentiles,may by there two fitters be implyedi as the two Tefta- ments were inAbrams wives,Qen.s6.Ga1.4. fhalt ferve]So covetoufneffe of gaine by Iaigbs fer- vice,made him this, to offer : and Iakab in yeeld- ing to this,is a mirror of patience. Ver.3 I.bated] not (imply but in compariIon of Leah ; that is, leje loved, as the former verfe fhew- eth.So in Dent 21.s5.alfo in Mat.6.24. and Luk. r 4.26.And herein Leah was chaftifed ofGod,£or contenting to the fin, with her father. opened ber womb] that is made her to beare children: the contrary was in Gen 8,The Chaldee tranfla- teth,gave ber conception. Vert 3a.Ruben] that is, Sonof- feeiug (or ofhim 32 that feeth) meaning, her afiftion, as the next words doe explaine:or, Sceye the Son. So in Pirkeei R.Eliezer,ehap 36. it is faid; God law Leah, tribula- tion,and gave her conception, and confolarion to her foule; andfhe bare a mat- ebildly of agood forme ; and fayd,fie the fin,whieb God batbgiien me. Verf..3 3.Simeon]written in Greek by the Evan- 33 gel iits, Simeon, a Pet: t . t.and Simon,Mat. t 0.2. by interpretation Hearing, or fon ofbearing,that Leah was hated. called] or, (not noting any perfon,) 34 hit name ;yawned : See Gen.16.14. Levi] that is, I yned: t reafon of the name here,was of her Imsbands jojnmg unto her: after,the Levites were jo/nedunto the Priefts in the minitlery and fervice of God,as Numb.' 8.2.4. Verf35.tbia time] or now, to meet again, as the 35 Greeke addeth. confifJe] that is, openly-praifi and celebrate, in folemne manner.This hereapply - ed to theLord,is after appyed to Iudah himfelf, Gen.49.8. Iudah]or 4ebudah; in Greek; Erna by interpretation, AConfefJòr, or the foe ofCnu- Hun, or of Praife Of him, all the Ions of Iakob, are called /ores, Ef{h.3.6. Mat.27.37. and he is a true Jew,whofe praife is ofGod,Ron1.2.29. ffayed]or,fiood f i4that is,lei obearing,for a while : afterward fhe had nuore increafe,Gen,30.17:And thus God difpenfed his bleffings,where leaf{ love of man was Ihowen: which redounded to his fur- ther glory by Leahsthankfulnelfe 31 CHA P. AIRIPP.//U////IIIoIUl111111VIN//y