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GEN E S1S XXXI 117 killed a man that roar a jìrff borne (firma) and tak; off lbw bead, andfateditwithfdtandwithoyio, androrote upFoa plate cfgold, the name of an uacleaxt(ßirit, and put it under the tongue thereof; and rot it up on a wall, Íand lighted candles bef,,re it , and bowed themfelvos down unto it, and it ¡bale unto them ; at it it mitten, (in Zach. Io. 2.) the 7eraphimshave fl rken vanity. Pirkei. R. Eliez:rch. 36. It is snore likely , they were Images in the (hope of m :n, as may bee ga- thered by t Sam.r9,13.16. 2 o VerC zo. flale from the heart] that is, (fate (or conveyed away himfel ) without the kgrwkdge or Con - fent of Labatt. For the heart is the feat of IZnow- ledge and underllanding ,Ecclef.7.25.Prov.7.7.So the Greeke here for flak , tranflaceth hid : and the Chaldee faith , Iacobeomeakdit from LMan. The word font, is here to be underliood,as afterward in verí,z6. & 27. where this Cpeech is opened:and fometinte the Scripture it felt fupplyeth this and the like wants ; as 2 Chron. 6 33. beam thou from the heavens:whereas the fame Cpeech being written in 1 King.8.43. the word/Ann iswanting.Other - wife co p.& the beart,meaneth privily to draw the heart and affe Lion unto one , as in z Sam.' 5.6. Or, if here wee Co read it, flak the heart of Laban, the meaning is, he caried away,and deceived hint of that which his heart did expert and affcft, namely more wealth by Jacobs Cervice,&c.And fo it is a Syriak phrale,not much differing front that in z Cor.: z. 16. I caughtyou with guile , wherethe Syriak tranflateth, I fialeyon with guile. AndHea- ling is ufed for aarying away, Iob.z 1.18. VerC 2r, the river] Eupbratei (as the Chaldee 2 I ettplaines it,) which was betweene Chaldea and Canaan: IOC 24.2.3. fit hisface] that is, his affeaions and a&ions, without declining to any other way. Therefore the Greeke tranflateth it bormefen, which fignifiethan earneft (violent) run- ning thitherward. The like phrafe is in Ier.5o.5. Luke 9.51.53. Gilead] inGreeke, Galaad. It was a goodly mountaine adjoyning next to Lebanon, beneath which mount, was a fertile country called alfo the land of Gilead, Ier.2 z.6. Deut.34.s. They were gored with balme, myrrh, and other fpicerie, Gen. 37.25. ler.8. 22. were very good for feeding of cartell, and wereafter- wards taken from the Amorites,and given partly to the fonnes of Reuben and Gad, and partly to the fonnes of Manag for inheritance;Song 4.1. Numb. 32.1.39 Ier.5o.19. Dent 3.12 13.15.16. There was alfo a man of this name, one of lambs pofterity : Numb.26.29, 22 VerC,22. the third day] his flock being3. dayes journey from Iabóbs, Gen.3o.36. 23 VerC23. brethren]that is,kin.folke: fee Gen.13. 8. way] that is, jottrny: foCGen.3o.36. La- ban purfteth lalegb gone out from his lbrvitude : fo Pharaoh purfueth his children,for the like canfe,Exod. r 4.5.6 . - 9. 4 Verfz4, God came] The Chaldee faith , word cane f om theface of God. Compare Gen. z o.3. Take thou heed] or , Keeee thy fef, as the Greeke tranflateth. It was a rebuke unto Laban: ver. 42. from good to bad J the Greeke faith only, that thou fpeakenot bad words. The He&rcw phrafe fee- meth tomeane, either good or bad as in the like, Gen. 14.23. and alfo lit this very phrafe , z Sani. 13.22. And to Cpeakeneithergoodnor bad, ismeant refpeaively to that end for which Laban panned him; as to Cary Iakob backe againe into his fenol- tude. So after in verfe 29. This was the Lords hooke in Labans noftrils, to easy him backe the fame way hee cante,as in verfe 55. Efa.37, 29. Verf..26. from my heart] Cecretly,and unawares to me: the Chaldee faith, comealedit fram me : as verCe 20. captives] or prifoners. But they went voluntary verfe 16. and belonged to lakob, ra- ther then to Laban; Gen. 2,24, VerC. 27. ferrety fiee]Hebr.hgepetheeFad inflee- itt. from me ] this openeth the former fpeech of flealing away trom his heart. The Chaldee here againe tranflateth, didfl conceale it from me. timbrel] or tabret , in Hcbr. named Toph, of the found which it maketh,when it is beaten on with the hand ? Jt was an initruntent of joy,Efa.24.8. ufed by lalobs daughters when they went out of the Egyptians fervice, Exod.r 5.20. which Laban here fpeaketh of, though it may be he meant no fuch thing. Verf. 28. to kiffi] and, rota bid farewell. For Wingwas ufed both at the meeting, and at the parting of friends, Ex. 4.27. Gen.29. el. & 3 r. 55.Ruth,t.:4. Vert. 29. Itis] or to war but the Greeke tran- 29 ílatethit of the timeprefent ; And now my band it able. A vaine boali,like Pilate s, Joh.19.10.1 1. VerC 3 o.going, &c.] that is, thou wouldfl needs bee gone. longing] that is, thougreatlylongedff, or defredfl. my gods] that is, Teraphimr, vent 9. images by which he worlhipped God. For Co fi- guratively the Scripture ufeth to call thole things Gods, which reprelent God and his pre- fence unto men:as Exod.32.4. t King. s2.28,And theword Gtds is fpoken of one image Ex.3 z.8. and is the fame that God Neh.9.18. So ferapbìni though a word of the plurali nnmber,yet is ufed alfo tor one Image, I Sam. i 9.13 .r 6.The Chaldee here tranflateth it my Fea, e,that is,nty God whom II feare,as in verfe 53. This complaint of Laban that his Gods wereflsllen, fheweth the vanity of fuck I- dolatry, Jer. c.5.r 1.15. Iudg,6.3r.and 18.24, So God alto did execution upon the gods of E- gypt, when la (abr fobs departed thence, Numb. 33.4. Exod,:,r, and thrcattsth the like after Ier.43.12.13. Efa. s 9.r . Vert. 32. not live] x levere judgement tittered unawares,forbe knew. ot'that Rachel had flollen them: yet the Hebrew Do&ors note, that I keb f idwlio fever hashflohen the Terapbims , heelball die beerehis time ; and that which commeth out of the mouth of a )4 man, is at if it came out of the mouth of an Angell, and Rachel traz elled in childbirth, Gen.3 5. s 6.18. Pirkei R. Eliez. cß.36'. Vert. 34. furniture] or faddle: the Greeke word alfomeaneth fuch ftuffe as' the 'Camel! wasloden with. file] thatis, frarebed; So verfe 37. Verf.35. dij leafing] or wrathfull.grievosís: fee Gen.4.5. The Greeke tranflateth, take it not ill (or grievoeefly.) 26 27 z8 30 3z - 34 35