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GENESIS XXX VI. Eiaus off= ípring. 329 the right hand: meaning, loved, tendered, and cfpeci- allyregaided. So man of the right hand,inP(alt80. 18. for one loved and much regarded of God. This onely of all Iakabr children , was borne in the land of Canaan. 20 : Verf. 20. unto this day] the time when /Wafts wrote this, and after in Sauls dales, 1 Sant. to. 2. About this place , at Chrilts birth , many In- fants were murdered by Herod: then Raihel wept for her ohildren , and woald not he comforted becaufe tfiy were tat, Jer.31.15. Matz. l6,1 8. 2 I Ver.z i. Geder] or Gader; as the Gr. writeth it : by interpretation , the finch. or berd. A tower of this name is alto mentioned in Mic.4.8. 22 Ver.22.conexbim]afcondarywife: feeGen.22.24 She is called alfo his wife, Gen. 37. z. By this Ihamefull crime (filch as is not wee named among the heat env, I Cor. 5. 5.) Return loft his firtt birth, 1 Chro.5.1.Gen.49.4 Iakob alto hinsfelfe,having abufed Bi¡hab, contrary to the frft inftitution of mariage, Gen. 30.4.1s herechaftifed of God : fo .4bfalom lying with his father Davit's concubines; God thereby chaftiled Daniels fins, 2 Sam. 12.10. 1 r. & i 6.2 2. heard it] the Greeke verfion ad- deth, and it appearedecill inhis fight. But in the He- brew,nothing is laid; only an empty (pace is left in the line, with this marke,o, to move confidera- tion: as before inGen. 4.8. Sometime forrow is fo great, as words or lignes cannot expreffe it, E- zek. 24.23. and Inch might here be Iskobr cafe. Here alto is a pawfe and breaking off,as to a new matter,even in the midit of the verfe:fo in Deu.2. 8. twelve] Which bec6ming fathers of many fa- milies, are called the twelve Patriatvbs,Aft.7.8. and the peoples that came of them, are named the twelve erihes,A&.26.7.and although many great e- vils have alrcady,and will hereafter moreappear in there Eons of Ifrael; yet God in mercie Pardo- ned them,& bath honored them in the Scriptures with great dignities , that their names Ihould be graven on twelve precious ttones,and caned upon the high Prietts heart,Exod.28,a 1,29. & that the gates of the heavenly lerufalemMould be after the names of thefe twelve fous of Ifrael, Ezek. 48.31. Rev.z 1.12. And their number as it was antwera- ble to the twelve Princes that came of Ifinael, Gen. 25.16. fo is it remembred by the twelve Apofiles of Chrilt, Luke 6.,13. Rev. 21.14. And although of lofeph there came two tribes, Gen. 48.5,6. fo that after a fort, there were 13 : yet the Scripture in naming or rehearfing then,, ufitally fetteth down but twelve; omitting the name now of one, then of' another, as may in fitndry places be obferved, Dent. 33. Ezek. 48. Rev.7. &c. 3 V. 23. fliebar ]of the naming and interpretation of thefe,tee the notes ,on Gen.2 9. and 3o. Here is to be oblerved how I_facbar &Zabulon, are flit next after Iudai,, though Dan & Napbtaii, Gad & Afer, were borne betweene then, Gen. 29.35. & 3o.6. 8. r 1.13. 18. becaute all the Cons of one mother Mould be fat together : fo they are placed allo in Gen.46. 8.14,5 5. and 49.3.14. (where Zabndon is before *char) and Exod.1.z,3. Num.1.5,9,26. 28. 1 Chron. 2.1. And in this order, were they gráven,and let on the hones upon Aaron! Ephod: fee Exod.28.10,21. in the Annotations. V.26. were borne]fo the Gr.expreffeth it,the He- brew being fingular, was borne. Soin Gen. 46.22: Padan Aram] or Mejopetamia, fee Gen. 25.20. But here except Benjamin;for he was borne in Ca- naan, Iak b.t fons,though borne out ofthe land, yet come thereinto,it being promifed them ofGod,Gen.28,13.when Efate, (Cons borne in the land, dó go out and give place, Gen.36. 5,6. Verf. 27. Mainre] fee tien. 13. 18. & 23.2. the Greeke addeth, he beingyet alive to Msmbre. Verf: 29. hispeoples] his godly forefathers : fee Gen.25.8. buried him] fo Ifaakknd Ifmacl buried Abraham.Gen.25.9. Elias and Iakobwere now 1z0 yeeres old,Gen.2 5 .26.the world was 2288 yeere old. And IJaakhad lived blind, above 4o yeeres before his death, Gen.27.1. Whichdeath is here mentioned, to make an end of Ial_br hiltory : for otherwifethe things following in Gen.37. & 38. about Iofepb & Iudah, fell out before Ifaa*,died. [bMAAAMAYMÑIMAIMC) C »A P. XXVI. 1, The generation of Efau hi his three wives. 6, His removing to mount Seir. 1 o, The names of bit fanner 15,T he Drsker which d jeended ofhir fns. ao,The fins and Dukes of Seir. 2 4, Anah findetb tinder. 31, The Kings of Edom. 4o, The Dukes that defcended of Efau. ANd thefe, are the generations of E. lau, he is Edom. Ftau took his wives, of the daughters of Canaan : Adah, the daughter of Elon the Chethite; and Aholibamah, the daughter of Anah, the daughter ofZibeon the Evite.AndBafernath the daughter of Ifinael, the lifter of Nebai- orb. And Adah bare to Efau,Eliphaz : and Bafemath, bare Revel. And Aholibamah, bare Jeufh and Jaalam, and Korah: thefe were the Tonnes of Elan, which were borne unto him, in the land of Canaan. And Efau took his wives, and his Ions and his daugh- ters, and all the foules of his houle ; and his catrel and all his beafis, and all his Cubftance, which he had gathered in the land ofCana an : and went unto a land; from the face, of Jakob his brother. For their fubftance was more, then that they might dwell together: & the land of their fojournings, was notable to beare them, becaufe of their carrell. And Efau dwelt, in the mount of Seir; Efau,he lia Edom. And thefe are the generations of E- fau , the father of Edom : in the mount of Seir. Thefe are the names ofthefonsofE_ (au: Eliphaz,the fonofAdah, the wife of Efau ; Revel, the Con of Bafemath, the wile of Efau. And the thanes of Elipház, were : Teman, 26 27 29 t 3 4 S 6 7. 8 9 IO I1 f