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`I14 LIENl:SIS XX XVI 1. Annotations. D 0 0 Here beginneth the ninth fc &ion of the Law , called And (IAO) dwelt. SeeGen.6.9. and 28.10. I F the fjournings] or pilgrimages , that is , (as O the Greeke faith) wherein hit father 1laak fo- journed: fo Gen. i7.8.and 28.4. Hereby Gods re- membrance of his promife to Iakb, and provi- dence for him is manifefted, Gen.28.13.and 36. 6,7. alIo Iacobs faith,Heb.11.9.Pfal.37.3 2 VerC.2. Theft] which are rehearfed in Gen.35. 23.-2.6. for this is profecuting of that hifforie, which was by narration of Efans pedegree,iflter- rnpted: or,thef which follow, are theg ,eratiens, that is, the florie of things whichdid befall him: fee Gen. 6.9. and 25:9 old] Hebr. forme of 17.yeere: feeGen.5 32. As his father nourilhed him a childe 17. yeeres, fo hee again nourifhed his aged father a 7.yeeres in Egypt,Gen.47.9.28. a lad] or yong man : which word is ufed not only for yong in yeeres, but often for a fervaut, or minifl er, fee Gen.14.24. In this fettle, it noteth Iofephs humility; and how his father, though he loved hiss molt yet brought him up without idleneffe,or cockering. So Chrift the Saner of man, came not to bee fined , but to force: Matth. äo.28. report] orinfamie: their infamous cariagc, which cauled ill report of them. It intimateth I'ofephs goods affeftion and godlinel %. And this was one occafion,which his brethren took to hate him.So Chrift was hated of theworld,for teltify- ing that the workes thereof were evill,Ioh 7.7. 3 Veri3. fold -ace unto him] that is, of hit old-age, borne when his father was old: fo Gen.44.2o. The Chaldee applieth this old -ages to Iofephs manners, faying, he was a wife finne unto him. And others fay, was not Benjamin alfi afame of old age? But becaafe:( Iakob) faw by (the ffirit of) prophetic, that Iofeph fhatld ceigne ; therefore he laced him, above all hoe tomes , Pir(ei R. Eliez. eh. 38. many co- lours] Hebr. palm. that is , varieties , and fo the Greek hath (poikilan,) various or manifold, to weet, inthrecds and colour; an embraydered coat , fuch kings daughters hied to weare,2 Sam.13.18.Snch God fpiritually clotheth his Church withall,PC 45.54,15.Ezek.i6.1o.13. and thereby is figsill- cd the yarietie of wiledorne and manifold graces given to his people, Ephef 3; 10. 1 Pet. 4.10. Song 1.9, io. And Chrill had fuch, above his felluwes, PCn1.45.8.Hcb.1.9. Vcri.4en'ich peace] or, into peace , that is, peace- 4 ably, gently, lavincly: for of the abnndancn'ofthe heart the mouth fpeaketh, Much. t 2.34. The 1 Grecke tranflateth,no peaceable thing. 5 Vert 5. dreamed] by filch means God ufed of old to thew unto men, what he was about to doe; Gen.41 .25.Ioel2. 28. Namb.s .6. i King.3.5. Such dreanies were to bec regarded as oracles of God : other, have their deceits and vanities: fee Gen.2o.3. And God Pent dreames to his people, Cornet ime to comfort, fometime to chafien, and aftlí& thèm.Matt.2:]'9.- x°22.Iob 7.13,14. yet the more] Hebr. they added yet to bare him. So Chrift and his difciples tor declaring Gods word, were hated of men,' as Ioh.17.14.. 7 have given them ;h word and the world bath hated them. This ftorie of Iofeph is a patterne ofaffliaions,which the god- ly Suffer in this world for Chrifts fake, and for the word of their teftimony : and it miniftreth comforts to the diltreffed. V.7.binding]HIebr fh.,eaving, or jheaf- bindmp.This being harveft work,and harveft ufually fignrfying the latter time or end,Pfal.t26.5,6. Matt.13.39. Rev. 14.15.God forefhewed, not the prefent but future honor which Iofeph Mould have,after ma- ny dayes offorrow.Alfo when his brethren went iuroEgypt far eorne,this dream was fuif lled.Gen. 42.6. within] or, in themidfl of a field. eom- paid] or flood roand about : and this is a figne of honour to him that is compaffed. Therefore the teftimoniall of Gods glorious prefence,ufually is in the midit; and others baud about, Num.2.I 7. Rev.43 4So Exo.18.13.Pfa.7, 8.& 142.8. bowed down]or did obeyfance: as was fulfilled in Gen.4z.6. Verf.B.reigniog reign] that is, in deed reign: fo af- tee, be deed rule : and deed come. The apply this dreame unto thentfelves, (as did allo the Madianites, Iudg 7.t 3,14.) which aggrava- ted theirfinne, in refiffingg Gods manifefted. will, Ioh.15.22.The manner offp eaking,is alfo a deny- all : (halt thou reign ?that is,tbou fhalt not:fee Gen.18. 17. Thus Mofes, and Chrift himfelfe,wererefn- fed by their people,Aft.7.27.3 5 Lnk.19.s 4. Verf. l o. brethren] Abrahamsfeed were likened to ftarrer for multitude, Gen.22.I 7. here Ial lobs children are likened to ftarres, for glory, Ihining as lights inthe world, Phil.2.15. and in Dan.B.' so. they are alfo the heflofheaven. Iakoband his wif are here the fanne and moune;ftich honour God vonchfafeth to his contemned fervants.And Iofeph in this,as in manyotherparticulars,asay refemble Iefue,át whole named' kneesmull bow, Verl i s. ebferved] laid it to heart, howfoever for the prefent, he gave his fonne a light rebuke ; not fully perceiving the end of the thing. Thus is it fpokenalfo of Mary the mother of Chrift,Ltik. 2.19.51. Verf. z 4.the peace] that is, the welfare, or how they proffer: as the Greeke explaineth it, if they be well. See Gen.4t.16.As Iofeph here,fo Chrift was fent to the loft fheepe of the hostie of Ifrael, net onely to know,but to procure their peace, Mat.i 5.24. Luk. 19.42. toSechem] which was about 6o. Englifh miles,diftant from Chebron. There alto was that great maffacre comniitteda while be- fore, by lakobs foes, Gen.34. The danger of the place, might make Iakb more carefull to inquire oft heir welfare. V. i s.o, man] The Hebrew Do&ors underfiand this of the AngelGabriel,eall ed in Dan.9.2 t,tbe man Gabriel:Pirkei R.Eliez.eb.38. but this is uncertain. V.16. fecking my brethren] this fetteth forth Io- fephs care and diligence. So the Son of man came, to feke and lave that which was loft : Luk. 1,9.10. Verf.l7.Dofhan]or Doti:eh: orboth wales it is written. The Gréeke callcth it T(;hain1. It was a 7 a IO II 14 1S i6 17 QOM 1//////1P//1141 511111111qI1I