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The famine increaleth. GENES be among them, men of adtivítie : theal ap- point thou them rulers ofcáttell , over choie 7 which I have,And Jofephbrought- in,Jakob ¡his father; and made him Rand, before Pha- 8 raoh: and Jakob,blefled Pharaoh. And Pha - Í raoh laid , unto Jakob: how many are the 9 daies, of the yeeres of thy life ,f And Jakob laid, unto Pharaoh ; the daies, ofthe yeeres of my pilgrimages, are an hundred, and thir- tie yeeres: few and evil', have beene the !dales oldie yeers of my lit è; and they have not attained, unto the daies of the yeeres of the life of my fathers; in the daies of their Io pilgrimages. And Jakob, bleffed Pharaoh : I1 and went out, from before Pharaoh. And Jofeph placed , his father and his brethren ; and gave them a poffefïion, in the land of E- gypt ; in the belt of the land, in the land of 12 R amefes: as Pharaoh had commanded.And Jofeph nourjfhed his father & his brethren; and all his fathers houle : with bread, accor- i3 ding to the little -ones. And there was no bread,in all the land;for the famine was very heavie: and the land ofEgypt,& the land of 14 Canaan,fainted,by reafon ofthe famin. And Jofeph gathered -up all the money that was found in the land of Egypt, & in the land of Canaan; for the corne which they bought: and Jofeph brought the money into Phara- I5 ohs houle. And the money was (pent out of the land of Egypt, and out of the land of Canaan:andall the Egyptians came unto Jo_ feph,faying, Give us bread; and why fhould we die, is; thy prefence : becaufe money fai- 1 leth. And Jofeph faid,give your cattell; and I will give you, for your cattell :'if money 17 faile. And they brought their cattell , unto Jofeph; and Jofeph gave them bread, for horfes, and for cattell, ofthe flocke,and for cattell of the herd, and for atlas: and he fed them withbread, for all their cattell; in that r 8 yeere. And that yeere,was ended; and they came unto him,in the fecond yeere, and faid unto him, we will not hide it from my lord; how-that money is fpent, and the po(feflion of beans (is come) unto my Lord there is nòt left, before my Lord ; ought lave our 19 bodies, and our land. Wherefore (hall wee die before thine eies; both wee and our land t buy us and our land , for bread : and wee will be , wee and our land, fervants to Pharaoh ; and give thou feed, that wee may live and not die , that the land be not defo_ 2 0 late. And Jofeph bought all the land of E. gyps, for Pharaoh; for the Egyptians fold, every man his field; becaufe the famine pre- I sXLVII. lakobs age. 159 vailed over them: and the land became Pha- raohs. And the people,he removed them to at cities : from one end of the border of Egypt, even to the other end thereof. Onely the 22 land of the Priefls bought he not : for the Priefts had an allowance from Pharaoh; and they did eat their allowance which Pharaoh gave them;therfore they fold not their land. And Jofeph faid unto the people ; behold, I have bought you this day, ano your land,for Pharaoh : loe here is feed for you, and yee (hall low the land. And it fhalbe,in the reve- 24 nue;that you Thal give the fiftpart unto Pha- raoh: and four parts ( halbe for you; for feed of the field, and for your meat, and for them that are in your houles, & for meat for your little -ones. And they Paid, thou haft prefer. ved-us-alive : let us finde grace in the eies of my Lord;& we will be fervants to Pharaoh. And Jofeph put it for a ftatute,unto this day, 26 over the land of Egypt, for the fife part unto Pharaoh: Cindy the land of the Priefts, of them alone; vbas not Pharaohs. And Ifrael dwelt, in the landof Egypt, in the land of Gofhen: and they held poffeffiontherin,and were fruitfull andmultiplied exceedingly. AND JAKOB LIVED, in the lan.i of 28 Egypt, feventeen yeers : and the daies of Jakob,the yeeresofhis life; were an hun- dred and forty yeers,and liven yeeres. And the daies of Ifrael drew nigh, to die: and he called his fon Jofeph, and Paid unto him ; if now I have found grace in thine eies ; put I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh : and thou (halt do with me,mercie and truth; bu- rie menot,I pray thee, in kgy pt. 'But I will lie with my fathers : and thou (halt carry me out of Egypt, aid bury me, in their burying place : and he Paid , I will doe according to thy word. And he faid,fweare unto me; and 31 he (ware unto him : and Ifrael bowed-him- felfe upon the bedf -head. 23 aS z7 29 30 Annotations. SOme] or part : the Greeke faith anely,_ of his Brethren. Ver. ;. your works]that is,your occopation.So Gen. 46 33 Sheepberdi]Hebr.afeederaffbeepe, the fin- gular being put for all,as Gen 3.a.or underftaud, every of them it a Sbeepberd. Verf. 6. before thee] expofed unto, and free for thee. So Gen .13.9. & zo. 15. & 3 4.10. ofaifi vitie] or, ofabilitie, ocrer,prowe. It implleth a1- well times of mindpas of body : and fo prudence, diligence,valour,Exo.8.2 T. Rulers] or A'fafiere, Princes. chafe which I have] meaning, either thole P a smell; 3 6 or