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G E N E S I s XLIX. Iakobs blefsing. 16; his elder, Gen.2 5.23. AICo in Iakobs houfe , Id- dah and lofeph had preheminence above Ruben, Simeon,Levi,Gen.49. I Chron 5.1.2. And even ,front the beginning , 'Inn the firft -borne of A- dam,was a reprobate, Genu4. to teach that mans dignity is not by workes,or nature; but by Gods grace and ele &ion, Rom. And this anion of blef&ng Jofephs fonnes , Iakob perfor- med byfaith, Htb.n.zt. VerL. 29. fball become] Hebr. fleail be to a people : meaning, a father to a multitude. fha1 be great] in Greeke, fleal(beexalted. greater] Therefore when the Ifraeliteswere firft numbred in the wil- derneffe, Ephraim was reckoned before , and had 83oo. men more then Mauajet,Nun'.1.32.33. 3 5.AlIo in camping about the Tabernacle of the Lord, Ephraim had the ftanderd, and was fet be- fore Manaffes, Numb. z. 18.20. Howbeit in the fecond mullering,(38.yeeres after) k was other- wife for the number, Nunt.26.28. &c. Yet after that again, Ephraim had his preheminence, Deut.33.17.Of him came Iota the conqueror of Canaan, Numb. s 3.9.17. And Ieroboam King of Ifati : whereupon Ephraim is ufed for the name of thetkiugdome, ECa.7.z.9.17. & 1 1.13. & 28. 1.Ier.7.15. Ezek. 37.16. Hof. 5.12.13. and 9.3. 11. aplenty]orfulruf : that is, as the Greeke tranflateth, amnititrde: fo call.e:dfor filing up a number or place. So, aplenty offhepherdr,Efa.31.4 thac is, a multitude: and this phrafe Paul Meth in Rom. 11.25. the plenty of the Gentiles ,'that is, the full multitude and number of them. The Chaldee , here tranflateth , his fonnes (hall be rulers among the peoples. Though Ephraim hadthus the prehemi- neuce,and a chiefe bleffingabove the formes of IC- rael : yet it pleafed God to afi& him, betore'all Isis brethren ; in that evill befell his bottle and fonte of his fons were Gaine bythe men of Gath, (the Phil Mines) for whom Ephraim mourned many d. =yes, I Chron.7.20. -23. 20 VerC2o. In thee] or, By tier, that is, taking thee for an example; as the words following fhew.So Rachel and ,Leah are propounded for examples in 'blelûng, Ruth.4. t I. Zedekias and Abab,in curling, Iers.2 z. /pad] that is, my pofterity the Ifr 21 aeiites : fee Gen.19.3 7. and 34.7. serf 2e. God mill be] the Chaldee expounds it, Ihewordofthe Lord will be yearlrape. the land] of Canaan,where Abraham, Ifaak,and Iakob dwelt, the figure of their heavenly inheritance,Gem.1 a. 5. & 26.3. & 37. I. whereof Iakob putteth them in mind and prophefieth their returne thither. 22 Verf zz.dcegizn]bequeathingas by will and te- ftament, that portion of the land to thee, that is, to thy pofterity, above thy brethren: for the &rit borne was to.have a donbleportion,Deut.21.17. and now the fill birth-right became Iofephs, 1. Chron.5.2. and in the figurative description of Chrils Church, Iofeph hath two portions , Ezek. 47.13. portion] the Hebrew Sechem fignifieth properly a fheulder, was alto the name of a chic (and the Prince thereof) ,where Iakob bought .a piece of ground,Gen.33.1.8, t 9. Here it is tared (but with reference to the name of the place) for a portion of ground,and fo the Chef plainly expounds it, one chie('e portion: And that place of Stehen,, was the inheritance of Iofephs f ons the Ephramites,IoCt 6. t . &c. and 20.7. lob. 4.5.and thither were Iofephs bones caried out of Egypt,andbnriel,Iof24.1.25.32. have taken] that is, (ball take; but fpoken prophetically, and in faith ; (as unto us a child is borne, Efa.9.6. which was a prophe is ofChrht.)Thus Iakob di Cpofeth of things to come, as already poiTeffed : where- upon Ins faith in this a tion is commended Hey. 11,21. the Amite] that is, as the Greeke .tranflateth, 44gterites; which one name is tired ge- nerally for al the het bees that poffeffed the land, Iof 24.8. Antos 2. 9. my fisord] that is, she fwordof my children the Ephraimítes ; which hel- ped to conquer the land, and were a mighty peo- ple in Iofi'ahs time: fieIoC 17.14.-18. Sony armholes, Ezek. 13. 18. that is, the armholes of my people: al(ò mynombe, fob+ so that is, my mothers trombe. The Chaldee under(tood this fiord & bow liguratively;tranflating, by my prayer, and by my fop - plieatian. CHAP. XLIX. I, Iakob cálleth hisformés to bleffe them. 3, The bleffnge Ruben, 5, of Simeon andLevi, 8, of le- ds, 13, of Zahulpt, 14, of lffachar, 16, of Dan. 19, efGad,20,ofAfer, 23, ofNaphtali, z2,oflo- fph, 27, of lerjaatin. 29, Jakob chargeth thema- bout his buriali in Canaan. 33. IL dieth. ANd lakob called unto his fops : and Caid ; gather your (elves together,that I may thew you 5 that which 'ball be- yon; in the latter dayes. A.. :embleyour 2 felves together and heare,yce Ions of Iakob:' ani hearken unto Ifracl your father. Ruben, 3 thou .4.1- my firft-borne ; my might, and the I beginning of my valour : the excellencieof, bye-dignity, & the exçellencie of ftrength. Vnftable as waters, excell not thou; becaufe thou wenteft.up, to thy fathers beds : then thou deñledit, my couch he went -up unto. Simeon and Levi, brethren: inftruments 5 of violent wrong, in their foiourning habi- tations. My foule, come not thou in their fe- G cret; my glory, bee not thou united unto their affembly:for in their anger,they killed ' - a man; and in their felfe_will;they houghed the oxe. Curled be their anger , for it tsar flrong;and their excecding.w.rath,for is was hard : I will divide them in Jakob, and feat ter them abroad, in Ifrael. iudah ; thou, thy brethren (hall confeffe 8 thee; thy hand, Jlsall be in the neck of thy e- nemies: the Connes of thy father, thanbow- down themfelves unto thee.Iudah a renting. lions whelpe;from the prey,my fon thou art gone -up: he ftoupeddowne, he couched, as P4 a I 9