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$ The burning bulb. EXODUS III. Gods name. Exod. 3.7. or, om them, in their forrowes; that is, cared for them; as /viewing often figniñeth,. Pfa 3 1.8.& 1.6.Pro. t z.z o. The dreek tranffateth it bee war known unta them; theChaldee, hee failly his marl, that hee world deliver them. MAAMIAAMMAAAMMA CHAP. III. 1, Mofes keepetb leave' .1 flock. 2, Gad appeared) to him in a burning befb. 9, He fcndetb him to deliver If reel. I 4, T he Name or Ged is declared. i5, His mpg to Ifrael, r 8, and to the King of Egypt. i 9,7 he Kings r`efztianee, E ypts plagues., and Ifr ads departure with riebfpoika, are firetold. I N D Mofes was feeding the flocke of A Jethro his father in law, the Prieft of Midian: and he led the flocke behind the wilderneffe ; and came to the moun:aine á of God,to Horeb. And the Angell of Jeho- vah appeared unto him, in a flame or fire, out of the middh of a bramble -bulb : and he law, and behold the bramble -bush burned with fire, and the bramble-bulb was not 3 confumed.And'Mofes faid,I will turne afide now,and fee this great fight, why the bram- 4 ble bufh is not burnt.And Jehovah frwthat he turned afide to fee; and God called unto him, our of the midft of the bramble-bulb, and faid , Mores, Mofes; and hee faid, Loe 5 here I am.And hee faid, Draw not nigb,hr- tner; put thy fhooes from off thy feet,;for the place the which thou flandeft upon , is 6 holy ground. And he faid,I am the God of l thy father, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaak, and the God of Jakob : and Mores hid his face,for he feared to look upon God. 7 And Jehovah laid, Seeing I have feene the aflliEtion of my peoplewhich arein Egypt, and have heard their out -cry, b'ecaule of their taskmallers,for I know their forrows. 8 And I amcome downe to deliver them out of the hand of the Egyptians and to bring them up out of that land unto a good land and a large, unto a land flowing with milk & honey, untothe place ofthe Canaanite,and the Chethite,and the Annorire,and the Plie- s, rizzite,and the Evite,and the Jebufite. And now, behold, the out-cry of the fonnes of Ifrael is corne unto me, and I have alto feen the opprefl on wherwith the Egyptians op- t° prc(fe them. And now come,and I will fend thee unto Pharaoh;and bring thou forth'my people the formes of Ifrael , out of Egypt. I t And Moles laid unto God, Who ain I, that I should goe unto Pharaoh,and that I should bring forth the Eons of Ifrael out of Egypt c And he faid, Certainly I will be with thee, j12 and this (hall he unto thee, a figne that I have fent thee ; when thou haft brought forth the people out of Egypt, yee (hall ferve God at this mountain. AndMofes Paid unto God; Behold, when I Come unto the fonnes of If- rael, and (hall fay unto them , The God of your fathers bath Pent me unto you,and they (hall fay to me, What is his name? what (hail I fay unto theme And God Paid untoMofes, I am,that I am : and he Paid, Thus (halt thou fay unto the fonnes of Ifrael; I am, bath fent me unto you. And God Paid moreover unto Mofes , Thus IFalt thou fay unto the fonnes of Mae; Jehovah the God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Ifaak,and the God of Jakob, hath fent mee unto you : this is my name forever, and this is my me- morial l to generation and generation. Goe, and gather together the Elders oflfrael,and fay unto them, Jehovah, the God of your fathers hath appeared unto me , the God of Abraham, of lfàak and of Jakob, faying,Yi- fiting I have viuted you and that which is done to you in Egypt. And I have faid, I' will bring you up , out of the of hi6lion of Egyyr, unto the land of the Canaanite, and the Chethite,and theAmorite,and the Phe- rizzite,and the Evite, and the Jebufite; unto a land flowing with milke and honey. And 18 they (hall hearken to thy voice : and thou (halt come,thou and the Elders of Ifrael,un- to the King of Egyprand you (hall fay unto him , Jehovah the God of the Hebrewes bath met with us, and now let us goes wee beseech thee, three daies journey into the wilderneffe , that wee may sacrifice to Jeho- vah our God. And I doe know that the king 19 of Egypt will not, grant you to goe, no not by a mighty hand. And I will fend out my a o hand, and finite Egypt,with all my marvels which !will doe in the midi thereof, and after that hewill fend you away. And I will give this peoplé grace in the eies of the E. gyptians ; asid it (hall be, whenyougoe, ye (hall not goe emptie. But every woman (hall ask of her neighbour,and Of her that fojour- neth in her houfe, jewels offlver, and jew- els of gold, and garments ; and ye (hall put themupon your ions , and upon your daugh. ters,and ye Ihall fpoile the Egyptians. 13 14 IS 16 17 Annotations. aI 22 Eehre] in Greche, letbor; he was alto named Ha- i was the fon of Ragend fore-mentioned, Exod. /.l// //oulmllilovaA11J e nmun//