d/'..1/M//I11I1 MINtll//I/Il.Yf Io ExoDlls 111. words following confirme it.See Cen.3.2. God ofAbraham] to whom the land of Canaan was firft protnifed;Gen.i2.1.7.the afli&ton of his feed in Egypt prophefied ; and the deliverance from the fame, now to be performed : Gen.15.13,16. Ex- od. 3. 8. And becaufe God is not the God of the dead, but of the livivg,our Saviour from this fpeech prc- veth,that Abraham and ethers dead to the world, yet lived tinto God , and their bodies fhould be railed againe from the dead, Matth. 12. 3 1, 32. Luk. 20. 37, 38. hid] in Greeke, turned away : this hiding was in confcience of his owne infir- mitie , and of Gods majeftie , fo that Moles trem- bled, and dull not behold, Aß. 7.3 2. Ella covered lris face with bit mantle, I King. 19. 13. and the Sera - phims covered theirs with their wings, Ea. 6.2. See alto Job 13.20. Luke 5.8. Efa.6.5. to look] fo the Greeke alto tranflateth it, referring it to the lait word Tared. It may alto be engli(jied, from looking, or, that be night not look, referring it to the former, he hidhisface. For God, the Chaldee tran- flateth, theghry ofthe Lord. 7 Verr. 7. feeingI have feene] that is, IhazePurely feene: the like phrafe is in Gen. 2. 17. Gods teeing and hearing,implied a mercifull regard,and pitty- ing of their mifèrie, Pfal. sob. 4+,4.5. Gen. 29. 32. therefore the people, when they underftood this, gave thanks to God,Exod.4.3 i. Some of the Hebrewes (as the Zohar upon this place) expoun- ded it thus : Seeing fir the good of Ifrael; 'have lieu, for vengeance upon thole that ogpref them.' In this fenle, Zacharie Paid at his death, The Lord fee it, and require it,2 Chron.24.22. their Tasks :iers] or , his Taskntaf er ; fpeaking of the people , as of , one man:fee the notes on Gen 22.17.Taskmafiers, here properly are Exal'tars; and is generally ufed for (itchas require and exal , either mony, as in 2 King.23.35orany debt, Dent. 15.2. or other - wife doe oppreffe any, Eí.1.53.7. Here the Greek tranflatethit,¡forkmahiers; the Chaldee, Rulers. They figured fpirituall Tyrants alto, from whom hee will deliver his people; Efa. 9.4. and 14.2. and 6o. 17. 8 Verf8. am come down] to wit, in this vifìon : as the Chaldee tranflateth, I doe appeare, (or, am re- vealed.) Sec Gen. 11.5. them] Hebr, him : that is,the people. The Greeke tranflateth it , them : fo Both the holy Ghoft, in AM. 7.34. the hand] that is, the power and dominion: as Gen. 16.6. and 32. as. So ChriR came to deliver us out of the bands ewe enemies , Luke 1.74, whereof this now was a type. milk and honey] under which, all o- ther bleffings are comprehended there was no lathe of any thing,Deut,8.7,8,9.Of this country, fee the notes onGen.i 2.5.and as the land figured out a heavenly country; fo mike and honey fignified fpirituall hidings in Chrifl,Song4.1 i. Pfa. 19. t I.Efa.5 5.1.1 Pet.2.2. This prrife of the land,is often mentioned by this phrafe , as in Exo.13.5 and 33. 3. Lev.z o.24. Deut. 6.3. and a i . 9. Jof:5. 6. Jeri 1.5. Each. zo. 6. And the Ifaelites upon the fire view, acknowledged it fo to be, Num. t 3. 28. and yeerly profeffed the fame,by Gods corn- triandement,Deut.26.9,t 5. Yet the rebellious de- fpifed ir, and called Egypt, a land that flaweth with mi/1g and bo çy Numb. 16. 3, 14. Canaanite] that is as the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate, Ca- ' naanites , Chethites , &c. See Gen. t o. t6. and 15. 20. So after, verfe 17. Verî i o.lard thee] The fecret infpiration which Motes had before from God, (Exbd. 2.11. Aß.7. 25.)is here becomean open calling,and full com- miflìor; and hee whom the Ifraelites had refuted, faymg, Who made thee a ruler anda judge ? the fame diii God ftnd to be a ruler and deliverer by the band of the Angel, whichappeared to him ins/se bramble -br fh, Mb. 7.3 5. This fending of Mots,is allo mentibned as a mercie of God, Pfal.a o5.26. Mich.6.4. Hof..a z. a 3. unto Pharaoh] theGreeke addeth , King of Egypt : in A&.7.34. it is, I will fend thee into Egypt. bring thmt] in Greeke, thou_Pall bring. See the notes on Gen. zo. 7. Verf.22.Certainly] or,Becauf Iwill be : the Chal- 2I dee faith, becaufemywordfballbe thine helpe. this] the prefent apparition of my glory in the bulb, which thou feefl : or, this, that followeth,ye foal/ ferve God at this mount. The firft was a fi ne to ftrengthen Motes in his bttítneffe with Pharaoh, Exod. 5. 22,23. the latter , to confirme him.a- gainft the many rebellions of Iael,mentioned Num. 11. I o, 11, t 4,15. Deut.9. 22,23, 24. at this] or,by this mount. This was fulfilled,when at mount Sinai, the law being given, the Tabernacle was made, and facrifice and other lervice perfor- med unto God, Exod. i 9.and 25. &c. which be- ing a mount in the wilderneffe, in Arabia; the worfhippers and children thereof were in bon- dage, as was Agar, and figured the old Teftament and thole under the fame,by Mofes Iaw,Ga1,4.24, 25. Now we by Chril'c are not toute thither , but unto mount Sion,where all the houfe of Ifrael,and all in the land are to ferve the Lord :Heb. 12.18. z z, Ezek.2o.40. Rcv.14.1, Vera 3.what is his name ?] This may imply,after 13 what manner,and to what end,God had now ap- peared ; whether for mercie or judgement. For God by names manifefteth his works,as after ap- peareth in Exod.6.3. S0 the Hebrewes teach (in Elle fhemo;h rabba upon this place) that when God judgerle his creatures, hee is called Elohim, (God;) when he warreth againft the wicked, he is called Sabaotb, (Lord of bof s;) when hee doth mercie unto the world, he is called Iebovah; as in Exod. 34.6. Iebtvab, Iebovab, God mereifirll andgraeiànr. Vert 14. Iamthat I am] the Hebrew, Ebjch 14 41 ter ehjeh, properly fignifieth, I will be that I will be: the Greek tranflateth,/ am be that E. And God is called,he that io, andthat ram, andthat will be,Rev. 26. 5. where this name Ei jeh, is opened, as alto the name lehovah, whereof fee Get,.2.4. Exod.6. 3. It impliethGods eternall and unchangeable Being inhimfelfe (before whom,all nations areas nothing,Eí.4o.17.)and the confant performing of all his words, to be now & for ever that which he wan before, to Abraham, Ifaak and Ï :hqb, verle a5. So, IefaoChri (fyj?erday and to day , the feme,and for ever, Heb. 13. 8. The Rabbinea doe thus allo explaine this name, in Ellefhemoth rabbe,npon this testt 10 /.rall117142.7141/0n Ill