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22 23 24 EXODUS I V. Maimony treat. of Repentance, ch. 6. fe &.3. Where- as the Rabbine faith of Repentance , that that it the boding,: wee may better fay, that the forgizenef e of finnes upon their repentance and faith in God is the healing : for whereas it is written , left they fhould be converted and I fhould Beale them, Mat.i 3.15. another Evangelift expoundeth it, left they fhould be converted, and their fienta fhculd be forgiven them, Mar.4.12. With his other Doarine,of God with- holding repentance from fome (inners, we may com- pare that of the Apoftle, in Heb. 6.4, 6. of chore whom it is impoffîble to renew unto repentance. Verf. 22. my fill borne] This (hewed' both the right which God had in them, and the love which he bare unto them : Gen.22.2. Pfal 89.28. 1 Joh.3. a. This grace Ifrael obtained by adopti- on in Chrift, Joh. 1.12. Rom. 8.14,15. Heb.c 2. 23. Hof. s 1.s. Andby Ifrael here is meant thepeo- ph, the Cons or Church of Ifrael; as all Ifrael,' King. 8. 62. is in verfe 63. all the fames of Irael , and in 2 Chron. 7. 4., 5. called all the people. So, all Ifrael, 2 Chron. lo. 3. is expounded, all the Church (or congregation) flfrael, 1 Kings 12, 3. Howbeit, as the like fpeech in Hof 1 t.1. is applied unto Chrift himfelfe, Matth,2. 15. fo is this place by theHebrew Dottors in their Midras (or Com- ment) on Pfal. 2.7. Verf. 23. And I] or Therefore I: fee Gen.31.44. fay unto thee] This manner of fpeech is with authoritie, as commanding : fo the Greeke tranfla- teth the word, in Jofs 1.9. and fay, in Luke 9.54. and 4 for command: and a thing fpoken in Gods name, 1 Chron. 2c. 19. is faid to be commanded, 2 Sam. 24.19. and that which in Mark. 7. 13. is called the word of God , is inMattis. 15. 6, called his commandement. fend away] that is, by thy word, let my fame gee, or fuffer bins to goe; to wit, willingly: as that which in Mar.5.12. is written, Send or unto the freine, is in Matthew 8. 31. and Luke 8.3 2. Suffer ss to gee. And it is meant here, of letting them goe free out of their fervitude, (es after, thisword is ufed in like cafes, Exo. 21. 26. 27.) for Egypt was the boufe f fervants, Exod. 20.1. and 1.13. thy fir Ft borne] not only of Pharaoh, but of all the Egyptians, as was fulfilled Exodus 12. 29. and upon all the hoff of Pharaoh, Exod. 14.28. lied. 24 the way] towards Egypt. lebo- vah] the Greeke and Chaldee tranliate, the Angell of the Lord. to kill him:] that is, Mo(ès; who for neglea of circumcifing his fonne, was guilty of cuttingoff by the law of God, Genis 17.14. This feveritie God ufed towards Mofes, who was going to take charge of the Church ofGod, and yet had fuch corruption in his owns family, as that the Peale of the righteoufneffe of faith in Chrift, was therein omitted ; an evil' example to all pad. So the HebrewDo &ors (as the Zo- bar upon this place) frame a fpeech from hence,. that God fhould fay unto Mofes,Thou art going to deliver Ifrael , and to bring dawn a miphtie King : and than thy fehl haft call away my covenant from thee. O- thers of them write, that except the Tribe of Levi, of whom it is aid, they kept thy covenant, Deu- teronomie33. 9. all /lead befides, omitted the covenant of Circumci1iion in Egypt, and were cir- cumciCed thereby Mefes; that they might eat the Paffeover according to the Law, Exodus 1 z. 48. Maimony in Mifneh, tom. 2. in Affurei biah ; chap- ter 13. felt. 2. Verf: 25. fharpe flan] or fharpe knife : but both Greeke and Chaldee versions call it a flow: the Hebrew hath the name of edge , or fharpnefJe Pei!. 89.44. and a flan -rack¢ is fo called for the th . rp- neffe of it. So in Jo. 5.2. make thee knives of edges, (that is,fharpe kitiver) or f frames. cafl it] He- brew , made it 'tomb his feet: the Chaldee Bich, brought it neere before him. Hereby, Mof e feet feeme to be meant : howbeit the Jerufalemie Thargum expoundeth it, the feetoftheDefároyer, meaning of the Angell that came to kill Mofer. The Greeke tranflateth, free fell at bit feet. a hatband j or, a bridegroome ofbloodr; that is, abloody bridegroome or husband : as, a man of bloods, 2 Samuel 16.7. is a. cruelibloody man: fo here Zipporahseemeth in indignation againit her husband, thus to call him. Some thinke the childe is thus called, be- caufe'in the day of the Circumcifion it is as e- fpcufed unto GOD, by the Peale of the co.. venant. The Chaldee tranflateth it , (òr the blood of the Circumcifion, let my hatband bee gi- ven wee. Verf. 26. bee let him goe] or, left off (flaked) 26 from him : by bee, meaning GO D, who fought before tooltill Mofees , verfe 24. So the Thargum Jerufalemie faith, the Deflrayerlet him gee. a hatband, be.] here the Chaldee paraphrafeth thus, had it not beenfor the blood of shit Cireumctfron, my husband mull needs have ben billed And it is like that upon this occafion and trouble, Zippo- rab with her children, was fent backe againe from hence, to her fathers houfe,as appeareth by Exodus. 18. 2, 3. Verf. 27. of God] that is, mount Horeb; where theglory of the Lord bad ben revealed faith the Chal- dee paraphralt. So Exod. 3. 1. And now God (hewed that mercie to Aaron, which after bee re- hearted to Ely, one of his potteritie, t Sans. 2.27. 28. Did not I plainly appeare unto the ;tuft of thy fa- there, when obey were in Egypt, &c. Verf. 30. Aaron fake] as God ordained, verfe 30 16. bee] that is, Moles dud; as Was appointed, verfe 17 .and the fgnes were thole three forenmen- tloned, verf. 3. &c. Vert: 31. heard] that is, hearkened gladly to j t this joyfull tidings, as God foretold,Exod.3.t 8. therefore the Greeke tranflateth it,and they rejoyced that the Lord had viftted. And the Holy Ghoft fheweth filch force to be in the Hebrew word; for when one Prophet faith, Ezekiae heard (or hearkened) 2 King. 20. 13. another faith, Ezekiat woeglad, Efa.39.2. viftted] to wit;in mercie: the Chaldee faith, remembred. See Gen. 21.1. Luke 1. 68. flew] to wit,with consiferation,as Exo.3.7. beadeddown the head]this was a gefture of humi- liation, with the face toward the grannie, at is ex- preffed in 2 Chronic. 20.18. Exod. 34.8. bawd tbemfelvesjor, war/hipped ; f/ldowneproflrase. B b z This sy 27