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Exonus V. 23' wherefore it it that thou haft Pent mee For Gnce I came to Pharaoh , to fprake in thy name, hee hath done evill to his people ; and delivering thou haft not de- livered thy people. . Annotations. ' End away] let goe cut of thy fcrvitude : fee c S the notes on Exod. 4.23. keepe a f aft] The fidt fignification of the Hebrew word chagag, is to dance, 1 Sam. 30. 16. or , to fume round Plalm. 107.27. and fecondly it is applied to keeping a feaf} religioully, which was with eating , drink- ing, dancing, and mirth, Judg. 21. 19, 21. Deut. i6. z5. figuring out our fpirituall joyes for re- demption by Chem, I Cor.5.8. Naha. This fhould Ifiael have celebrated to the Lord; but they perfornted it to an Idoli, the worke of their owne bands, Exod. 32.6.19. Mt. 7. 41. Among the heathens, they obferved allo leach rites, facrificing to their gods, with dances, &c. Sophocles Eletira. 2 Plutarch inThefo. Verf.2. Wbo ú Iehevah] The Chaldee paraphra= feth, The name of the Lerch,- roe revealed untome, that Ifhould obry his word, &c. Such an anfwer God foretold, that he would give, Exo.3. r9. 'knob, not)againe the Chaldee turneth it the Udine of the Lord is not revealed unto me. Verl:3. bath met] See Exod 3.18. The Greeke tranflateth , bath ealled us. journey] or way: fee Exod. 3.18. fall upon] or meet or, as vere 20. and Gen.32.1. but when there is added the fword, or the like, it fignifieth falling upon, as Judg. 8.2o, 2r. pefliknee] or mortalitie. The Greeke and Chaldee eradiate it here and oftentimes,death.So the holy Ghoft putteth death , for the peltilence, in Rev. 6.8. from Ezek. 14.21. The Hebrewes (who had orders for falling and prayer in time ofpeftilence)feemealto not-to reftraineit to that contagious fickneffe , which wee commonly call the pet} or plague; but count all extraordinary and continued mortality , the peftilence ; if it be a- mong five hundred (hang men; that three die in three daies one after another ;and fo in all num- ber above that. Their words are; What is the Pefl i- lence.(Deber ?) A eitiewherein are five hundred footmen, (that is, ftrong and lofty men, as Exod. I z. 37.) if there gee out ofit (that is, be buried) three dead men in three dales one after another ; lee, this is Deber (the Pefliknce.) they goe ou: in one day, or in fiuredales, it is not she Peffiknce. If there be in it a thoufand, and there goe out óf it fixe dead men in three daies one after another , obis is the Pefiilenace : if theygee ont in one day, ar vs forre, it is not the Peftik ore. And fo (in others) ae- cording to this computation. But no women, or children, or aid men thathave left of working, are at all reckmed fr men in this cafe. Maimony in Mifitch in 7agni- nioth. (or treat. offalling) ch.2..5. fword] this lìgnifieth warren, Mich. 4 :3. and as the Greek and Chaldee tranflate it,fl meter.the Apoftle joyneth 3 17 both in one, mentioning they-tighter oftite fmórd, Hebrewes t 1.37, it was one of Gods forme fori judgements , wherewith hee ufed to chaltife his people for their fins, Ezek. 14. 17, 2 I. And not the Egyptians onely but Ifrael might allo feare theee plagues , for their Idolatry in Foppe, Ezek. 20. 7,8. Which therefore they fought to torn away, by humiliation and facrifice to God iii the wilderneffe. And it is a rule among the Jewes, m fall and pray in the time of warre; yea though it be (as they fay) the fword of Peace: as when heathens male marre with heathens , and they paffè by the place of Ifrael; althoub there bee no marre betwixt them and Ifrael , yet this is a difirefji, and they bumble themfelves for u : fir it is faid And the fword fbal not paffé through your land, (Leviticus 26.6.) It it a generalll rule, that the fight of warre is a diffreffè, Maimony in Tagnanioth ; chapter z. fen Rion 4. Ver /4.ceaf]asfee, and atlilerty: the Greeke tranflateth, doe yce turne away the people. The Mini - f }ers of God, are charged by Pharaoh as authors of fedition among his fubjeE}s. So wereChrilt and his Apol}les , Luke 23. 2, 5. Alts 24.5. your burdens] the Chaldee faith, your frvice; the Greeke, every one of you to his worker. Vere 5. of theland]meaning theIfraelites in the land: therefore the Greekeeaplainethitthns,be- bond now this people is multiplied on the land. VerC6.Tathmaffers ofthe people] or,Exatlors among the people; but both Greeke and Chaldee tranflate it, of: and tb Meijer fpeaketh in verC to. Offi- cers] the Greeke tranllateth them Scribes : fo in, veri. 10.14. and uftially. VerC7. anynore give] Hebrew, addt togive. Here the word ofG O D cauled afftiEtions to increalè: And in Ifraelwe may fee a figure of otter çalling, (for all theft things happened unto them far sypes, t Co- rinthians to. II.) the fiat had the word of Pro- idle, which caufed them to beleeve, (Exodus 4. 30,31.) then followeth afiftion, greater then ever before; which almoft difcourageth them, Exodus 5. 21, - -23. after that came their deli- veranee with great glorie, for which they fang the praifesof GOD, Exodus and 14. and 15. So by the word-preached, the Church of Chri(} was gathered, Mt. 2. 41. &n Then fol- lowed great perfecution, Aft. 8. 1. & 9.1 & i 2. 1. &c. Againft which they were confirmed iit grace, by expeEtation of glorie in the Kingdonie of God,A&s 14.22. And this is the continual] coserfe of the Gofpel ; e Theffal. I.6, io. and 2. 14. and 3.2, 3, 4. 2 Thal!. I. 4, 5, 6, 7. 1 Pet. I.3,- 9. and 4.1 2,13. &c. beretofore] Hebrew, yellerday, and the third'day byre : fee Gen. 31.2. fo after, verf.8.14. &c. Verl.8. idle] or lazie, facke t fo verl 17. and facrifacc] or,let to flecriftce: which manner of fpcech no tech their importunitie : but theGreeke fhp- plieth the word and. So after, veil 17. Vere9. labour] or, doe; that is, be doing, or,Infe 9 themfelves; and fo the Chaldee faith, let them GI:_ fie themghes therein , and not bufe themflzcr in idle words: So in Matthew ao. 12. sb fe ltfl B b 3 vice 4 S b 8