III VI IIICU//® % Ex o n us V 1. Moles incouraged, have done.(thatis,have laboured) but one house. Like- wife in Exo.31,4,5 where doing, is ufed for work- ing. The Greeke here tranflateth it,care. vaine ly- ingwords] Hebr. words *flying: which the Greeke tranllsteth,vaine ward,. Vatrityandfalfhrood,are ufed one for another, as is noted on Exod. 20.7. 13 Verf. t 3. tarke] Hebr. word, or thing: which in this cale, was their appointed tasks. So ver. 19. 14 Ver.14. of the ¡Drones ofIftael] that is,whichwere Ifraelites; and the Greche cxplaineth it thus, the Scriber of the linage of the fonnesefllrael. The Taal,, waders therfore, were Egyptians; the Officers were Ifraelites, appointed to over -lee, and hold the people to worke ; as the 15. and 16. verles alfo manifelt : there were opprefléd and beaten ; fo the bondage was great, and univerfall. laying] that is, and faid unto by Pharaoh,' Task- mailers. An Hebrew phrafe, whereof fee theAnnotations on Gen,2.3. and 6.20. 16 Verf 16.it is the ftrme &c.] or,finne is laid upon tby people: it may be underllood of the Egyptians, as if the fen or fault were theirs; and fo the Chal- dee explaineth it, 7hypeople fennethagainfl them; that is, again([ thy fervants the Ifraelites. Or, fn (and fo, pnnìfhment) is laid upon thypeople, us the Ifraelites, without cattle: and fo the Greeke tranflateth, wilt thou therefore wrong tby peop.k ? Sin, is often ufed for punifhment. See Gen.4.7. Verf. 19. them in will] that is, both tbemfelves, 19 (as the Greeke tranflateth it) and the people o- ver whom theywere, to be in an evil/ cali. fay - ing]underftand front verf.l3. and 18. theTark- maflers,and the King alto faying: or,afeer it was faid: fee verf 14. Verf. 20. lightedupan] that is, met w;;leas unloo- 20 ked for ; or fell npon them, with hard words : as verf. 2r. It is the word ufed before in verf:3.and Gen. 28. 11. VerL 21. judge] the Chaldre faith, be avenged. 21 An intemperate Ipeech, and an example of great infirmitie; imputing the caulè of their troublas, to Gods minifters; forgetting their former faith and thankfulneffe, Exo. 4.31. to flints] that is, as theGreekeexplaineth it to be abhorred: tee Gen. 34.30. to give] or, and batb given : as, to held the Arke,, Chron. 13.9. is expounded, and held it, 2 Sam. 6. 6. 23 Verf. 23. de/iveringthou, t&e.] that is, thou hafl not at all delivered, nor (hewed any likely hood as yet thereof. And here Mofes himfelfe bewraieth the remnants of his former infirmitie, Exodus 4. r o, 13. 4", ".t, i; 0T^ 4i' ,.Y¡erF a.NYa,., a,'-(+ 3At' A'S*: JAE' Sm sit 5sk Á:l :are fla .alt" CHAP. VI. 1, God comforteth Mofes, renewing his promifi by bit name Jehovah ; 5, and remembrance of hi, cove- nant. 6, He fendetb him with theft comforts unto If- rael: 9, but they hearken not unto bim. il, He fen- deth him again to Fharaoh, though Mofes it loath to goe. 14, The genealogic of Reuben, 15,. of Simeon, 18, of Levi, of whom came Mofes and Aaron. 28, 1q repeating of Mofes million to Pharaoh, á>td his exception againfl it. ANd Jehovah faid unto Mofes; Now (halt thou fee what I will doe to Pha- raoh ; for by a ftrong hand (hall hee fend them away and by a ftrong hand (hall he drive them out of his land. aoa ANd God fpake unto Mofes, and faid unto him, I am Jehovah. And I appea- red untoAbraham, unto Ifaak, and unto Ja- kob, by (the name of) God Almightie : but by my name Jehovah was I not knowne to them. And alto, I ellablifhed my covenant 4 with them , to give unto them the land of Canaan, the land of their fojournings, in the which they fojourned. And alto, I have heard the groaning of the fonnes of Ifrael, whom the Egyptians keepin fervitude; & I have remembredmy covenant.Therfore fay thou unto the funs of Ifrael ; I am Jehovah, 1 and I will bring youout fromunder the bur- dens of the Egyptians, and I will rid youout of their fervitude , and I will redeelne you with a ((retched -our arme ; and with great judgements. And I will take you tome for a people, and I will be to you a God, and yes (hall know that I am Jehovah your God, which bringeth you out from under the bur - dens of the Egyptians. And I will bring you in unto the land,which I did lift up my hand to give it to Abraham,to Ifaak,and to Jakob: and I will give it to you for an heritage, I am Jehovah. And Mofes fpake fo unto the Ions of Ifrael : but they hearkened not unto Mo- les, for anguifhoffpirit,-and for bard fervi- rude. And Jehovah fpake unto Moles, fay -, ing; Goe in, fpeake unto Pharaoh Ring of Egypt; that hee fend away the Tonnes of If- rael,out of his land.And Mofes fpake before Jehovah , laying, Behold, the tonnes of If- rael have not hearkened unto wee; and how (hall Pharaoh beare mee, and I am of un- circumcifed lips And Jehovah fpake unto Mofes and unto Aaron, and gave them a charge unto the fonnes of Ifrael, and unto Pharaoh the king of Egypt, to bring forth the fonnes of Ifrael out of the land of E- gypt. Thefe be the heads of their fathers houles: the Ions of Reuben the firft borne of Ifrael ; Enoch and Phallu, Hezron and Carmi ; thefe be the families of Reuben. And the Ions of Simeon ; Jemuel, and Ja- min, 2 3 S 6 7 8 9 IO II I2 13 !4 15 a /4111.177se.iiiiiPrmmPmae1 n III eiii