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ivlofes.kindred. EXODUS V 1. min, and Ohad, and Jachin, and Zohar, and Saul, the fon of a Canaaniteffe; thefe are the 16 families of Si.meon.And thefe are the names of the fops of Levi, according to their gene - rations; Getfhon, and Kohath, andMerari; and theyeers of the life of Levi were an hun- 17 dyed !even and thirtie yeeres. The Fons of Genlon,Libni & Shimei, according to their. 18 families. And the fons of Koharh, Amram, and Ifhar, and Hebron,and V zziel and the yeers of the life of Kohath were an hundred r9 three and thirtie yeers. And the Eons of Me- rari , Mahal and Muthi : thefe are the fami- I lies of Levi, according to their generations. 2o And Amram took Jochebed his Aunt unto him to wife, and the bare to him Aaron and Mofes : and the yeeres of the life of Amram were an hundred (even and thirtie yeeres. 21 And the fons of lfhar ; Korah and Nepheg z z and Zichri. And the fonnes of Vzziel; Mi- 23 fael -and Elfaphan, and Sithri. And Aaron Cooke ETifabct, daughter of Amminadab, lifter of Naaffon, unto him to wife, and Thee bare unto him Nadab, and Abihu 24 Eleazar, and Ithamar. And the fonnes of Korah ; Allirand Elkanah , and Abiafaph : 25 thefe are the families of the Korhite. And Eleazar forme of Aaron, Cooke unto him one ache daughters of Putiel,unto him to wife, and the bare unto him Phinehas: thefe are the heads of the fathers of the Levites, ac- 26 eardwg to their families. This is that Aaron and Mofes, unto whom Jehovah Paid; Bring out the fonnes of Ifrael from the land of E- 27 gypt, according to their armies. There are they which fpake to Pharaoh King of E- gypt, to bring out the fonnes of Ifrael from 2 8 Egypt; this Mofes, and Aaron. And it was, in the day when Jehovah fpake unto Mores, 29 in the land of Egypt : That Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, flying, I on Jehovah : (peak thou unto Pharaoh King of Egypt all that 3o I fpeake unto thee. And Mofes laid before Jehovah ; Behold , I am of uncircumcifed lips; and how (hall Pharaoh hearken un- to mee Annotations. 1 BT a ffrong hand] that is by force and con - ftraint, God even compelling him thereto by his judgements : as verfe 6. and Exodus 3. 20. This was fulfilled, Exodus 12. 31, 33. and 13, 3.9. celebrated alwaies after, Deuterono- mte 6.21, 22. and 26. 7,8. Pfalm.136. 10, 11, 12. Jer. 32.20, 21. Dan. 9.15. 19 DDD] Here beginneth the fourteenth SeEti- on ar Lettuce of the Law : called of the begin- ning of the third verfe, And I appeared. Ste Gen: 6.9. and Verf. 3. Almighty] or Alfuffieirnt : fee Gen.17.t. The Greeke tranflateth , being their Clod. The two titles here expreffed, Al, God; and Sbaddai, Al mightie, are not ufed in Scripture till Abrahams time, and in fpeech to him, Gen.14. 18. & 17.1. same Jehovah :] which name denoteth both Gods being in himfelfe, and his giving of being unto (that is, the performance of) his word and promiCes; as is obferved on Gen. 2.4. in which latter refpeft he here faith he wai not /tmwne to their fathers by this name; (or as theGreeke and Chaldee tranflate, he manifefïednot,nor made known thie name.) They being luftained by faith in Gods almighty power, without receiving the thing proni ièd, AEt.7.5. Heb. t t .9,s o. But now their children Gould receive their promiCe5'and lb have fill knowledge and experience of Gods power and gcodneffe, and of the eflicacie of that his name I bovah; which therfore they lung to his praifè,upon their fill deliverance from the Egyp- tians, Exod. 15.3. So upon performance of fur- ther promiCes or judgements, he faith, they (hall !know him to be Iebovah,Efày 49.23.& 52.6.8c 6o. 16. Ezek.28.22,23i24,26. &30.19,25,26. And Chrift, inwhom all Gods promu es areyea andA- men, 2 Cor. I 20, having fulfilled all things for our redemption , manifetteth himfelfe by this name in the interpretation thereof, as that he is Alpha and Omega, the beginning. and the ending, the Lord who Is, and who War, and who Is to come, even the Al-. mightie,Rev.i.8,r7,18. Othcrwife,neither Abra- ham, nor /yak nor Ia/Zob was without the know- ledge of this name Irhovab altogether ; for by it alto in part, God revealed himfelfe to them: of Gen.i5.7,8. &26.24,25. &28.,3. But as the glorious m iniftration of the Law, is laid to have, no glory, in refeít of the excellent glory of the Golpel, 2 Cot. 3,10. fo this is fpoken by eompa- rifon here. The Jewes of a long time have not u- fed this name , but for it they reade Adonai, that is, Lord. One of themfelves hath written thus; Why doe the Ifraeliter pray in this world, and are not beard ? Beeaufe they know not the plaine name [of God, which is Jehovah] in the world to come, the world] if the Meffaat ; God will mofle it kowne unto them, and then the, !hall be heard. , in Pfal. 9i. This te' flimonie is true upon theta, not for the found of the letters, but for the want of faith in Chrili,- who is called Iehovab our Inflict , Jer.23.6. when they !hall be converted unto him,God will heare them, Job. 16.23. Verf 4. effablifhed] or, eretïedJIrme and lure : fee Gen.6. 18. this was done to Abraham, with ex- preffe limitation of the time of Ifraels releafe out of Egypt; Gen. 15.13,18. fojourningr] or, pere- grinationr, pilgrimage: fee Genef. 17. 8. and 26.3. and 35. 27. Verf 6. the burdens : ] the Greeke faith, from the power: the Chaldce, from amidit the tribulation of the fervitude of the Egyptians : fo in verf 7. This .. =Tie 3 4 6