/',i.feari: 2 7 8 9 I2 13 14 16 EXODUS Vii. Mofes authority. triercíc is reniembred in Pfa1.8r.7. f¡retchedout that is, lifted up in high, as both the Gr. and Chal des do explain. it : and it fignifieth Gods might and open manifeffation, with continuancie o the fame againfl Egypt till the redemption of I roel were fully performed, Deut.4.34.2 King.' 36. Efsy 9.12. 17,21. VerC 7. a God] or, for a God: this was the cove rant with'Abrabam : fee Gen. 17.7. Verf. 8. lift sepmy hand] that is frreare : as th Chaldee explaineth it, I fweare by my word togiz it. Of this ligne, fie Gen. 14.22. Hereof is tha fpeech, Iehovabbath fworne with hie right hand &c ECay 62.8. willgize it] under which figure, e ternall life in heaven was implied alto to da faithfudl; as is noted on Gen. sz.5. which Par confirnteth in Heb. r s. zo, s 6. and the Hebrew De &ors fay of this, that itJignified the lerufalem that is above. R. Menaehem on Exod. 6. Verf.9.anguifh] Hebrew, fhortneffe;that is,anger, griefe and difouragement of fpirit; that they could not patiently indure their troubles : the Greeke tranflateth it, perfrllanimitie,or feebl, mf ofminde. So the fort of flirít, is oppofed to the man flow t wrath, Prov. 14.29. andfhormef of fpirilt in lob trouble and difouragement , Job z r. 4. A like phrafe is , of fhonneffè ofpale , whereof fee Numb 21.4. And this grftfc and difcouragement of If- roel was fo great, that they wilhed rather to be let alone, that they might ferie the E,yptians, than to have any furtherproceeding in this bufìne(ièe, Exod. 14.12. fervitude] or bondage, which was upon them, as the Chaldeeaddeth : the Greeke tranfla- teth ,for hard works. And this was the outward tank, added to their inward difcouragementand little faith. VerC. 12. ofuncircunifedlips] Hebrew ,f¡aper- ßecoue,(or uneircumcifed) flip :: that is,as the Greek tranflateth not eloquent : as the Chaldee faith, of an beanie kerb; the fame which Mof o complained before, in Exod.4.10. but figuratively fpoken: as having ,enircunifedlips,that is, many fu erfluous words, or untn &ified: and fo unfit to fpeake to the King.So Efaiao complained of pollutedlips,Efa 6.5.Of this word f tperfluoue, fee Gen. 17.11. Verf..13. onto] that is, as the Greekeaddeth, to gee unto. to bring fray] that is, that [bey migh bringfort h; fo ver.27. fee the notes on Gen. 6. 19 Thus Gods worke and faithfulneffe was not hin dred by meets unfaithfulneffe: neither was Ilia fated for their owne righteoufnelre; who from the fir(l to the laft, (hewed themfelves rebellions as Mofes after telleth them, Deut.9.4,5,6,7,24. Ver.s 4. heads] that is,as the Greek tranflateth chief, governors, or captains. This Genealogie fol lowing, is to Thew the naturali flocke of Mofe and Aaron Levites,v.26,z7and the time of /flair deliverance, according to Gods promife, vet.' 6 18. zo. Enoch] .Hebrew , Chanocb: in Greeke Enoch : fee Gen. 46.9. &c. Ver.16. 137. Jeerer] This mans age, with his fonnes, verf.18. and Nephcwes,verf zo. serve for the opening of that fpeech concerning /fro /J. pe- regrination, Esco.12.40. fee the notes there. ] f Í' e e e t u , Vert. zo. bls Aunt] that is, hbo fathers filler; as faith theChadeeparapluafe in theMaforites Bi- ble: but the Chaldee fer out-by Arias Mont. hath the daughterof hit fathers filler: and the Greek faith, the daughter ofhes fathers brother neither of then[ well ; for the was she daughter ofLevi, Exod. 2. 1. and fo filler to Anarams father. Verf.21.Rorah] he proved a rebel' againfl Me- fes, Numb. 16.1. &c. Verf. 22. Vzziel] of himand his two fonnes mention is made in Levit. r o.4.where he is called Aarens uncle. Verf. 23. Water] fo the Greeke writeth this name,and the dew Tedament,Luke a.5,and fo we in Englith : the Hebrew foundeth it, El fhebengh, She was of the Tribe of ludab, being the Prince Naafns filler ; Numb.z.3. 1 Chron. 2.3,10. Nadab and Abihu] there died before the Lord by a fire, Levit. i o. 1, 2. Eleazar] hee fucceeded his father Aaron in the high Prielihood , Numb. 20.25,z6 &c. Of the Melts that were of him and his brother Ithamar, fee i Chron. 24. VerL z 5. Phieeebas] of him, feeNumb.25. 7. &è. VerC. z 6, their armies] or, their hoffs : that is, not con£ufedly, but their ordered troops , being in- creafed to many thoufands, and called tbebofts of the Lord, Exod.12.37.41 -& 7.4 .Thefe were after ordered according to their Tribes, Num.1 0.14. 15. &c. Of the word hoft,or army, fee Gen.2.t. Verf, z7, to bring] that is, that they might bring, as verle 13. Vert: 30. of uncirarmcifed] Greek, of a fmall zoicc; Chaldee, ofan heaviefps ch; lee before verf, 12. and Exod. 4.10. .27aearaz,,zoeats =saves 4,2. -c2o6a, CHAP. VII. ', Mofees it made Pharaohs God, and Aaron his Pro- phet. 3 Pharaohs Heart should le hardened again( their words and frgne . 6 Mofees and Aaron doe ai their are bidden. 7,T heir age. 10, Aaron, rod is tur- ned to a Serpent. is, The Sorcerers doe the like. 53, Pharaohs heart is hardened. 14, Moles it lent again unto him with word andfgne. 19,T he waters of E- gypt are turned 000e blood. zi,Tbe fifes die. 22, The Magicians doe the likmiracle, whereupon Pharaoh is hardened (fill. AND Jehovah laid unto Mofes ; See, I have made thee a God to Pharaoh; and Aaron thy brother (hall be thy Prophet. Thou (halt fpeake all that I com- mand thee ; 'and Aaron thy brother (hall fpeake unto Pharaoh, that bee fend the Ions of Ifrael out of his land. And I will harden Pharaohs heart;and will multiply myfignes and my wonders in the land of Egypt. And Pharaoh (hall not hearken unto you ; and I will lay my hand upon Egÿpt, and tvirbring forth mine armies, my people the fonnes of Ifrael 20 2I 22 23 25 z6 27 3° a 3 4