"I he rod, a dragon. EXODUS V Í I VVaters made blood. zi Ifiael, out of the land of Egypt , by great 5 judgements. And the Egyptians !half knów that I am Jehovah , when I firetch firth my hand upon l gv pt : and I will bring out the 6 fonnes of Ifracl from among them. And Mofes and Aaron did as Jehovah coniman- ded them,fo did they. And Moles wrts four - fcore yeeres old , and Aaron fourfcore and three yeeres old,w hen they fpake unto Pha- raoh. And Jehovah faid unto Moles and 9 unto Aaron, faying; When Pharaoh 1ha11 fpeake unto you, laying; Give a wonder for you, then thou fhalt fay unto Aaron, take thy rod, and call it before Pharaoh it !hall o be (turned) to a dragon. And Mofes and Aaron went in unto Pharob, and they did fo as Jehovah had commanded : and Aaron caft his rod b efore Pharaoh , and before his fervants, and it was (turned) ro a dragon. And Pharaoh allo called the wife men , and the forccrers; and they alío, the magicians of Egypt did with their"inchantmenrs fo. i ÿ And they caft down every man his red , and they were turned to dragons: and Aarons 13 rod fwallowed up their rods. And Pharaohs heart waxed Prong, and he hearkened not r4 unto them,as Jehovah had fpoken. And Je- hovah laid unto Mofes ; Pharaohs heart is heavie;he refufeth to fend away the people. 25 Go unto Pharaoh in the morning;loe,he go- eth out unto the waters, and thou flalt Eland to meet him by the rivers brinke : and the rod which was turned to a ferpent fhalt thou 16 take in thy hand. And thou flalt fay unto him; Jehovah the God ofthe Hebrews bath Pent mee unto thee, laying, Send away my people, that they may ferve mee in the wil- derneffe : and behold thou haft not heard hi- 7 therm. Thus faith Jehovalí;in this thou (halt know that I am Jehovah : behold , I finite with the rod which is in my hand upon the waters which are in the river, and they !hall aS be turned into blood. And the fill which is in the river, (hall dye,& the river fhall (link, and the Egyptians !hall be wearied to drink 19 the waters of the river. And Jehovah faid unto Mofes'; Say unto Aaron, take thy rod, and ftretch out thy hand upon the waters of Egypt, upon their streams, upon their rivers and upon their ponds & upon everygathe- ring together of their waters, and they !hall be blood : and there (hall be blood in all the land of Egypt, both in veffelt of wood, &in 26 veffels of lione. And Mofes &Aaron did as Jehovah commanded ; & he lift up the rod, And Emote the waters which were in the ri- II ver,in the eies of Pharaoh,and in rue ties of his fervants,and all the waters which were in the river, were turned to blood. And the fifi which war in the river, died; and the ri- ver flunk, and the Egyptians could nòí drink the waters of the river, and theid was blood in all the and of Egypt. And the magicians of Egypt did fo by, their inchant!nents: and the heart of Pharaoh waxed Prong; and flee hearkened not unto them, as Jéhovah had faid. And ,Pharaoh turned, and went into his houle and bee let not his heart to this nrither.And all the Egyptians digged round. about the river for waters to drink , for they could notdrinke of the waters of the river. And leven daies were fulfilled , after that Jehovahhad fmitren the river. 21 22 23 24 as Annotations. j A Ade] or, given thee for a God: that is, one to 1 Vl whom the word of God !hall come,and by whom it (hall be made knowne unto Aaron, and fo to Pharaoh. This reafon Chrif$rendretlt of the like fpeoch, Job. It o. 35 . The Chaldee, for God, tranflÀteth amafler: Pe Exod. 4..16. Prophet] to fpeake for thee, (as thenext verfe nianifeffetlt) the Chaldee fsith,thy Interpreter: before,God tai- led him his mouth,Exod.4. r6. AProphet hath the nameof fpeaking or interpreting oodsword: fee the notes on Gen.2o.7.Thus God confirmes Ma- fia againft his feares, Exod. 6. r a.3o. Verr. z, fpeake] the Greeke addeth, tehim, mean- ing Aaron, as Exod. 4. 15. Vert 3.harden] as before he laid, he would make firong: Exod. 4. 21. wonder,] or , perfirading- miracle, , for to draw men to beleeve.and obey, as Dent., 3. 1,2. Joh.4. 28. Rom. t 5.18,1 9. By fueh God heareth witneffe to his word preached,Heb. 2.4. and they portend,eithergood, 2 Chron. 32. 24. or evil]. Dent. 6. 22. and 28.46. yet can they not perfwadc any without the Ipeciali grace of God, Dent. 29. 2, 3, 4 Vert 4.1.9J Hebrew, give myIs and ; which the 4 Chaldee expoundeth lay my powerful' plague : fo veil: 5. armies]or bolts : fee Exod.6.z6. The Greeke tranflateth, with my power. Verty.old] Hebrew, fonneof8o_ were: of which 7 plink fee Gen. 5.32. By this it appeareth Mafia had beene 40. yeeres in the land ofMadian; as Stephen avoucheth, Aíí.7.30. See Exod.z.a 3. Verf. 9. a wonky] or, pe loading-mirade, that I g may know yes are font of God : fie vetf. 3. The Greeke addeth, a figne or a wonder. tly rod] be- can fe Aaron now ufed it : before it was Mofeesrod and Gods: Exodus 4. 2.20: a dragon] that is, a great ferpent: and therefore in vcr.r 5.w is called aferpent; as allo before in Exod.4.3.So the Devil] is called the dragon the old ferpent, Rev. zo. z. And Pharaoh himfelfe , with his Egyptians, are called dragons, 2 3