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Ex onus VIII. Frogs threatned. which is riled in Gen. t. t o. and implieth lakes, pooles , pits, ditches and veffels : as after is ex- plained in the end of this verle. See al Co Levi- ticus ti. 36. vejtr] this word is expreffed in the Chaldee , and is neceffarily implied in the Hebrew , as a tbaufand, 2 Sam. 8.4. for, a thoufand cbarets , t Chronicles 18. 4; the kit, Matthew 26. 17, for, the fìrff day, Marke 14. 12. and many the like. 20 VerC to. he lift up] the Greeke explaineth it, Aaron lift up bit rod. to blood: as the Egyptians had flied the blood of the children of Ifad, drowning them in the river, Exod. t. 22. fo in titis led plague, God rewardeth that, by turning their waters into blood, which R. Menachem (on this place) faith, ftgnified merde turned unto them to judgement. So upon the 1pirituall Egyptians,(by whole fin, the third part of the fea became blood and of other waters, became wormwood, Revel. 8. 8, t 1.) there be the like plagues, front the phials (or cups) of Gods Angels, as are here by the rod of Gods meffengers: their fea, rivers and fiun- tahtes beconmting blood : they having fed the blood of Saints and Prophets, and God giving them blood to drinke, for they are worthy, Revel 16. 3, 6. Of this plague the Pfalmilf alto fpeaketh, Pfalm. 78. 44. and 105, 29. Contrariwife, God blef- feth his people, by turning for them, the rocket to rivers and fountaines of waters, Palm. 78. 15, 1G. and 114.8. and giving them the water of life to drinke, John 4. t o, t 4. Revelations 22. 1. 17. 2I VèrC 2I . died:] fo in Antichriffs fea, every li- ving fink died:, Revel. 16.3. as by their impietie, they had caufed the third part of Etch to die be- fore, Reve1.8.9. Gontrariwife, in the holy land, corrupt waters are healed, the creatures in then live and fe(h are multiplied, Eeek. 47. 8, 9. flanke] whereas the waters of Egypt fervcd them for drinke, Jcr. 2. 18. (there being no raine in the councrey, Deuteronomie t 1. io, 11.) God turning them to linking blood, and killing the 6th: the plague was more grievous. For, fifer were their common food, Numb. ii. 5. the flefh of many beats, they through tiitper- flition would not Bate of, Exodus 8. 26. fo that which the Prophet after threatneth, was now upon them; Thefifhers mourned, and all thy that call angle into the brookes lamented: and they that fp.ead nets upon the waters langued, E- fay1g 8. 2 VerC. 22. did fi] as before in verfe I I. They could by inchantnacnts increale their owns plagues, but not cafe themCelves : fee Exodus 8. 7.8. But where had they water to turne into blood? either they found fore by digging about the river, ver. 4. or they had fonce fetched from another place, as Gofhen; fee the notes on v.18. vexed ffrong] the Greeke faith, was hardened : fee verf. t .3. 23 Ver,z3. fat not] that is,regarded not,nor cared for this wondrous plague: Co the fitting of the heart figniheth careFidl regard, Ecod. 9. 21. Prov. 22. 17. 2 Sam. 18.3. 4-144-Sti i244** 14t* CHAP. VIII. I, God threatneth Pharaoh, if bee find mot Ifraela- wry , to plague hit Realme with Frogges. 5, Aaron ff retebeth out hit band, and (the fecond plaué)' Frogger co me out of the waters, aver all the land. 7,T he gicians doe the like. 8 , Pharaoh fierai to Mores, t a, And Mofei by prayer removetb the Froggea away. 15, Pharaohs heart is hardned. 16,T he third plague : Duff irturned into Liee, on man andbeat. 18, The Magico- ans could not doe f, ; yet Pharaoh it bardned. 90, God threat neth the fooarth plague ; frames of Flies upon the Egyptians. 22, exempting l /rail in Gafhea 24, The land is corrupted with the fwarmes. 25, Pharaoh in- elineth ta let the people goe. 30 , Mofes by prayer re- mouth the fwarmes atbay. 32 Pharaoh m bardned again. A Nd Jehovah Paid unto Moles ; Goe in unto Pharaoh , and fay unto him, thus faith Jehovah; Send away my people,that they may ferve me. And ifthou refufe to fend them away, behold,I (mite all thy border with frogs. And the river (hall abundantly bring forth frogs, and they (hall come up, and enter into thy houle, and into thy bedchamber, and upon thy bed, and in- to the houle of thy fervants, and upon thy people, and into thy ovens, and into thy troughs of dough. And the frogs (hall come up upon thee, and upon thy people, and up- on all thy fervants. And Jehovah Paid unto Mofes, Say unto Aaron, ftretch forth thine hand with thy rod, over the (treames over the rivers,andover the ponds,& caufe frogs" to come up upon the land of Egypt. And Aaron ftretched out his hand over the wa- ters of Egypt,and the frogs came up and co- vered the land of Egypt. And the Magici- ans did fo with their inchantments, and cau- fed frogges to come up upon the land of E- gypt. And Pharaoh called for Mofes and for Aaron, and Paid, Intreat ye Jehovah that he may take the frogs from me, and from my people,and I will lend away the people,that they may facrifice unto Jehovah. And Mo- fes Paid unto Pharaoh,Glory over me,when I fhall intreat for thee, and for thy fervants, and for thy peop'e, to cut off the frogs from thee and from thy houles: onely in the river they (hall remaine. And he faid,to morrow: and he Paid (be it) according to thy word, that thou tnaift know that there is none like Jehovah our God. And the frogs (hall de- part from thee, and from thy houles , and from thy fervants, and from thy people: onely 2 3 4 S 6 7 s 9 Yo II