/l'////l%111AI 1Lt11.111112,0%i -14 The plague of Lice. EXODUS V 1 í í. A mixed fwa rme, - 12 oncly in the river they (ball remain. And Mofesand Aaron went out from Pharaoh, and Möfes cried unto Jehovah, becaufe of the frogs which he had put upon Pharaoh. 23 And Jehovah,did according to the word of Mofes;andthe frogs died out of the houfes, out of the villages, and out of the fields. 14 And they gathered them together upon 1y heapes, and the laird f'anke. And Pharaoh faw that there Was a breathing;and he made his heart heavie, and hearkened not unto z6 them, even as Jehovah had fpoken. And Jehovah faid unto Mofes ; Say unto Aaron, hretch out thy rod,and (mite the duff of the land,and it (hall be (turned) to lice in all the 17 land of Egypt. And they did fo,and Aaron firetched out his hand with his rod, and fmote the duit of the land , and there were lice on man and on beat ;all the duft of the 18 land was lice, in all the land of Egypt. And the Magicians did fo with their inchant- ments,.to bring forth lice, but they could not; and there were lice on man and on 19 beat. And the Magicians Paid unto Pha- raoh, This is the finger of God : and Pha- raohs heart wexed fl rang, and he hearkened not unto them,even as Jehovah had fpoken. zo And Jehovah Paid unto Mofes, R ife up early in the morning, and hand before Pharaoh ; loe, her commeth forth to the waters ; and fay unto bim,thus faith Jehovah,Send away ax my people, that they may ferve mee. Elfe, if thon milt not fend away my people, be- hold,I mill fend a mixed fwarme upon thee, and upon thy fervants,and upon thy people, and into thy houfes ; and the houfes ofthe Egyptians Thal be full of the mixed fwarme, 22 and allo the ground whereon they are. And I wil niarvelloufly lever in that day the land of Gcíhen,upon which the people flandeth, 'that there (hallbe no mixedfwatm there,to the end thou maift know that I am Jehovah, 23 in the midi} of the earth. And I will put a redemption betweene my people and thy 24 people : tomorrow (hall this ligne be. And Jehovah did fo ; and there came a heavie mixed fwarme into the houfe of Pharaoh, and thehoule of his fervants,and into all the land of Egypt ; the land was corrupted by 25 reafon of the mixed fwarme. And Pharaoh called for Moles and for Aaron, and Paid, Goe yee, facrifice to your God, in the land. 26 And Mofes laid, It is not meet fo to doe ; for the abhomination ofthe Egyptians,fhall we het ificeto Jehovahour God : loe, (hall we facrifice the abhomination of the Egyp- tians before their eies, & will they not hone us t Wee will goe three daies journey into the wilderneffe,and facrifice to Jehovah our God, as he (ball fay unto us. And Pharaoh Paid, I will fend you away, that yee may fa- crifice to Jehovah your God in the wilder.. nelle; only in going, you fhall not re- ' move very farre away : intreat ye for mee. And Moles laid ; Behold I goe out from thee, and will intreat Jehovah that the mix- ed fwarme may depart from Pharaoh, from his fervants, and from his people, to mor- row : only let not Pharaoh any more de- ceive in not fending away the people, to fa- crifice unto Jehovah. And Mofes went out fromPharaoh, and intreated Jehovah. And Jehovah did according to the word of Mo- fes; and hee removed the mixed fwarme from Pharaoh, from his fervants ,and from his people; there remained not one. And Pharaoh made his heart heavie at this time alto, and Cent notaway the people. Annotations. 27 28 29 30 3t 35 ABnndantly bring] This word' is-ufed in the creation, Gen.x.2o. that which then was as a biding, is here turned to a curie. And this fe- cond plague ; even as the former, God raifeth from the waters : the next is from the earth, verf: 16. this is threatned before it was inflittcd; the next 15 not fo. houfe] The Greeke Interpre- ters underftood one for many, tranflating houfes, chambers, &c. which the Hebrew altomay imply: fee Gen. 3.2. andupon] or, and into (the houfes of) thy people: in this fenfe the Greeke tranflateth it. troughs of dough] or (as the Greeke ex- pounds it) lumpes f'dsugb : which the word teem- eth properly to meane, in Exodus 12.34. This was one of the particulars in which God threat- neth the traàfgreffours of his law, to curie them, Deut. 28. r7. Verf.4. upon thee] or,againff thee: This tignifiefh the greatneffe of this plague, invading not only their houles, beds, pantries, &c. but the Egypti- ans themfelves : whom neither doores, gates, walls, nor weapons, could defend from thofelil- ly creatures. By expreling there perlons, the ex- empting of Ifraelfeemeth to be implied : as after in plaine words, verf. 22. And in Pfal.78.12.43. thefe wonders are laid to be done in Tfoan , (or Tanis) a region of Egypt, which was diltinbt from Gafhen, where Ifrael dwelt. Verf. 6. the frog] put generali for frogs: with multitudeswherof, God plagued the Egyptians; and as it Paid in Pfalm. 78. 45. corrupted (or de- flroyed) them. Frogs are loathfome and trouble - fome creatures, and by Gods law tmcleane , and abhominable, Levit. t t. t 2, 23. and by fogs, elk- where the holy Ghoft fignifieth, the enecleane ffü- rit, 3 4 6 4111015, 7.(/7///11111B 111,1111111I