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EXODUS VIII. ritt of devil , which eontnting out of the mouth of the Dragon, Beall, and Falf Prophet, (as here they came out of flreames, rivers, and Ponds,) god to the kings of the earth,(asthefe did into kingscham- bers, Ptà1. 105.30.) to gather then[ to the battle of the great day of God Almighty, Rev. 16. 13. I 4. Punie (in his eat. H florid , book¢ ß.e.29.) (pea- king of notable dbcuments of deltru&ion by contemptible creatures , mentioneth a tine in France, that war (of old) driven away bÿ f ags. 7 Verf :y. did f6]or,did Iikfwife: fee Exod.y.11.22. 8 Verf. 8. that he may take array] or, and let him re- move : by this Pharaoh acknowledgeth both the grievoufneffe of this plague(for he requefted not the like for the firth of the blood, Exod.y.23.) and that his Magicians could adde unto his plagues , but were not able to deliver hint from any. Wherefore bee is now forced to feeke helpe of that God, whom before he would not know, Exod. 5.2. And when the Philiftines land was plagued with mice, (as Egypt was now with frogs) they by counfell of their foothfayers,fent a fin-offring to the God of Ifrael,thatthey night be healed: and (harmed hardneffeofhcart,taking warning by this Pharaoh and the Egyptians, 1. Sam. 9 Verf, 9. Glory over me] in appointing mee the time when t (hall intreat for thee : fo the Greeke tranflateth it, Appoint torte me when Ifhall pray; and the Chaldee paraphrafeth, Ask for thee apowerfull work, and give thou the time,&e. The Hebr. proper- ly fignifieth togloy over,or, to vaunt ones fef againfl another: as Iudg.y.z. Efay t o. r 5. Inthis fpeech Mofes chewed both ggreat faith in God, & humi- lity towards'to the King. cute] thatis,defiroy, or kilt,ver.13. only]or, as the Or. tranflateth, but in the river. SoMofes limiteth the meafure of the releafe, the tinte hee leaveth to Pharaohs -.choice, who by feeing the remainders of both plagues(that frogs were in the river where ft fh had bin before, Ex. 7.2 i.) might be the more moved to keepe his promife,in letting Ifrael goe.There- fore this deliverance is called but a breathinqa,v.15. 12 V.12. beeaufe of] or,coueerrtireg the rpord(or bufznes, as the Chaldee tranflateth it) of the frogs: which the Greek interpreteth , far the limit edending of the fogs, ar bee had appointed to Pharaoh. be had put] that is, God hsd laid as a plague : or,which Mofes h,id>ca unto Pharaoh, for choice of the time, ver.9. The creek f:avouredi this latter fenfe i fo doe the words following. 14, V.14. upon heaps] or, many heaps : Hebr. heapes, leapt: of which phrafe, fee Gen ifanke ] with dead frogs , as the river did before with dead fifh, Exod.y.z r. The Chaldec tranfla- teth, they fianke upon the land. Hereby God recoin- penfed the Egyptians fin, in whole eyes the fa- vor,, of Ifrael did (linke before, Exod. 5.21. and there rem .tined as yet a memorial of their plague, the it ink whereof cane up into their noftrils : & the ill favour of filch unclean fpirits as were figu- red by theee frogs ( Rev.' 6.13.14. ) is fignificd. The like is propheled concerning the Locults,in loel.zso. and the arntieof Gog,Ezek.39.Il, and all other enemies of the Church, Efay 34.3. V.15., a breathing :3 or refirasian,in Gr. a refrefh- ing: that is,fonieinlargement and refpit fromthe plague, wherewith he was before fo ftraitly aftli- &ed.The like word is'sifedinE(lh.4.r4: bíaeoy] unfit to underftand,óryeeld to the word pfGpd: See Exod. 7. 14. Tints neither the laying on of the plague , nor taking it off, could worke any good in Pharaoh : let fäaóur he fbewed to the reic1s4 Jet will bee not learne rigbteeu fnefi, Efay 26.10. V.16. thy rod:] theGreek addeeh, with thy hand; whichthe Heb. alfo exprcffeth it v. I 7. And fo in Exod. io. 21. where Mofes is bidden ftretch out his hand feemeth to be meant his rod withal!. Of this third plague, God gave Pharaoh nowarning aforehand,as he did of the other twó i but batte- ned his punithment,as his tins increafedi& bring - eth this plague from the earth , which was neerer unto them than the waters.So of thefourth and fifth plagues, God gave them warning before hand;but not of the fixt,Exod.9.8.againe, of the fcventh and eight plagues, hee warned them, but not of the ninth Exod. 0.21. and at the tenth plague,the Ifraelites are fent away,Ex.i z. More- over , theft three firft plagues , which were from thewaters 8c earth,came by Aarons hand ftretch- mg out the rod, E x. y. t 9.& 8.5. t 6. three which were from the heavens and aire , came by Mofes ftretching out his hand and rod,as the Haile, Ex. 9.22.23. the Locufts, Exod. to. 1 2.13. and the Darkeneffe,Exod. t 0.21.22. Three came without the hand, either of Mofes or Aaron;as the mixed fwartne, Exod.8.zr .24. the Marraine, Exod.9.3. and the death of-the firft- borne, Exod. 12.29. and one was by Mofes hand but not with the rod ; as the plague of Boiles, Exodus 9.8.1o. V. 1 y. there were lice] Hebr. there was the lowfe ; 17 put generally for the multitude of this vermin; _ which being of the leaft fort of Gods creatures, did greatlyplague the proud nation.This David rehearfeth , among other Gods wonders in E- gypt, Pfal. 105.3 s . Humane writers doe record, that the Ptiefisof Egjit did (have their whole bodies, every third day , lift any lawfe; or other filth, fhould breed upon them that le' their godi , Ilerodot. in Euterpe. So,with thingswhich they limerftitioufly loath- ed did God plague them. The Greeke calleth this plague Slfttipes, which area kind of (mall Ringing gnats: but by the Chaldee arid öthers, they were lice. V.18.did f] that is ,endevouredto doe f,liut'could 18 not: and when men are, Laid to doe thin i above their ability, it meaneth their labour and endea- sour thereto : as Mat.y 13. enter in at the flraitgale: that is, ffrive to enter I.ttke 13.24. V.' 9. the finger J that is, ibe works, Spirit and 'power ofGod;whoisfaid,aftcr the manner ofmen 19 to doe things by his ha»d and frnger, Pfal.102.26. & 8.4.& 109.27. t.Sam.6.9.To this fpeech Chrilk bath reference, when he refuted thofe that with - flood his miraeles,as there Magicians did Mofes; If l with the finger of Godca ft out,Lttke 11.20. which another Evangelil explairfs to bes the fpi- rit ofGad,Mat.i a.z8.Here the confelilan of lannes Cc and I i