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t6 r1n3!nimrAs Exonus VIII. and Iambres (of whom fee before in Exodus 7. I z.) condemned. Pharaoh and thenfelves: that in further refiftance , they manifested their folly unto a!l men, as 2. Tim. 3.. 8.9. The Chaldee ex- poundeth their Speech thus; it is a plague from be- fore the Lord. 20 Verfzo.fland]or prefent thyfelfe. 2I Vcrf..2I. a mixed fmarme]of tlies,wafps,horncts, or as force thinke, of wild beafts, ferpents,mice, and the like. The Hebrew and Chaldee words, lignifie onely a mixed nultitude; but thew not of what creatures. The Greeke now extant , huh Kemomuia, that is, the Dog rye ; Hierom faith, of old the Lxxij. Interpreters called it Koinerama, and Aquila tranflated it Pammuia; that is, the em- noon, or all farts offlies. The Chaldee paraphrafe on Pfalm. 78. 45. expoeandeth it a mixed fwarme of wild beafsof the field; fo the latter Hebrewes, as Aben .Ezra,and Sol. Iambi (on Exodus 8.) name them, Lyons, Wolves, Beares,Leopardr ; and all beds of evill heap, Serpents, and Scorpions. With whom accorded' Philo, (or the Author of the booke of Wifedome) who faith, that as the Egyptians wrrfhipped Serpents void of realm, and vile beafta; fo God font a multitude of unreafinabfe beat s upon them for vengeance, for the Lord wanted not means (as hee faith) to fend among them a multitude of Beares, or fierce Lyons, or unkowne wild beaus full of rage newly created, breathing out either a fiery va- pour , or filthy fen's of fettered fmoake, the. W ifd. r r. 5.77.78. As in Exodus 1z.33. gnereb isnfad for a mixed multitude of people of fundry na- tions: fognarob here feemeth to intend, not one, but many forts of creatures, flying or run- ning , and fuch they were as did eat (or devour) the Egyptians,Pfalm.78.45. and corrupted (or de- firoyed) the land, Exodus 8.24. and becaufe hee faith, their houfees Should befit!' of then, I thinke rather they were fmall creatures, than Lyons, Beares,or the like. 22 Verf: zz. will marvelloufly fever] will Separate and exempt in a marvellous and glorious man- ner : wherefore the Greeke expoundeth it, para- doxaf, that is, I wit/ marve/toufly glorifie, or miraeu- loufly honour. See Exodus 33. 16. Gofben] in Greeke Gefem: a province in Egypt, where If rael dwelt : fee Gen.45.7 o. fandetb] that is, faieth or tarie:!,, from being fentaway coferne me : as Exodus 9.28. or, ftandetb , that is, dwel- leth in the mid[ ]'the Greeke tranflateth, ruling all the earth, (or land.) 23 VerCz3. a redemption:] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth,adivifon (or di(iinllion:) whereby it (hall appeare that I doe redeemc and fave them from this plague. The Chaldee explaineth it thus, brill put a redemption to my people , and upon thy people I mill bring aplague. So in Plahn.111.9. bee fins a redemption to his people : and herein Gods grace in Ghrift was figured; for by him, God !nub made a redemption far his people, Luk. r .68. 4 Verf. 24. didfo] bee Paid , and there came a mixed fwarme, Pfal. 705. 36 which here Mores calleth beavieor grievous : both for the multitude of there noyfome creatures (as the Gr. interpreteth the word; ) and for the hurt which they did to the people and land which was corrupted, or, (as the Greeke faith) deftroyedby them. Verf,26. not meet :]or, not right , as being not fa 26 appointed of God , who called into the wilder- neffe, Exod.3.18. The Greeke tranflateth,it cameos fo be done. the abomination :]that is,the beaus which the Egyptians doe worfhip , and doe ab- horre to kill,or to fee killed for facrifice.And the fentence wife repeated , may imply two fens r. Shall wee facrifice to our God filch things as the Egyptians facrifice ? that would beabomi- nation to the Lord. 2. Orlhall we facrifice fuch things as God Pegteireth? that would be an abo- mination to theEgyptians. The Greeke tranfia- teth plurally, abominations; and theChaldee ex- plaineth it thus for the beaus which the Egyptian werfhippetb, we fsall ofrfar facrifice: loe,(hall we facri- fice the heap which the Egiptians worfhip, &c. The Scripture often calleth the Gods,and ferviees of the heat hens,abomisations; as Deut.7. z 5. & 12.30.31. 2 King. 23. 13. Ezra 9.1. Efay 49,19. Now the Principall facrifices of the Hebrewes, were Oxen and Sheep, Gen.r 5.9. and all fheep,keepers were an abomination to the Egyptians, Gen. 46.34. for (as humane writers doe record ) they that kept in the fempk of Irspiter rhebanue , or dwelt inebat province (in the land of Egypt)theq all abfiainedfrom peep, andfaerifued goats : and thole ThebaneEgyptians killed no rams but counted them holy; and they had an image of Iupiter with a rammerface. Likewife the Egyptians might facrifice no cower, becaufe they were canfècrated unto Ifrs; whole image alto they had, ltlgawoman with cower bones; and all the Egyptians reverencedcower above all of other catteII; as witneffeth Herodstut in his hafiory book 2. and other writers reftifie the like things of them: as P/utard:in his booke of Ifss and Oftrir. will they not fore us? ] meaning, doubtlef they will. Therefore the Greeke tranflateth , wee Shall be toned : and the Scripture it felfe often refolveth fetch quellions, by affirmations : as is (hewed on Gen. 4. y. and 13.9. Verf, 27. fall fay : ] for they knew not how they Should ferre the Lord, till they came thi- ther, Exod. t o.26. The Gr. tsanflatcth, lath fait4 referring it to that general! precept,in Ex,5.1.3. Verf.28, not remove very farre : ] or, not in any café 28 remove farre : Hebrew,remeving farre,not removefarre: of which phrafe, fee Gen.2.1 7. insreatyee:] Greeke, prayyretherefore for me unto the Lord: mea- ning that the plague might be taken away,as ver. 8. and 29. Se SimonMagus rçquefted the prayer of Peter, Aft.8.24. Verf. 29. that the mixed fwarme me] or as the Greeke tranflateth and the mix, d fwarme pall de- part: fcr thefe two phrafes are nfed indifferently, as one Evangelik writeth, and the inheritance be ours, Marke 72.7. another faith, that the ihbeSs- tanee ma) be ours, Luke 2Q.11. See allo the notes on Gen.27 4.87 12.12. Herein Mofes (hewed great faith, that his prayer uhould be granted. any more dreive]Heb. ad to deceive;or,to moek,as the word lignifieth,a.Kin.l 8, 27.this he faid,becaufehe had promifed 27 29 /.111117I4P/ IMharinlir R141111111g11/