Murraine of beaus. EXODUS IX Boiles on man and beafts. prontifed the like before, verle 8. but God will not be mocked, Ga1.6.7. lob 13.9. 32 Vcr1:32. made heavie] by hardnintghis heart a- gainfl the Lord : fee verfe t 5. and chap. 7.14.. feat not] as the Greeke faith, he would not fend And Co Mores fpeaketh allo in Exod.10.27. And often when things are denied to be done, it im- plieth an unwillingneffe : which the Holy Gholl fometime explaineth;as David removednottbe Arke; 1. Chro. 13. 13. that is hee would not remove it, 2.8001.6.10. AAAiFiAAMAMMAAAAñAM CHAP. IX. I, God threatnetb, the 5ft Plague , the murrain of eattel: 4, but exempteth 'five!. 6, The Egyptians cattell die: 7 Jet Pharaoh it hardned. 8, Godbringetb the ftxe plague, bofles upon man and buff: a 1, So that the Magicians cannot fond before Mofes: 12, yet Pharaohs heart i7 hardned. 13, God tbreatneth Pharaoh more fiverely. 22, 3heJbnmb plague of hayle andfire, falleth upon men and bails, and fruits of the earth. 27, Pharaoh e.nfef th his fmne, and fuetb to Maf s; 33, who prayeth to God, and the plagueeeafeth: 34, whereupon Pharaohs heart is hardnedyet more. N D Iehovah Paid unto Mofes ; Goe in. unto Pharaoh, and fpeake unto him, Thus faith Jehovah the God of the Hebrewes, Send away my people,that.they 2 may ferve mee. For if thou refute to fend 3 them away,ànd thou (till wilt hold them:Be- hold, the hand of Jehovah is upon thy cat - tell,which is in the field,upon the horfes,up- on the affes,upon the camels,upon the oxen, and upon the (heepe : a very grievous mur- 4 raine. And Iehovah will marvelloufly fever between the cattell of Ifrael and the cartel! of Egypt; and there (hall not dye any thing 5 of all that is the Eons of Ifrael. And Iehovah appointed a fez time,faying, To morrow le- 6 hovah will doe this thing in the land. And Iehovah did this thing on the morrow, and all the cattell of the Egyptians dyed, but of the cattell of the Eons of lfree! died not one. And Pharaoh fent, & behold,there was not any one of the cattell of Ifrael dead: and the heart of Pharaoh was made heavie, and hee g lent not away the people. And Iehovah Paid unto Mofes and unto Aaron , Take to you your hands full of Ales of the furnace, and let Moles fprinkle it towards the hea- 9 vens , in the eyes of Pharaoh. And it (hall be (turned) to (mall dull,upon all the land of Egypt ; and it (hall bee upon man and upon beaft,to a boile breaking forth with fcalding Io blames, in all the land of Egypt. And they tooke Ales of the fnrnaee,aad flood before Pharaoh; and Mofes fprinkled it towards 7 the heavens,and it was a boyle withfcalding blaiaes breaking forth upon man and upon beaft. And the Magicians could not (land I1 before Mofes, becaufe of the boyle, for the boyle was upon the Magicians, and upJn all the Egyptians. And Iehovah made ftrong the heart of P'iaraòh, and he hearkned not unto them,even as Iehovah had fpoken unto Mofes. And Jehovah Laid unto Mores , Rile early in the morning, and ftand before Pisa- raoh,and fay unto him, Thusfaith Iehovah, the God of the Hebrewes ; Sendaway my people, that they may rave me. For at this time I wit my plagues into thy heart,, and upon thy fervants,and upon thy people, that thou maift know that there . is non Ike me in all the earth. For now I lent oúmy hand , and I had fmitten thee and thy peo- ple with the peflilence, and thou hadft been cut off from-the earth. But in very 16 deed , for this have I railed thee up , for to fhew in thee my power , and that my name may be declared in all the earth. As yetcxaf- tell thou thy felfe againil my people , that thou wilt not fend them away : Behold,I will. 18 rain, about this time to morrow,a very hea- vie hade , fuch as hath not beene the like in Egypt fine the day it wasfounded,even un- till now. And now fend and fpeedily gather 19 thy cattell and all that thou haftin the field : every man and beaft which (hall bee found in the field, and (hall not be gathered into the houle, the haile (hall even come downe, upon them, and they (hall dye. He that fea- red the word of Iehovah , amongft the fer- vents of Pharaoh,made his fervents and his cattell fly into the houles. And hee that let 21 not his heart unto theword of Iehovah, he left his fervants and his cattell in the field. And Iehovah laid unto Mofes,Stretch forth thine hand towards the heavens , and there (hall be hails in all the land of Egypt, upon man and upon beaft, and uponevery herbe of the field,in the land of Egypt. Arid Mo- les ftretched forth his rod towards the hea- vens, and Iehovah gave voices, and haile ; and fire went upon the ground:: and Ieho- vah rained balk upon the land of Egypt. And there was haile, & fire catching it felfe among the haile, very heavie, fuch as there was not the like in all the land of Egypt, fine it was a nation. And the haile f note in all the land of Egypt, aft that was in the field, from man even unto beall : and the haile (mote every herbe o f the field,and brake every tree of the field. Oliely in the C e 2. . land l2 13 14 15 17 20 22 23 24 25