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'EXODUS IX. 29 uiyenreeltewnerclheweth5 As where one Pro- phet faith , the Angell of the Lord flood by the threfhing t oore,t Chro.z i.t 5.another faith,the Angell rum by it, z Sam.24 16. for tofherr]m, that I mzy fherv:as Paul explaìneth it.See the notes on Genel6.i9. intbee:]or, fhewthee: but both the Greeketranflation and the Apoftle (Rom.9. 17.) addeth the word in. Which is often to bee obferved in words compounded as this is,as Gen. 30.20. dwell with me, Pfal. 5.5. fojonrne with thee, Pfa1.42.5. re fortedwith them ; Sinagainflme,Prov. 8.36. and fiutdry the like. le declared] Hebr. for to declare ( or tell) my nano : See the notes on Genef. 6. 20. The Chaldeetranflateth, that they "nay declare the power ëf my name. From' hence the A- pollle inferretit, 7bereforeGod bath merde on whom he will; and wlwm he will he hardnetb,Rotn.9.18.- 18 Verf i S. about this time: ] Greeke, at :hit honre, (or time) for the Greeke ufeth thCe two indiffe- rently; as, In that boure, Luke to. 21. whereas Matthew faith, In that time, Matt. t 1.25. very beavie] or, vehemently mighty ; that is,fore and grievous. This plague proceedeth front the ayre as the former did from the elements. founded] that is, thefoundation of' it laid: as the Greeke faith, created. 19 Verf 19. ffreediygather]gather f r to flee,or to re- tire, as the word lignihech, Ier. 4.6. & 6.1. This warning, as it implyed great danger to come ; fo no leffe mercie in God,towards filch ill deferring people. even come down] Hebrew,andfhallcome do or ne, and they Jhall dye; meaning with thehaile fo foote as itlh0uld fall. 20 . VerC 20. made to flee,] the Greeke and Chaldee traoflate, gathered; this explaineth the former word, in verfe 19. 21 Verf z 1. fit not his heart] that is, regarded not. See Exod.7.23. he left] or bee alfo left. But the word all (or and) may be omitted, as is (hewed on Gen.8.6. 3 Verf. 23. gave voices] that is, finenoyfs ofthun- der : fo the Scripture elfewhere fpeaketh of the voice (ornyf) of thunder, Rev. o. t. and thunders uttered their voices, Revel. 1óc3. And although fontetime voices and thunders are mentioned di- ftinitly, as in Rev. 4.5. & 8.5. yet hereby voices fecnte to bee meant thunders. So at the giving of the Law,Exod.19.16. and 20.18. baile]with. fuch God killed alfo the Ganaanites, Io11 0.11. And unto Iob he faith ; Haff then feene the treafures of the Haile , which I have refereed againff the time of t ouble, again/[ theday of battcll andwar i tob 38. 22. 23. Vnto this feventh plaghe of Egypt,the Lord contpareth the feventh plague of the Antichrifti- ans ; where , upon the vials poured out into the ayre, there mere voices undsliunders,and lightnings, and eartb- grr.ske,andfilch a4 woo not fine men were upon the earth, and a great baile of a talent weight fil upon men for which they blafpbemedGod, Reve1.i6.17.18.26. fireswens,] that is, ran along on the ground , as the Greeke tran(lneth it ; which was extraordinary and molt terrible : fo that not the Nile only, but the loghtninrs and fiery flames i conCum°d their cat- tell, as the PCalntnt witnelfeth,Pfal.78.47.48.and í05.32.33. So in other judgements, balk and fire is mentioned , in the deltruftion of Davids ene- mies, and of the Alfyriaus, Pfal. 18. t3. 14. 15. Efay 30.30.31, Verf. 24. catching it felfe ; ] that is , one flails of lightning taking hold of another,& fo the flames infoulding thetnfelves, did increaCe and burnt, more terribly. This word is stied only here, and in Ezek.i.4. The Greeke tranflateth it, inflaming, (or fetting on fire , which word the Apoi le ufeth, Ian,. 3. 6.) and fo theChaldee faith , inflaming it fed. And David calleth it, fireof flamer, Pfa1.1o5: 3 2. a nation] or, to a nation : which the Greeke explainer h, frn.e there was a nation upon it. Alike phrafe is in Rev.16. t 8. fine men were upon the earth. Verf 2 5 from taro, &c.]that is,both men and beaffs. every tree] the Gr. faith , all the trees, meaning of all forts;for there was Conte left remaining for an after plague , Exod. 10.5. A like phrafe is in t 2. allfourefootedheaflr &c. & before in 5.6. Verf.26. no baile.] So God had preferred them front former plagues,v.6. and ch.8.ver.22.and fo God promirèth to preferve his people in quiet re- fling placer , when it fha/l haile on the forrefi , Efay 32. 18.19. VerC. z 8. f r it is enough] or, and let it be enough : fo the Greek Interpreters tooke it tranflating, and let it ceafee. voices of God,] that is , thunders from God , or mighty land thunders : as mountains of God, Pfa1.36.7.are high and lirongmonnts;fee the notes on Gen.3o.5. and 23,6. The Greeke recai- neth the Hebrew phrafe. no longer flay]Hebr. ÿeefhall not adds to land: that is,to fiay,or remaine,as the Greeke tranllateth: or as the Chaldee ex- pounds it, be delayed. Verf.29. my hands] Hebr. my palmes 5 that is, as 29 the Chal'deeexplaineth ir,my h ndsiq prayer. So in v.33. The fjreading out of the palmes of thehands, was a common geknre stied in prayer,as kneeling alto was ; fignifying a delire that they might receive front God, the things they craved : fo Salomon did when he prayed,2.Ghro.6.13.and David,Pfal. 143.6. and Ezra,Ezr.9.9.and others, lob I 1.13. Like this was the lifting up of the hands; whereof fee Exod.17.11. it Iebovahs]or belonging to Iebovah, as theGreator,Profeffor,Govefnor of all things: doing what fever be pie ofeth, in heavenr,eartb, leas,&c.PCal.135.6. Of this fcntence there is of- ten mention and great the in the Scriptures : ice Dent.1o.14.15.Pf&1.24.1. &c. r Cor.1o.26,28. Verf.3b, will not yet feare] this the event O to be true, v. 35. Hereby it appeareth , that the prayers of the faithfull may remove temporary plagues, even from the wicked and impenitent. Compare 1 King.t8.42.45. Ex.32.11.14 34.35. Verf.3l. in the care] the Hebrew Abib,Isgnilìett a,greene ore of carne with the ltal ke,Levit, 2.14. Of it,the moneth when corns was newly rips is cal- led Abib, whereof fee Ex0d.13.4. holled]or,in the ffalke: the Greeke tranflateth it fìcding. Verf.32 rye:] or the graisse called Zea, or Spelt, in Hebrew Cnffimeth: of this is mention alto in Eaek. 4.9. Elày 28.25. The Hebrew Doftors count it a kind of wheat : as Alaimo') (heweth in C c 3 treat. 24 25 28 35 32