/d/O!/UdIIIdVl 11.111,11fi9/1/ k 33 34 35 I 2 3 4 S Pharaoh hardned. E x o D treat. of Leven,eb.5,S.1. hidden:] Hebrew, dark, or, obfcure, that is, hid under ground , not to bee feene : the Greeke tranflateth it,latemard. Verf.33. baz/eeeafed] This lheweth the effe& of Moles faith and prayer : the Apoltle noteth the like of Elias, who prayed, and it rained not on the earth by the j ace of three yeeres andfixe months : and he prayed again, and the beaten gave raine, Iam.5.17. 18. This is written for our comfort, for they were men, fubjetl to like paJon, at wee are. The fame is to be obferved in Exod. 1 0.18.19. and the o- ther plagues which Mofei by prayer took away. VerC. 34..made heavie] that is,obftinate and hard. See Exod.7. i 4 VerC34. waxed fireng] was madt fact and hard: feeExod.4.21. by the hand] that is,by the mi- nillerie or propbefie of Mofes, who had fignified fo much before,verfe 30. So Gods word came by the hand of Haggai, Hag. I. T. by the hand of Malachy, Mal. r.z. and by the handof all the Prophets, 2. King. 17.13. that is,by them as his miniflers and inftru- meats. And the handof the Lord, Cometime is the fpirit of propbecie, 2, King.3.1 5. d1dx5AHMARAMMAdMIdzM CHAP. X. r, God fhewetb Mofes wherefore bee barked Pba- raob, heart. 3, Loon./ s are threarnedto bee fens. 7, Pharaoh, moved by hit fern ant," inc/iuetb to let ¡pad goe, but changer) his mind. 12, The eighth plague, Loczzfls come upon Egypt. 16, Pharaoh confeff tb his fine, asltethforgivenejJe, anddefzretb Mofes prayer. 19, The Loeufls are taken away, and Pharaohs beam it hardned. 21, Darbyseffe, the ninth plague, is fent upon Egypt. 24, Pharaoh would fend Ifraelaway, but flay tber oat- tell. 25, Moles reJufetb to leave a.bosfebehind. 27, Pharaoh it bardned, and forbiddethMoles , on pain of death, to fee hisface any more. 0 a a AN D Iehovah Paid unto Mofes; Goe in unto Pharaoh, for I have made hea- vie his heart; and the heart of his fer- vants, that I may fet there my fignes in the midft of him. And that thou mails tell in the cares of thy fonne, and of thy Eons fon ; the things which I have wrought in Egypt, and my fignes which I have put amongft them ; and that ye may know that I am le- hovah. And Mofes and Aaron came in unto Pharaoh, and laid unto him , Thus faith le- hovah, the God of the Hebrewes I How long refufeft thou to humble thy felfe before mee a Send away my pcople,that they may ferve me. For if thou refute to fend away my people, behold, I bring tomorrow the Locusts into thy coati. And they (hall cover the eye of the earth , and one ¡hall not be a- ble to fee the earth : and they !hall Cate the rel3due of that which is efcaped, which re- u s X. Plagues of Locufts, maineth unto you from the hailc ; and !hall ear every tree which groweth for you , out of the field. And they (hall fill thy houfes, & the houles of all thy fervants, and the hou- fes of all the Egyptians; which thy fathers, and thy fathers fathers have not fcene, fence the day that they were upon the earth, unto this day : and he turned himfelfe, and went out from Pharaoh. And Pharaohs fervants Paid unto him, How long (hail this manbe a fnare unto use fend away the men, that they may ferve Iehovah their God :knowelt thou not yet that Egypt is deftroyed t AndMo- fes he Aaronwere brought againe unto Pha- raoh ; and he Paid unto them, Goe ferve le- hovah your God : who, and who are they that (hall goe a And Mofes faid,We will go, 9 with our yong and with our old with our forts and with our daughters, withour socks and with our herds,will we goe,for we have a feaft of lehovah. And he Paid unto them, Let Jehovah be fo with yousas I will fend a- way you, and your little ones : fee to it, for evill is before your faces. Not fo ; goe now ye men, and ferve Iehovah, for that you did request : and he drove them out from Pha- raohs prefence. And lehovah laid unto Mo- res ; Stretch out thy hand over the land of Egypt, for the Locufts,that they may come up upon the land of Egypt, and cate every herbe ofthe laìtd,all that the bade bath left. And Mofes ftretched out his rod over the land of Egypt, and Jehovah brought an Eaft wind' upon the land, all that day, andall the night: the morning was, and theEatt wind brought up the Locufts. And the Locufis went up over all the land of Egypt , and relied in all the coatisof Egypt, exceeding heavie ; before them there were no fuch Locufts as they , and after them !hall no fuch he. And they covered the eye of all 15 the earth, and the land was darkened; and they did Bate every herbe of the land, and all the fruit of the trees,which the baile had left; and there remained not any green shing in the trees , or in the herbes of the field, in all the land of Egypt. And Pha- t6 raoh battened to call for Mofes and for Aa- ron ; and he Paid , I have finned againft Ie- hovah your God,and againft you. And now forgive I pray thee my fine, onely this once and intreat ye Iehovah your God,that he may takeaway from me this death only. And he went out from Pharaoh, and intrea- ted Jehovah. And Jehovah turned ave- temeítt Chong fea wind,and tooke away the Locufis, 6 7 8 Io II 12 13 24 1i7 18 19 tofillP27 ///// \hU