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and L)arkenefíè. EXODUS Á. Locuits, and fattened them to the red tea : there remained not one Locufl in all the 20 coats of Egypt. And Iehovah made thong the heart of Pharaoh, and bee fentnot away ar the fonnes of Ifrael And Jehovah Paid unto Mofes ; Stretch out thy hand toward the heavens, and there (tall bee darkeneffe over the land of Egypt , that one may feele the sa darkeneffc. And Moles ftretched out his hand toward the heavens, and there was ob. (cure darkneffe in al the land of Egypt three 23 dayes. They taw not any man his brother, neither role they any man from his placé, three dayes: but to all the fonnes of Ifraèl 24 ti-ere was light in their dwellings.And Pha- raoh called unto Moles, and Paid, Goeyee, ferve Iehovah ; one!), let your (ockes and your herds be flayed : let your little Ones al- as fo goe with you.And Mofes faid,Thonalto (halt give into our hand,facrifices and burnt - offrings , that we may doefacrifrce to Ieho- a6 vah our God. And our cattell alto (hall goe with us ; there (hall not an hopfe be left,for thereof (tail wee take to ferve Iehovah our God; and we knownot with what wee (hall ferve Iehovah, until! we come thither. And made ftrong the heart of Pháraoh, ag and hee would not fend them away. And Pharaoh Paid unto him, Get thee from mee, take heed to thy felfe, fee my face no more, for in the day thou feels my face, thou (halt 2g die. And Mofes faid,Thouhall fpoken wel : I will not fee thy face againe any more. 31 Annotations. D 9 9 Here beginneth the fifteenth Se &ion orLefture of the Law, fee Gen.6.9. Verf i. for I] or, though I have made heavie, that is, bardned : fee Exod. 7.14. of him] of Pha- raoh and his fervants: therefore theGreeke tran- flateth it, them, laying, that there fign es may hereafter tame upon them. 2 Vert. a. thou]this alto meaneth Mors and the Ifraelites ; as after he ftith,ye ; and fo the Greeke tranflateth here. And in Dem. 6.20.21. Mores willeth Iliad to tell their fonnes,of the fgnes and wonders,great andevil,which the Lord had brought upon Egypt. The like is in Pfal. &c. the thi,o e]theChaldeefaith,themiracles. Verf 3. Heinen/ea] in the Chaldee levees. 3 bumble thy (elfe] the Greeke tranflateth, how long wilt thou not reverence me ? 4 Verf.4, Leenffs] or Grafhoppers o the Hebrew is Loeuf; put generally for a multitude of Loculi, ; (as tie :, for trees , Gen. 3.2.) And the originals Arbeh, hath the denomination of a multitude, be- caufe choir nature is to be many togecher,as Prov. 3o. 27. the Loeufls have no king , yet goe they forth ail. them by heapes : and huge multitude§ are therefore refembled co Locufls,Ier.46.23.Iudg.6.5. Verf. S . the rye] put for the whole face, or tepmofi part of the earth , which is feene with the eye : as the Greche tranflateth it the fight, or feperficies. The Chaldee explains it,of hiding the fight of the Ame fiem the earth : fo in,verfe t 5. Humane wri- ters teltifie, that thegreat Locufls fiy , and make great nail with their wings, at if they were birdr,and doe der, lien the funne. Pline booig ix. chapter 29. that which is efeaped] Hebr. the of aping, or, evafion. Verf 6. houfes]the t.ocufis are reported to gnaw 6 all things , even the doores of houfes o Plinie, b?ale Is. chapter 29. Some of the Hebrewes write, that there Locults did not only hurt the fruits of the earth,but menalto; as the author of the book of Wifedome, c.l6. verf9. faith, a/whitings of Loeuflr andof fies pilled them ; lei :her wa there fowtd any re- medy for their life. Vcrfy. firvants] the nobles and counfellors of ,- Egypt. a (tare] that is, ade.firuflion by the plagues that bee bringeth upon us. This word [tare, ufttally fsgnifieth the means of deltruttion; as Exod.2 3.33. lof. 23.1 3.1. 8.2 r. which here the Egyptians impute unto Mofes; whereas a flare is in the tranfgreffion f an evilman,Prov.29.6 kknavefl thou] the Greeke interpreteth it , ar wouldefl thou know ? Verf..9. have] Hebr. to no is : whereby is meant 9 we have ; as is noted on Gen.. ra. t 6. The word i it, is fupplied here In the Greeke verton. feafa of lebovab] fo called,becaufe it wascowman. ded by him, Exod. 5.1. and *as to beekeprunto- him ; as theChaldee expounds it, afeaflbrferethe Lord; and as elfewhere it is raid, a feafl nnte Lebo., vah, Exod.3 2.5. Verf. t o,fe mithyou,&c. ]It is an imprecation or curfe, becanfe hee purpofed not to let them goe but as God forced him to fend them away,fo tut, ned he his curfe into a bleffing to them,Exod.t 2. 30.31,. & 13.2 t.22. The Chaldee paraphrafeth, theWIrdof the Lord, fa be your belpe.Here Satan, who had before fought the death of Ifraelì Infants, Exo.t.feeketh to retaine them at loft in bondage: and when hee cannot hinder the redemption of the whole Church, yet to hinder it in parr.So in Revel. 12. 13. -57. when the Dragon could not hurt the woman ; lie maketh warre with the remnant of her fed. evil] this word is ufed both for fin, and for the pun(humsof the fame, as Lucal. 18, 8. if they turne from their evil , I will repent of the evil! that I thought to doe unto them. Both may bee here implyed by Pharaoh , but the latter chiefly threatning more afi&&ion, if they left not off their intended tourie. The Chaldeeexponndeth it thus; fee bow the evil wbiehyou thitike to doe , fine& before four face,. he drove]that is,Pharaoh drove, or canted them to be driven out of his pretence: Or, he drove, is put for they were drivtn: fee the notes on Gen 16.04... Vert :13. over the land of Egypt] the Greeke ex, poundals it, towards heaven. obi eaff wind] which Is a firong and violent wlnd, with it God drove S IO t3.