3= EXODUS X. drove backe the tea, Exodus 23.2 and by it his judgements are often fignified,Gen 4 t.y. Pfa1m. 488. EC ay 27.8. Ezek. t 9.12. Ier. t 8.17. Locufls] or Gnoppers ; and with them cat erpillers al fn, as David fheweth in Pfal: ío5.34.35. & 78. 46. They are of Gods heaviejudgements upon tanners, Deut.z8. 38. 1 King.8.37. and unto this eight plague of Egypt, the army of Antichrilt is relentbled,that tormented men Rev. &c. I4 VerC 14. beanie,] both grievous for the hurt they did, and for the multitude of them, as the Greekeexplaineth it, many fach.] Yet great judgements upon Ifrael , are mentioned by Lo- cults , Iori.1. 2.3.4. and by humane writers it is Grid, that in India there are fame of threefoot long: Pli- nio, book It. chapter 29. 15 Vert.' 5. the ye,] the face, as verfe 5. dark ned] that is hid and defaced ; and as the Greeke tranflateth, corrupted. 17 VerO17. death,] that is, deadlyplague 5 fo 2 King. 4.40. death is àn the pot. i I9 Verf. 19. feawind, ] that is , weft mind , as the Chaldee explaines it:the Greeke faith.from the fee. For the maine lealay weft -ward: fee Genet, i 2.8. faflened]or, pitched them in, the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate uajf them:. but the word mea- neth,that they were to throwne in as there to re- maine and rife no more; as when a Tent or other thing is pitched and fait nailed. After this man- ner God often deftroyeth Locults in other places, being taken up by heapes with the wind, they fall into fees orlakgs, faith Punie,b.i5.0.29. redfea5] or, ` weedy fen: called inHebrew, the fees Sùph; which word Ggnifieth fedge,or tea- weeds,that grew there- in, and whereof it feemeth it had the name : fee Exod.z.3.Ion.2.5.The Holy Ghoft in Greek cal - leth it, Eutbran,the Red -Juo,A &.7.36. Heb.t t.29. either of the red fand of that lia, or red moun- tains by it ; or of one Erythren a king , as Strabo writeth in his 26. book. But the Latines called it Rubrummare, that is, the Red -lea, Plinie Hàfi.b.13. e. 25. Pomp. Melo. b.3. chap.7. and by that name it is ufttally knowne in thefe parts of the world. In this feaPharaoh himfelfe with his army, were afterward drowned,Exod.i 4. 20 Verle 20. made Prong ] that is2 hardned, as the Greeke tranflateth, fee Exod.4.2 a . 21 Verf2I. there fhall le] er as theGreeke tranfla- teth, let tite re be darknefji. Of this plague alfo,God warneth not Pharaoh before hand . fee Ex.8. í 6. that one may fiele] or,and he (that is,Pharaóh, or every one) foal! feele; meaning, as the Gr. trail- flateth it , f alpable darken. ' , tch as may bee felt with the hand,for the thickneffc of the ayre.The Hebrew word fignifieth fometime to f ele,Iudg. i 6. 26. f`ometime on the contrary to Oak away, or re- move, Exod.i 3.22.in which latter fence the Chal- dee paraphrafe here expoundeth it, afàer the dark,- nef of the night is removed : meaning that the day lhould be turned to darkenelfe. 22 Verf.22.obfatredarkeneffè]Hebr.darken(ofob- farity, that is; molt oblcure, blackand thick. The Greeke expreffeth it by three words . darkeney, thàcke, obfcurity, tempef [tour d6rkeneffé. This ninth plague, Davidcelebrateth, inPfal. to5.28.and tinto it, the fife plague of the fpirituall Egypt is compared, Rev. t 6. a o. where the kingdome of the Beafl itfull of darken(, and mengnaw their tongues for pain. A righteous judgement of God upon thole that opprelfed his people, the light of the world, Matth. 5. 14. and rebelled againfi the light as Iob 24.13. Verf.23. few not,] neither by firn or flats front above,neither by fire beneath,had they any light. So,tbelight of the wicked (hail be put out,and the(park of bie fire fball notthine ; the light (ball be dark in his tabernacle, Iob t 8. 5.6. from bitplace] or , frem under him: theGreek tranflateth,f om hit bed. Thus in themthe Paying was fulfilled, the wicked fhall betalon in darknef, í. Sant.2.9. war light] Co they had beene freed from former plagues fee Exod. 9. 26. and God promifeth like mercie to his Church by the Golpell, laying, Arife thou, bee inlightnd for thy light itcome, &c. darken fhall cover the earth , andgroffè darken( the peoples, but lehovah (hail arife upon thee, &c. Efay 60, i ,2. Verf.25.doe facrifice]or,offer. The wordfacri- fice, here nnderltood, is elfewhere expreffed as in I King. Ia. 27. and when the word doe (ormak) is joyned with ficrifices, as in this place,it ligni- fieth to or, as Levit.9.7.22. and t 6.9. Exod,29. Verf. 26. not an hofe] not any thing, faith the 26 Chaldee. Thus Iakob went before out of Melo- potamia' into Canaan, with all his cattell and fitblt.tnce, Gen. 3 i.I8. And Mofes conitancie to keepe the commandement of God unto the fmal- left.things,in every particular, is an example of the obedience which we all owe unto theLord, & fromwhich no perfecution ortyrannie fhoald flay us.And the not leaving of an boofe behind, fig nificd their full departure out of Egyptian bon- dage; leaving nothing to tempt, or occafon them to returnethither back againe: which God afterforbad them, Dent. í7 t6.& 28.68. Hof g.3. Verf. 27. madeflrong] that is, bardned, as the Grecketranflateth.SeeExod.4.2t. would not] or, was not perfwadcd, confentednot to fend them, not - withftanding all thefe plagues. This word is not ufedinall thishiftory, untili now: it fetteth forth Pharaohs wilfulneffe. Verf. 28. no more] Hèbr. adde not tofee : fo in the verfe following. Here Pharaoh is inraged againft Moles, and more filly manifefteth his hardnnlfe of heart, unto whom Moles anl.vereth, with no Idle courage and faith in God; nut fearing(as,Paul faith) the wrath of the !Zing, but induring, at f Bing him who is inviftble, Heb. í2.27. Therefore ere he went out of his prefence,he deuounceth the laltplague (in the chapter following) and departed, never tieing hint more.As Pharaoh by a1 thefe plagues, is not bettered, butworfe hard ned : fo when the beafts throne and kingdome is darkned,theygnaw their tongues for pain; and blafpheme the God of heaven, becmtfeof their pains and their fares; and repent not f their deeds, Rev. i 6. t 0.11. Verf. 29. well] or, right : the Greeke trahfla- 29 tech, at thou haft faid. So it was an approbation of Phara- 23 2S /r y/ APP i i ii / a tn p n WA I I I I I I W 27 a8