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.4117/17a. lewels borro wéd. ExoDUs X I. Pharaohs evil¡ fpecch , but a fignification that it Ihould fo come to pafre. Wherein Mofes ¡hewed great faith in God,and courage again the King, whore wrath he fared not, as the Apoftle obferveth in Hebr. t 1.37. For before his departure, flee threatneth the laft plague, and goeth out very angry, Exod. t 1.4.8. MARIAMM IAAAMIAMIAi;i CHAP. XI. r, GodsmefragetotheIfraelites, to borrowjewels of their neighbours the Egyptians. 4, Mofes threatnetb. Pharaoh with the death of all the Firfl -borne in Egypt. 9, Pharaohs heart isbardned jlill. e ND Iehovah (aid unto Mofes ; Yet one plague will I bring upon Pharaoh, and upon Egypt ; afterwards heewill fend you away from hence: when hee (hall fend pa away , hefhallthrullingthruft you a o-at from hence altogether. Speake now in the dims of the people; and let every man aske of his neighbour, and every woman of her neighbour , jewels of filver, and jewels 3 of gold. And Jehovah gave the people grace in tile eyes of the Egyptians: alío the man Moles war very great in the land of Egypt, in the eyes of Pharaohs fervants,andknthe 4 eyes of the people. And Mofes Paid , thus faith Jehovah,About midnight will I goe out 5 into the midft of Egypt. And every firfl- borne in the land of Egypt (hall dye , from the firlt -borne of Pharaoh that fitteth upon his throne, even to the fish-borne of the bond-woman, that is behind the mill ; and 6 every firlt -borne of beafts. And there (hall be a great cry in all the land of Egypt, fuch a there bath beene none like it,nor (hall bee 7 like it any more. But againft any of the Eons of Ifrael (hall not a dogge move his tongue, again[¡ man or beaft,that ye may know how Iehovah Marvell oufly feverethberween the 8 Egyptians and Ifrael. And all theft thy fer- vants (hall come downe unto me, and bow downe themfelves unto me,faying,Gòe our thou , and all thepeople thatis at thy feet ; and afrerthat, I will goe out : and hee went out from P'haraoh,in heat of anger. And 3e- 9' hovah Paid unto Mofes ; Pharaoh fhail not hearken unto you, that city wonders maybe multiplied in the land of Egypt.And Mofes ao and Aaron did all there Wonders before Pharaoh : and Jehovah made firong the heart of Pharaoh, and he Pent not sway the formes of Ifrael out of his land. 3? vInnotations. SAid] or,badfaid, before he went loft unto Pha- raoh, being called,Exod.1o.24. therefore ere he departeth out of his pretence, hee denounceth this loft plague as appeareth by the 8. verle fol- lowing. thrufling thrùfl] that is, earneflly and haffilythrufl, as came topalre, Exod. tz.3t.33. The Greeke tranllateth, with all rejetlion he Pall re- jell (or callyou ont;) and as the Chaldec Psith,witb full rejetlion.' Vert: z. in the eures The Greeke addeth, privily. 2 the people] thflfraelites bit neighbour] all Egyptian: this was fignified at the find Exo.3. 22. jewels]or,veflils, infruments,of all forts. There theyborrowed, but never rettored ; Gods extraordinary commandment was their war- rant as it was unto Abraham for the killing of his fonne , Gen. 22. and it was arecompence of their labours, wherewith they had ferved the E- gyptians. Verf.3. grace] that is , favour, Hebr. thegrace of the people- which the Greeke trantlateth, grace to bis peaple:fee the notes on Ex.3.z 1.andGen.39.21. Verf.4. Paid] to Pharaoh,before he went out of 4 his pretence, verl:8. and Exod t o.29. Igoe out] theChaldee faith, Inil be revealed: this God did by his Angell that deftroyedthem,Exod.12. 23. And this going out, as the likephrafe of pang through , in Exod. 12. t2. is meant for evil¡ unto Egypt : unto which the Scriptures elfewhere have referencc,as in Amos 5.17./ willpaffi through theee faith the Lard. Ver. S. on his throne] that is, which jhrill reigue af- ter him : the Chaldee explaineth it , which Pall fit upon the throne of his kingdome. And the holy text fo explaineth i bfelfe,as bis throne, ¡. Chron.t 7. r 2. is the throne of hit kimgdome, 2.Sam.7. 13. and to fis on the throne, is to reign in (lead. of another,r.Kin 3. 6: with z. Çhron. 1.8. and a man upon the throne, a King.9.5. is expounded to be a ruhr, z.Chron. 7:18 behind the mill] or,after themill _Panels ;that is7 iiiprifon grinding at the mill, as is explained in Exod.t 2.2 1. Efa. 47.1.2. and the is Paid to bee behind, or after it for thrutting it before them, as they wrought. Verf7. move] that is , they (hall not have the leap let or difturbance. See the like in for. 20.21. The dog lignifieth the wicked, Pral. z 2. t 7.21.that fach thould not move their tongue, is according to that raying, Iniquity fliall flop her mouth Iob 5. ía. Pfal.t07.42. fvereth]Greekegbrifietb: fee Exodus 8.2 2. V. 8. fervantr] the Counsellors; i`lobles,Cour- tiers. There compelled by the plague,lhouldbow dawn to Mores: fo greatly would God honour his fervent. So God promiférh his Church , that Kings and G eenes (hould bow downe thereto, with their face towards the earth, &c. Efa.49.23 at thy feet]following thee: the Greeke tranfla- teth it,whom thou leade : the Chaldeo,neitb thee. heat,] or, inflammation of anger. Though Mores was a very meek,nan,above al the men skit were upon the earth. x 5 7