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1.6 17/'1//1'll !, ! p IN 7D9//A%^y "ti ENESIS 1l- dim' to the law in Num. 6.23,-27. 7ha /mud in Sotch, chap.7. fol. 37. 5 Vert. 5. plant:] or tree, as the Chaldee inter - prets it. A generall word thereforethe Greeke tranfatcth it,greene thing. before it mai] or, which may not ya : neither fhould have beetle, had not í;ód inade them by his word : who dill can - feth filch things to grow, Plal.to4.14. caufed it fo rattle :] which raine , is the ordinary meanes to make the earth fruitful], Job 38. 26,27.Hcb.6. 7. And this is fpoken of Go ,becaufe none but he call give raine, Jer. 14.22. 6 Vcrf 6. And a mill] or, vapour t the Chaldee calleth it a cloud: the Greeke, afuntaine. As being the originallmatter of the raine : for by vapours afecnding from the earth and lea , raine is in- gcndercd , and powred out on the earth, Plàlm. 35.7. Amos 5.8. t King.' 8.44. 7 Verf. 7. farmedman] or, the earthly -man, Adam.. Hereupon it is raid, we are theelay, and thou (Lord) our firmer, (or poner ;) Efa. 64. 8: duff :] or, mould : that is, of the duff, as Ecclef. 3. 20. but the ípecch is forcible , noting mans bafe originall, whereof he was after put in mind,Gen.3. t 9. and we all, Ecclef. t 2.7. Hereupon Paul faith, The fini man sea ,f the earth, duff e, t Cor. 15.47. and wee are raid to dwell in harps of clay, and to have our foundation in the dull, Job 4. 19. infpired:]} or, blew. This lheweth mans fpirit not to be of the earth,as his body; but of nothing,hy the i nfufHa- tion of God : and fo differing from the fpirit of beads, as Solomon obferveth, Ecclef. 3.21. This word is ufed alto, (when Chrifl,for to make men new creatures by the preaching of the Gofpel,) iufpired his Apollles with the holy Ghott,. Joh. 20.22. The Rabbines fay; The forme ofthe fade (of man) it not compounded of the elements, &c.. but is of the Lord from heaven. TherePre when the material! body , which n compotmded of the elements , it feparated, and the breathperifheth becaufe it ienot found, but with the body , and is needful! pr the body in all the anions thereof; chit (effentiall) firme is not defrayed, &c. but cominueth fir ever, corn for ever and ever. This it that rehirh Solomon ly hismlfdome faidf in Ecclef. 2.. 7.) and daft pall fieturne unto the earth as it was, and the fpirit fha/1 renirne unto God who gave sr. many in Ms/üeh, in lefiedeihatorah, ch.4.fè &.9. bsearl: of lifer] or , fpirit oflivees: whereby is intima- ted one Iirit or taule to be in titan , which hath fttndry faculties and operations. The breath here, is in Hebrew,Nefhamah,wl>,ichhash afiìnitie with Shamajim heavens : nluolly it fignificth either the breathofGod,or ofinen,not of other things:and fo it is put for nuns minde,or reafonable fou /e: and the Lat hic word Mens minde,is of the fame confo- naut letters that theHebrew, and of it derived. And this Minde is the Lards candle, fearching aU?he inward roomes Othe belly, The Hebrew Ikes, is by the holy Ghoft tranflated in Greeke, life; Aft. 2.28. from Kahn. 16. t t. and it is fo named in the forme pinràll, becaufe in life, there are many operations , changes occurrences, &c. that doe fall ont. and man:] or, Adam: which Paul opencth thns,tbe frl] man Adami Cor.t 5.45: wr was,] or,was to, that is .become a living foule.The word to, as it is often expreffed, fo is it fometime omitted in the Hebrew text: as z Chro.i 8.21. I will be to(orfr) a lying fpirit: which in 1 King. 22.22. is written, Imil be aymg fpirit: unto this living file, Paul oppofeth thefirmed Adam, Chrift, who is a live -malfgfpirit,t Cor.t 5.45. where he compareth living or quirk ,with live - malting, or quic%sirtg; and foulc, with flint : as ale° the feully(or natural!) body, with the fpirituai, verf. 44,46. Só by living fouk, here is meant, the natural] ellate of life in this world,whcre men doeeat and drinke, procreate children, 8Ic. which in the world to conic , (hall be otherwife,when this a imalitie,.or fouly flate,fhall be changed into fpiritua/iity.As for the ternie of this our fouly,or natural] life, it du- reth while our breath is in us, aadth: fpirit of God in our noel rill, Job 27. 3. for the breath of the Alminhtie, giveth us life, Job 33.4. And here,for a living foule, the Chaldee tranf lateth f ealting, that is, re efenable, becaufe man hath a foule reafonable, whereby he fpeaketh : fo differing from durnbe beafls, Pfal. 32.9, 2 Pet. z. i 6. The Hebrew Do &ors fay, The firme oftbe inferrour Adam,mftiically fgnifiedthe femme of the fuperiour Adam ; ,R, Menachem onGen. 5. t. The myflerie is opened by the Apoftle thus, The fill! man itof the earth, earthly : the feeondman isofthe Lord from heaven, i Cor. 15.47. Ver. 8. agarden;] called hereupon, The garden of Iehavah, Gen. 13.1 o. theGreek tranflateth it,a pa- radife, which name is borrowed from the Hebr. pardefe., that`ftgnifieth an orchard Song 4.13. Ec- clef. 2.5. This place for the plealantneffe of it is made a figure Ofheaven, named paradife, in Luke 23. 43. 2 Cor. 12. 4. It is alto applied to the Church of Chrift, Rev. 21.& 22. So the Hebrew Doftors gathered from Song 4.12. that this gar- den fignifed the Church of Ierael: R.Menachem on Gen.2.S in Eden :] a country in the upper part ofChaldea, mentioned in Efa. 35.12. Ezek.27.23. and other where. Eden fgnifiethPleafure, (of it, the Greckes name Pleafure, Hedone) and the name Iheweth it to be the pleafantell partof the world: wherefore comparifons are madeby it, Efa. 51. 3. Ezek. 31. 16, 18. Vert: 9. d freable:] that is , goodly , pleafant, tall, excellent : as Cedars and the like. See Ezek. 31.8,9,18. tree y70:] which was continually flourifhingand fruitful!: unto which the Scrip- ture feemeth to have reference, in defcribing the fpirituall Paradife under theGofpel,mentioning the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yeelded ber fruit every month, anddo leaves of the tree, were for the healing ofthe nations,Rev.2 2.2. This was unto Adam a fymbolicall tree, a figne not only of a hleffed natural] life in Paradife, for a time, ,but of a fpirituall life after in Heaven for ever, if he continued in obedience to his Creator. For as'the breadof ffe,is that which giveth lifeeternall to them that care of it, Joh. 6. 48,53,51. fo this tree of life fignificd the like, as God himfelfe af- ter Iheweth , Gen. 3. 22. Compare alloProverbs 13. 12. midf of the garden : ] the Greeke faith, of the paradife: which the holy Ghoft follow- __ ZAWAr7/l111111tilvoi/ 8 9