4 The Pa(chall Lambe. E x o bus XII. Manner of eating earth, Numb. 12.3. yet now in the Lords caufe, with whom Pharaoh had fo often mocked, hee is eery wroth, and CO the King and hedoe part, an- gry each with other, asExod.to.z8, And fuch is the end of the miniftery of Moles law , unto all hard hearted linnets, Rom.2.5. and 4. 15. Vnto this we may apply that faying of Paul; By faith Mofes f rfioke Egypt, rot feorintg the wrath of the Kong: I o fir be indured,av feeßrg him mho àr itrvifible, Heb.11.27. Vert: r o. made firong] that is, as the Greeke ex- poundeth it , hardned. Herein the unTearchable- neffe of Gods judgements is to be confidered;for as thole whom he loveth, he loveth unto the end, Ioh. 13. T. and putteth his feare in their hearts, that they Iball not depart from him, Ier.32.40. fo the wicked(whom his foule hateth,Pfal.s 1.5.) he hardneth their heart fromhis feare , Efay 63. 17. that though hee doe many miracles before them, yet they beleeve not ; neither can they be- leeve, becaufc bee hath blinded their eyes , and hardned their heart; that they- Ihould not fee with their eyes, nor underhandwith their heart, and be converted, and he(honld heale them, Iola. r2. So after their hardneffe and impe- nitent heart; they treafure up unto themfelves wrath again( the day of wrath, Rom. 2.5. and God willing to Thew wrath,8t to make his power knowne, endured) with much long- fuffering the veffels of wrath, fitted todehruLtion, Rom.9. 22. Of which Pharaoh is a moli memorable ex- ample, appointed of God for this,that hemight Thew his power in him, and that Gods, name might be declared throughout all the earth,Exo- dus 9.16. Romanes 9.17. CHAP. XII. 1, be momtb wherein Ifrael went out of Egypt, it made the firfl enmesh. 3, Aeommandemem to prepare a Lambe for the P*aver. 11, The manner of eating the Paf over. 15, Vnlevened bread muff bee eaten f- ven ¿ayes. 223 The bleed of the Lamb muff be fprinek led on the there pop. 293 All the first -borne of Egypt are(laine. 31, The Ifraeliter are driven out ofthe land. 35, They f yle the Egyptians. 37, They journey to Succoth. 43, The ordinance of the Pafover, and who they are that may eat the fame. t N D Iehovah Paid unto Moles and unto Aaron, in the land of Egypt, faying : This moneth (ball be unto you a the head of moneths : it jhalf be unto. you 3 the fire of themoneths of the yeare.Speake yee unto all the congregation Of Ifrael, lay- ing, in thetenth of this moneth, That they take to them, every man a lambe according to the houfe of their fathers, a lambe for an 4 houfe. And if the houfe be too little to bee for alambe, then (tall he,and his neighbour the next unto his houfe, take according to the number of the foules; every man accor- ding to his eating, yee shall make yonrcount for the lambe. A lambe perfeel,, a male of 's' 5 the firft yeare , (halt it be to you ; yee fhall rake it of the fheepe or of the goats. And it (hall be by you kept up,untill the fourteenth day of this moneth; and the whole Church of thecongregation of Ifrael(hall kill it,be- tweene the two evenings. And they !hall take of the blood,and give it upon the two.. fide -polls, and upon the upper doore -pof, upon the houles wherein they (hall eat ir. And they that) eat the flefh in that night,roff with fire,andwith unlevened cakes; and with bitter herbs they Ihall eat it. Yee fhall noteat of it raw, or fodden at all in water, but roll with fire ; the head thereof, with the legs thereof, and with the purtenance thereof. And yee (hall not let ought remaine of it un- till the morning : and that which remaineth of it untill the morning, yee (hall burn with fire.And thus nua!l ye eat it:with your )Dines girded , your fhooes on your feet,and your faaffe in your hand:andye Ihall eat it in haft; it ti Iehovahs Paffeover. And I will paffe through the land of Egypt in this night,and will Imite every firft-borne in the land of E- gypt ,from man even unto bean: and againft all the gods of Egypt will I do judgements; I Iehovah. And theblood fhal be to you for a figneupon the houles where you are; and I will fee the blood, and will palle over you, and the plague (hall not be upon you to de. frutìion , when I fmite the land of Egypt. And this day (hall be unto you for a memo - riail,and yee Thall feftivally keepe it a feat to Iehovah ; throughout your genefations Ihall yee feftivally keepe ir, by an everla- fling nature. Seven dayes )hall yee Bate un-, levened cakes , even in the first day yee (hall caufe theold leven to ceale out of your hou- fes:for whofoever eateth levened bread,even that foule (hall be cut off from Ifrael , from the first day untili the feventh day. And in the fire day there (hall be untoyou a convo- cation of holineffe : and in thefeventh day a convocation of holineffe : not any work fhal be done in them; but that which (tall be ea- ten of every foule,thatonly (ha!! be done of you.And ye (hall obferve the (feafkof) unle- vened cakes, for in this felfe-fame day have I brought forth your armiesout of the land of Egypt : and yee !hall obferve this day throughout your generations , by an everla -, fling natute.ln the firft (moneth) in the four- teenth day of the moneth,at theevening,ye that) Bate unlevened cakes, until! the one and twentieth day of the monethat the evening. Seven 6 7 8 9 Io II Ia 13 I4. Is x6 17 Ill 4AIl11IIIPIIII _ //