the Patleover, .Ex opus XII. and unlevened bread. 35 t9 Seven dales, old leven (hall not be found in your houfes ; for whofoever eateth that which is !evened, even that foule !hall be cut off from the congregation of Ifrael, he he of the (I ranger , or of the home-borne of the 2 0 land. Any levened thing ye (hall not eat : in all your habitations yee (hall Bate unlevened 21 cakes. And Mofes called for all the Elders of Ifrael, and faid unto them , Draw out , and taketo you lambes, according to your fami. 22 lies,and kill the- Paffeover. And ye (hall take a bunch of hylfope, and dip it in the blood that is in the bafon, and ftrike on the upper doore-polt, and on the two fide- pofts,,with the blood that is in the bafon : and you, yee (hall not goe forth any man out of the doore 23 of his houle, untill the morning. For Ieho- vah will paffe through to fmite the Egypti- ans , and will fee the blood on the upper doore -poft, and on the two fide -ports :'and Iehovah will paffe over the doore, and will not give the de(kroyer to come in unto your 24 houfes to fmite. And yee (hall obferve this thingfor a fiance to thee, and to thy fonnes 25 forever. And it fhall be, when ye arecome in unto the land which Jehovah will give you, even as. here hath fpoken, then yee 26 (hall kecpe this fervice. And it !hall be, when your formes !hall fay unto you, z 7 What is this fervice to you ? Then ye (hall fay , It is the facrifice of the Pa( %over to Iehovah, who paffed over the houfes of ;the fonnes of Ifrael in Egypt, when bee fume the Egyptians, and delivered our houles: And the people bended downe the head, 2g ! and bowed themfelves. And the fonnes of Ifrael went and did , even as Iehovah had commanded Mofes and Aaron, fo did they. 29 And it was, that atmidnight Jehovah Note every firft -borne in the land of Egypr,from the fIrft -borne of Pharaoh that fate on his throne, unto the firft -borne of the capnve that was in the prifon houle, and every fiat- 30 borne ofbeafls.And Pharaoh role up in the night, heand all his fervants , and all the E- gyptians; & there was a great cry in Egypt, for there mar not a houle where there wd.o. 31 not onedead,. And bee called for Mofes and for Aaron in the night , and Paid , Rife up, goe out fromamongft my people, both you and the fonnes of Ifrael ; and god, !erne íe- 32 hovah, as yee have fpoken. Allo take your flocks and your herds, as yee have fpoken, 33 and goe: and bleffe me ailo,And the Egyp- tians were urgent upon the people, making haft to fend them away out of the land : for they Paid, We heall dead men. And the peo- ple Cooke úp their dough before it was leve- ned, their lumps of dough,bound up in their cloathes, upon their (houlders. And the Connes of Ifrael did according to the word of Mofes;and asked of the Egyptiansjewels of flyer and jewels of gold, and garments. And Iehovah gave the people grace in the eyes of the Egyptians and they gave them their asking : and they fpoyled the Egypti. ans. And the fonnes of ICrael journied from Ramefes to Succoth , about fixe hundred thoufandonFoote that were men , befide little ones.And alto much mixed people went up with them, and flocks and herds , a very great poffefiion of anted. And theybaked the dough which they brought forth out of Egypt, cakes unlevened, for it was not leve- ned ; for they were thruft out from Egypt, and could not tarry ;'neither had they made ready for themfelves any vithiall. And the dwelling of the formes of Ifrael who dwelt in Egypt, was foule hundred yeares, and thirty yeeres. And it was, at the end of the loare hundred yeares, and thirty yeeres, e- ven the felle-fame day it was, all the armies of Iehovah went out from the land of E- gypt. It is a night of oblervations to Jeho- vah, for bringing them out from the land of Egypt : this is that night of Iehovah,ofob- fervations for all the Cons of Ifrael through- out their generations. And Iehovah laid un- to Mofes and Aaron ; This is the ftatute of the Paffeover :noftrangersfonnefhould eat thereof. But every Cervant of any man, bought for money, when thou haft circum- ci fed him, then he (Mall eat thereof. A for reiner & an hired fervant (hall not eat there- of. In one houle (hall it be eaten ; thou (halt not carry forth ought of the fle(h abroad out of the houle, and yee (hall not brealce a bóne thereof. All the congregation of Ifrael (hall doe it. And when a ftranger (hall fojourne with thee, and will doe the Pafféover to le- hovah,let every male of his be cirèúmeifed and then he (hall come neere to doe it ; and he (hall be as the home-borne of the land : but any uncircumcifed (hall not eat thereof. One law (hall be to the home - borne, and to the (tranger that fojottrneth among you And all the fonnes of ICrael did ; even as Je- hovahcommanded Moles and Aaron,fo did they. And it was, in this felfe- fame day, Ie- hovah brought forth, the fonnes of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt, by their armies. 34 35 36 37 38 39 4° 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51