ininrnr 1,11\11111711 Air ;6 Exonus XII. tilítnotatienr. 1 Nd] or, Alg Jehovah had faid : to tvit,before j']Mofes had gone out from Pbceraobs pretence, and threatnéd thedeath of the fief borne,Exod. I I,4. for this Pafchall Lambe was got ready, the fourth day before it was killed; as after is mani- fe& in verf.3. & 6. 'This month] named in He- brew, Abib, Exod.13. 4. and Nifan, Nehem. a. 1. (by which name the Chaldee calleth it in this chapter, verf, 18.) it is with us called March, or Aprili; for it fell out fometime to be part of both. the bead] that is, as the Greek tranflateth, the beginning. So the head, (that is, the beginning) of the Jeers, Ezek. 40. I. unto you] By reafon of this. their going out of Egypt, the yeere (which before began in September, Exod.a 3. t 6.) bath his begin- ning to the Jewes Ecflef1a&ically in Abib , or (t March : but for the Jubilees, and civili affaires, it began as it had done before, Levit. 25. 8, 9,10. This alto Iofephut to&ifieth, in Antiq. ó.1.c.4. See the notes on Gen.7.1 r. Becaufe this releafe of if. raet, was a figure of the Churches redemption by Chri &, who reneweth the world, i Cor. 5.7,,8. 2 Cor. 5.17. and who was to fitffer death alto in this month, Joh. t 8.28. &c. therefore God made it the bead and fir.! of the yeere : that by it the Church might be taught to expert the aceeptabk yeere of the Lord, which Chri&preached, Luk.4.1 9, j, Verf3. tbe tenth] that is, the so. day: as, the fir II, Matth. 26.17. is expounded, the fir ft day, Man 14. 12.On this day the Ifraelites after did go through Jordan, into the land of Canaan, Jof, 4.19. And Chri(( (our Pafchall Lambe) on this day entred Ierufalem, riding upon an alfa colt,and was recei- ved of the people with palme branches, and cry - ing Hofcnna, &c. oh.12.t,12,t3. &c. In him this type was truly fulfilled, ;bat they] or, and let them Ink: the Greek tranflateth,/et them take: : lea- ving out the word aid; which the Hebrew Come - time doth, as is noted on Gen. 8.6. Lambe] or kid: a yong fheepe or goat, as is explained in ver.5, It Was a figure of Chrifi, the true Lambe of GOD, I Cor.5.7. Joh. 1.29. beufe] that is, as the Greek tranflateth, bonfes. The whole amuse of If- rael was divided into twelve Tribes, thofe Tribes into families, the families againe into hoofer, and then to particularperfons;as appeareth byNum. 1. & Jot 7. 14. &c. 4 VerC4. to be for] or, to be above a lambe ; fo that they cannot overcome the fame by eating it up. Thewords following, (hew this to be meant, for eating: and the Greeke tranflateth thus, if there be fine the bong , fo that they are not enougbfor the lambe. As theword little, or ley, fometime frgnifieth nen- wortbineß, Gen. 32. io. fo here and elfewhere it fignifieth inability : which the Scripture maketh plaine ; as, seo little to receive , i King. 8.64. is ex- pounded, not ableto receive, 2. Chron.7.7. fiabe,] that is, perfns. make your count ,] or, find1number ; towit,how many are meet and fitfh- dent, for the eating of the lambe. Our Saviour & his twelve difciples did cat the fame together, Matth. 26. 5 8.20. Of this miming the lewes doe write(gathering it from this law)that it mu& be made whiles the Lambe ie yet alive : and the lsafle- / over might not be killed, but for fool, Of were made come of; and thofe they called fenwer of the faeiety, (that is, communicants.) And if the Lrambe were killed for fueb at werenet counted t herefore,or for any that could not eat thereof, ( as infants, Fick perfons, &c.) or for the uncircumeifed, or for the unclean; it was not allowable. Maimerry in Korban pefaeh. chap. 2. Ver.' 5. perfet'i] that is, (noire, robole, f und, in all outward parts, and fo without bkmifh ; as theLaw elfewhere explaineth it ; faying, itfsallbeperfeff to be accepted, tbere fhak be no blemifh therein, Levitz z, 2 I. And theGreeke in this place , tranflateth it both wayes, perfefi, and unblem ed. This alto re- . fpefted Chrifi our Paffeover, called the Lambe un- bpemifhed, I. Pet.I.19. And all facrifices, the types ofhim, were to bee filch, Levit.t.3. to. &c. And by perféfi, and without blem ; is meant (not to be without fpots or fundry colours in the skin or wooll; but) to have neither want, nor fuper- fluity of members ; to be neither blind, nor bro- ken , nor maimed, nor having a weans, nor knevie, nor (cabbed, nor bruited, nor eruJbed, nor fcke, &c. Levit.22.22. - -24. Mal. 1.8. And the Iewes write of ff ieblemifbes that doe difable beafis for facci- fices; five in the care, three in the eye- lid,eight in the eye,three in the nofe,fixe in the mouth,twelve in the members of generation fixe in the feet, fgure In anyplace of the body;as fcabs,wens, &c. and three betide over all the body as trembling with old ige fickneffe, and fouleneffe with excre- ments. Maimony in Mifmb , treat. of emring intothe Sanifuary, chap.7. Likewife they mention other things that make a beaft unlawful] to be facrifi- ced unto God ; as, if it were untimely, before it was eight dales old, Levit. 12.27. if it were a beaft of fundry fhapes, as part like a fheepe, and part like a goat ; or a fbeepe broughtforthof a goat, or a goat of a fheepe: if it were both male & female,or neither male nor female; if it had bin lien with of another kind, contrary toLevit.t9, 19. and 20.15. t 6. if it had killed a man , Exod. 21.28. if it were the hire of a whore, or price of A dog, Deut. 23.18. if It had been dedicated to idolatry,for fo corruption is in them , contrary to Levit.23.25. and the like, (hewed by Maimeny, in Afxrei Mizbeacb, chap.;. of the firfiyeare: ] Hebr. fame of ayeare,ofwhich phrafe fee the notes onCen.5.3z. So from the Law in Lev. 22.27, and from this place it bath beetle expounded by the Iewes,that theLambe after it was eight dales old , and forward , was allowable to be offered for the Pafleover : and if it were but an houre older then a yeare, it was unlawful!. Maimany in Mifneb. Feat. of the of(ring of the faerii ices, chap.' . S. 12.13. yen kept ep:]or, for you kept; Hebr. fora keeping up (or sruflady)toyou: that is, kept apart, fromthe tell of the flock , from the tenth to the fourteenth day. Of this rite there is no mention after in the Law, Leelt.a3: 5,. -8. Numb. 9.2.11. and 5 6 /,f/ //i/iI/d//IIIIIHtAag6P I I I IIIYIII/ _ //