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l r, i;xoDUS.XII. and 28.16:17. Deut. t 6. where the Paffeover is commanded. And the Iew Do &ors thinke it was but for this time onely : for they write of theee particulars, t,the eating of it in their hoti(ès dif- perfedin Egypt; 2. the taking up of the pafehall Lambe, from she tenth day; 3, the charge to pike the blood on the chore polls o4, and that theyfbwdd ease it in hap : Chef things were not requiredofthe generations after, neither were done, bat at the Paff :over in Egypt only. Maimimy , iu Korban Pefacb, chap.' o. S. t 5. So in the Bab. Thalmud, treat. Pefachim, chap. 9. whole Cburch] that is,as the Greeke tranflateth it, the whole multitude ; all of the Church or affembly. the two evenings] that is , as the Greeke faith, towards evening. in the afternoone and before fun fetting. For as God at the fait made the day of evening of morning, Gen.t.5. fo after among the Iewes, (as is alfo amonglk us) all the forenoon: was counted morning, a nd all the afternoons even- ing. The latter evening began at Sunne fetting, IO1.10.26,27. The day (from Sun rifing to the fetting) had twelve houres, as Chrift faith, Are there not twelve bouresin the day? Their firft houre,was about fix of the clock in the mor- ning with us : their fixt honor: was our noone: their ninth houre, was three of the clocke in the afternoone. By this we may underftand the time ofChrift crucified;which began at the thirdhour (that is, at nine of the clock: in the morning,the ordinary time for the dayly morning facrifice ) and ended at the ninth houre,(that is,at three in the afternoone,the time of the evening facrifice;) Marke e5.25.33, 34, 37. Wherefore the ninth boure,was their home of prayer, when they tiled to go into the Templeat the dail evening facrifice, Allis 3.1.And this was the ordinary time for the Paffeover; as R.Menaehem (upon this place)faith, between the 1wó evenings , at the time ofprayer , at the oblation; at Ifaa7Zonrfatberof bided memory bath di.. reEle4 (Gen.24.63.) Howbeit', God fetteth no honre for the killing of thePaffeover, becaufc it might vary occafionall : but if it were killed in the afternoone and before Sun fet,it was allowa- ble.Furchcr to (hew this, the HebrewDo &ors in the Babylonian Thalmtd,trcat,ofthe Paffeovers,ch.5 . doe write thus; The daily evening facrifice (whereof fee ExQd.29.38,3h.) war killed at the eight houre and a halfe, (that is,halfe an house before three of the dockein the afternoone ; ) audit war ?fed upát the ninth home and an balf, (that is, halfe an houre after three.) In the evening of the Paffeover, it war kited at the f tenth Inure and an half , and offi ed at eight and an Gaff ; (that is, halfe an honre before three.) And Oho evening of the Papaw didfallto be on the evening of the Sabbath;(e was Wiled at fixe and an balfe, andcored at liven and an half: : (that is, halfe au hour e before two of the clock.)The rea- fou hereof was,becaufe they were firft to kill the daily facrifice, St then to kill and rolle the Paffe- over,and allo to refi the evening before the Sab- bath. Agreeable unto this , Maimony (in Korban Pefach; rhap.e.S.4.) faith, Tht killing of tho Paffa over is age; mid-day and if they kJ' itbefore, it not allowable: and they kill it not but afier tile daily evening 27 facrifice, and burning of ineenfe : and after they have trimmed the lamps , tbeybegin to kill the pafhalllambs, untill the end of the day. This hee fpeaketh of their manner in the Temple. And by this time of the day God fore(hewed the fitffrings of Chrifi in the evening of times,or in the lafl dayes, Heb.t.2. I Pet.' .s 9,2S. and about the fame time of the day, when the pafchall Lambe ordinarily dyed, he dyed alto, at the ninth bouee,Mat.27.46. -50. Verfe7,ggiveit] that is, ftrikeit, with the hyl. 7 Pope fprinkle,as is explained in verte 221ìgnify- ing the applying of Chrifts blood,fprinkled up- on all beleevers hearts;t Pet. t.2.Heb.g. t 3,14.50 the Law was after to be written on their dime po ffs,Deu.6.9.intending it chiefly upon their hearts, Heb.8.1o.Compare with this, the Law in Ezek. 45.19. where the blood of the facrifice was alto put upon the poils of the houle of the Lord, for to clenfe the fame. This ordinance was but for that time only in Egypt : for after they might not kill the Paffeover within any of their owne gates,but in the publike place of Gods worfhip, Deut. i 6. ç,6,7.which at lafi was Ierufalem,where by the Priefts the Paffeover was killed,and flayed in the court ofthe temple,and the blood fprink- led on the altar,2Chr.3 5.1,2,6.10. t 6. Then the owner of the Lamb took it of the Priefts, and brought it to his houle in Ierufelem, and roaftedit,andate it in the evening; as Maim. flieweth In Korban Pefaeh,e.LS.6.After this mannerChrift with his difciples kept the Palfeover',eating it in a chamber within Ierufalem, Ltik.22.7,8,io,t e. &c.. upper chore poli] but on the threfhold under ,their feet,it was not commandedto be fpfeinkled. Hereby a reverent regard of the blood ofChrifi, feemeth to be taught t that men Ihould not tread under foot the fm of God ; nur count the blood oftbeeove- nant wherw ith they were fat &ified,at unholy thing, Heb.te.29. V.S.unlevencdcaltes]or,loaves: but the word cake/ 8 is expreffed in the 39 v. The fìgnification hereof Paul declareth,faying,Let ut keepe the feafi,not with oldleven,ncither with the liven of malice and iwid¡edlses; but Withthe unlevened eaker offthcerity and trutb,(Cor. 5.8. The ntatitier of (peaking which Moles here ufeth,atd unlevened cakes with bitter herbs,is chan- ged in Nun 9.11.thus,with unlevened cakes,andbìt- ter herbs : fo the one explaines the other. Here- upon the Hebrews fay, The edtinh of the fefbofthe pa fehalllambon the 1 ç night,ie commanckd to be dmte:atid it may be eaten alone, ifunkveaaed bread and bitter herbs- cannot be gotten : but bitter kerbs , without the pafball lamb ,are not nmmanded; f r it it written,with imleventd bred& bitter heris,fhall they eat it, Maim. in Korban Pefaeb,e.8.S.t,2. bitter herbs]Heb. bitterttefès;but herbs aremeant,as eiclory,wild kttice,and the like : weh they did eat with the lambin remenibrance of their affliEtions in Egypt,where their lives had been bitter,Ex.t.14.And hereuntoJeremy feems to have reference in his forrows,f.aying; He bath fed nie te the fell with bitter hetbs(or bitterieef fes;)5c bath made me drrmk*itli wormwod,Lam.3.15.Theywere alloto typeont the bitter forrows ofChritt,and our mortificatioid and aftii &ions with him, .. .. l7rt t Cor v