EXODUS XII. t Cor.5.7.and t t.26.Phil. ;.toCol.t.2¢.Zach. I 2.to.Rev. r o.to. Hereof theHebrew Canons fay; The eating of bitter berbs,ie not commanded by the Law, beeaufe of tbemfelves; but dependethon the eating ofthe pafeball Lamb.For it it one commandement,to eat ¡befell, fthe Paff cover , with unlezened bread and bitter herbs. The bitter herbs foken ofin the Laro,are Cbazrretb;and Gnolfben,andTamcab, and Charchabinab, and Meror r that is, as is thought, Wild - lattice, Cichorie, Horehound, and the like : for they arc not well known,] evey one of theft five forts Orbs, is called Bitter herbs; and they may eat of anyone, or of 011 4' them, ,Maimony treat. of Leven, chap. 7.5. t 2. 13. Moreover they tiled a certaine lance thicke like tuuf}ard; they called it Cbarofctb, and lay it was a memoriall of the clay , wherein they wrought in Egypt : it was nude, ofthe palme tree branches,or of rayjml, or other like berries; which they ffamped,andpnt vi- negar thereto, awl feafoned it and made it likes*, and brought it tutu the table in the night of the Pafover. Maimony e/idem, S. t 1.This is thought of fowe,to be that wherein Chri dipped the fop, which he gave unto JudastIoh.r3.26. for by the Hebrews records, they tiled to dip the minuted bread in that fame (Cbarofab) and to eat ; then they dippedthe bitter herby in the Charofetb, and did cat them; Maimony treat.of Leven,c.8.S.7. Together with the pafchall Lamb,they ufed to drinke wine;for it was a £tall of the Lord, and a facrifice ; therefore to be cele- brated with joy and with wine, by proportion from the Law in Deu. a 6a 1. i z.Num. t 5.5.They fay, azryone Imhof men and women , ie bound to drink, that night, friere cups of wine without faile : and though he be poore , and live of alma , he mull not drinke let than thofe fmlre cups; and every cup eontained a quarter (of a Log, that is fo much as an egge and ahalfe; whcrcoffee the notes on Exod.3o.24.) He bleffeth (God) for eveyof tinfe cups feverally; and for the fourth cup, he accomplifhetb the praife, and bleffeth for it, the ble fÓ eg of the Song, Maimony treat. of Lezen.c.7. 1 o.Ursto thefe phrafes, the new Teflament fee- meth to have reference, when it fpeaketh of the Cup f blefng, t Cor. to.t6. and of tinging an hymne, Mark.14.26.I will here thew the order which the Jews in the ages following, kept at the Paffeover : as themfçlvcs have recorded it.Firf} a cup (of wine) is filled for every one, and he bief- feth for it, him that created the fruit of the vine, &c.and drinketh it.After that,he bleffeth for the washing of hands ;and wafhethhis hands.Then is brought in a table furnilhed, and upon it, bitter herbs,and unlevened bread, and the fame (Cha- rofeth,) and the body of the pafchall Lambe,and the flelh o.` the Cbagigah [or Feaft-offring,where- of fee the notes on Deuteronomie t 6.] which is for the fourteenth day of the month. Then he beginneth to blelfe ( God) which created the fruit of the earth; and takethanherbe, and dip- petit it in the fauce,and eateth it,hee and all that lye at the table with him every one, none eateth letì-e then the quantity of an olive. Afterward, the table is taken away front before hint only that maketh the declaration[of their deliverance out of Egypt,as is commanded in Exodus 13.8. and r z.17.] Then they fill the fecond cup, and the Tonne asketh [what is meant by this fervice ; according to Exodus a2.26.]and he that makes the declaration,faith;How different is this night from all other nights ? For all other nights, we wafh but once, but this night twife. All other nights,weeat }evened bread, or unlevened : but this night unlevened bread onely. All other nights , we eat flelh, roafted, baked or boyled;. but this night rolled onely. All other nights, we eat of any other herbs : but this night bit- ter herbs. All other: nights wee eat either fit - _ting or lying: but this night, lying only. Then the table is brought againe before him, and hee faith ;This Paffeover which We eat, is in refpcá that the Lord paired over the houles of our fa- thers in Egypt. Then holdeth bee up the bitter herbs in his hand, and faith ; Theft bitter herbs which wee eat, are in ref eft that the Egyptians made the lives of our fathers bitter in Egypt. Then hee holdeth up the unlevened bread in his hand,and faith ; This unlevened bredwhich wee cat, is in refpeet that the dough of our fa- thers had not time to bee levened , when the Lord appeared unto them , and redeemed them out of the hand of the enemie ; and they baked unlevened cakes of the dough which they brought out of Egypt, Exodus 12.39. Then he faith; Therefore are we bound to confeffe , to praile, to laud, to celebrate , to glorifie, to ho- nour., to extoll, to magnifie and to afcribe vifto- ry, unto him that did unto our fathers and unto us, all the& liignes ; and brought us forth from fervitude to freedome, from forrow to joy, from darkneffe to great light ; and wee fay before him Halelujah. Helelujab, Praife O yee fervantr of the LORD, Ste. unto, tbe fiiru- recke, to a fountain of waters : that is, the hun- dred and thirteenth and to the end of the hun- dred and fourteenth Pfalme. Then they blelfe the Lord which redeemed them and,their fathers out of Egypt; and path brought them unto that night, to eat unlevened bread therein, and bitter herbs. And he bleffeth GOD who cre- ateth the fruit of thevine; and drinketh the fe- cond cup. After this, he bleffeth for thewa- fting of handstand wallah bis hands the fecond, time ;and takethtwo cakes; parteth one of them, Etc. and bleffeth (GOD) that bringeth bread out of the earth. Becaufe it is Paid , the bread of ajlitlion (or of pozertie) Deuteronomie 16. 3. as it is the manner of the poore, to have bro- ken meat, fo heere is Is a broken part. After- wards he wrappeth up of the unlevened bread and of z the bitter herbs together, and dippeth them in the fauce, and bleffeth GO D, ,/which commanded to cate unlevened bread and bitter herbs; and they cut. Then hee bleffeth GOD, which commanded the eating of the facrifice, and hee eateth the flefh of the feat} offering; and againe bleffeth GOD which commanded the eating of the Paffeover, and then bee eateth of the body of the Paffe- over. After this, they fit long at Supper, and //,/4 ///droAAl//L PJU