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LaX.ODUS. and eat every one fo much as he will, and drinke as much as they will drink. Afterward he eateth of the flefh of the Paffeover, though it bee but fo much as an olive,& tafteth nothing at all after it: that it may he the end of his fupper,and dut the tafte of the firth of the PA-rover, may remaine in his mouth. After this,he lifteth up his hands,and bleffeth for the third cap of wine and drinketis it. Then filleth hee the fourth cup, and accom- plifheth for it the Praife(or Hymne;) and fayeth for it,the biding of the Song, which is , Al tby worh1es praife thee 0 Lord,&c. (Píalme bleffeth God that created the fruit of the vine,ared talleth nothingat all after it all the night,except water. And he may fill the fift cup, Paying for it thegreat Hy mne,(the hundred thirty fix Plains) 11" Conf f e yet to the Lord, for bee isgood ; for his merde en- dureth fur ever; unto the end of that Plainte. But he is not bound (they fay) to that cup, as to the fonce former cups. Thefe things are !hewed by Maimory in his Treatife of Leven and unlevened bread,chapter 8. where allo he noteth Come diffe- rences at this time, when having no Temple, they can have no facrifice, neither kill the Pal - challLambe;but onely ufe the unleavened bread, bitter herbes, and wine', in their private houles. After,in his Copie of the Haggadah (or Narration) of the.Paffeover, hee !hewed.* what words they ufed at the breaking and delivering of the unle- vening bread; This it the bread of aff&tlion,which our Fathers did eat in the landof .Egypt : wbofoever it hun- gry, let him come and ease: whafoever hash need, let him come and kgepe the Fafover, &c. Theft ob- fervations of the Jewes whiles their Common- wealth flood, and to this day, may give light to fore particulars in the Paffeover that Chrift kept; as why they lay dawn, one leaning on ano- thers bofame,Ioh. 13.23. (a Pigne of reft and fecu- ritie) and flood not,as at the firftPail-rover, nei- ther fate on high, as weeufe. Why thrift rote from fupper,and wafhed, and fate downe againe, Iohn 13. 4, 5, z. Why hee bleffed, or gave thank es, for the bread apart, and for the cup (or wine) apart, Marke x4.22,23. and why it is laid, he tooke the cup after (upper, Luke 22.20. alto concerning the Hymne which they Tung at the end, Match. 26. 3 0. and why Paul talleth it the lhewing forth of the Lords death, s Corinth. I I.26. as the Jewes ufually called their Paffe- over,Haggadah, that is, a Sheaving, or Declaration. But fpecially wee may obferve, how the bread which was of old a remembrance oftheir delive- ranceout of Egypt, was fan&ified by the Sonne of God,to be a remembrance of his death,and of our redemption thereby from Sathan; s Corin- thians s t.24, 25, 26. for which wee have much more taule to praile , honour and magnifie the Lord,than the Hebrews had for their temporary falvation. 9 Verre 9. ran'] That raw , whereof the Law war- ne vJ , is fief' wFcent the fire bath begutme to Werke, and it is roaffed a little , but tm fit for man to Bate as yes; faith Maimony in Corban fefacb,chapter 8.lec. 6. It might figure a full and due preparation,by f; the preaching of the Gofpell, and Phew ing forth of Chrilts death ; with an examination of our felves, that wee Bate not unworthily, and fo cate judgement to our felves: t Corinthians 11. 26, 28, 29. fodden at -all] or any way fod, Hebr: fodden fain water. The Iewes explain it, fo generally : neither to be fedden in water nor in any other liquor or juyce of fruit. Neither roa- ffed, and afterward fodden ; nor parboyled, and afterward naffed, &c. Yet they fay it was lawful to be 3e it with wine, or ayle, or any liquor except water ; alfa , lawful! to dip the.,tie fb when it was raffled , in liqueurs , or juyce of fruits. 113aimony, in Korban Pefaeh, chapter 8. S.7,8. At the Paffeover which Chrift did eat , the Evangelifis mention Ills dip- ping ofa fop, and giving it to Judas, Iohn 13.26. Ire fcething,the water is mixed with the flefh:the forbidding whereof, feemeth to teach the fimpli- eitie that fhould be hi Chrift; that we know nothing but Chrift and him crucified, 2 Corinthians s r. 3. I Corinthians 2.2. with fire: ]a figtare both of Gods Spirit, compared to fire, Matthew 3.11. through which Chrift offredhimfelfe to God, Heb. 9.14.and of the fire of Gods wrath which Chrift was to Puffer, whiles he was made a curfefor sr, by hisdeath, Galath 3.13. Ierem.44. Lament./ .13. and 2.4. This charge to roff it withfire , the Iew Do &ors obferved precilely, holding it unlawful! to bake it any manner of way ; alfo to heat a fur- nace , and taking away all the fire, to hang the Lambe therein,and fo roll it, or the like, they fay was unlawful'. Maim", Korban Fefach , chapter 8.S.9,lo. the purtenanee,] or, the inward: meaning that the Lambemutt bee matted all and whole ; not dut into preces. To lignifie our full Communion with Chrift,whole and undivided, s Cor.1.13.3o.Gal.2,zo, Verl.1o. till the morning ; ] they were to eat up all(if they could)at that meale.To teach care for the prefent injoying of Chrift by faith,and of his whole covenant, without delay. For by the mor- ning, the change of our eftate is often fignified, Pfalme30.6. Efay.17.14. 2 Kings19.35. for our fleepe is an image of death. And the Iewes have recorded that though it was lawful to eat all the night long , till the day dawning; yet might none of the many eat againe after bee had fiept , though it were in the beginning of the night. Maimony, Korban Pefacb, chapter 8.5.14. So Manna, might not be left till the morning,Exodus 16.19. nor flame o- therfacrifices, Lev.22.3o. burnt] that foit might be conlumed : and filch was the law for o- ther facrifices,which by being refervedoverlong, were made abhominable to bee eaten, and mull therefore be burned,Lev.7.15.18.& 19.6,7. -So, the fleihof the Cacrifices that touched anyunclean thing, night not be eaten, but burnt, Levit.7.1 g. Hereby all!) God might teach Ifrael,tbat when the morning the time of grace in Chrift is come, there timid be no longer refervation of thole legal! Ihadows, which Could have their accomplilhment and end at our Lords death; and be condemned as unlawfull,as if they were burned by the fire of GODS Word and Spirit, Cololfians 2.16,37. Dd z Gal at. Io i