di,"////Ull1i91 11IKIHN//' 40 II EXODUS X11. Ga1.4.9. t o,1 t . Hebr. i 3.9,1o, And fo the Pro- phets fore - told,that the daies (honk' cone when it lhould no more be faid, The Lord !iveib, which brought up the fmnes of Ifrael out of the land of Egypt, Cr 4.. neither (houldrhey fay any more, 7 be Ark of the covenant of the Lord, fir it (hall oome no more to mindncitber (ball they remember it;&c.Ier.3.16. Vet(. r t ;girded;] t Ms lignifieth, a readineffe to take a journey,or anyOther work in hand, z Kin. 4.29.and9.1.Ier.137, Luk.12.35,36. and figu- red the girding of the loymJ of the minde, with ftrength, jutiice,vcritic,&c.Prov.31.17. Efay.i t. 5.Eph.6. t 4.Wherefore the Apoftle faith, Gird up the loyneo ofyottrminde, be (ober, and hope yerfe5llyfor the pace that is to be brought umoyou, at the revelsti- onofJelin C'hrif, i Pet.1.13. fbooeson,Janother fig;;ç hilt of readinelfe to got forth, Efay.5.27. Aéts i2.8. fecondly, of deliverance out of bon. dage, (at the contrary to goe barefoot, was a ligne ofcapcivity,Efa,ao q land thirdly ofjoyfulnelfe for their deliverance ¡Tom afíliftion; (as contra - riwire in forrow men went barefoot,z Sam.15.3 o) It was allò a figure of the Glut ofpeaee,wherwith our feet'fhould bee ready and firme, Epheftans 6.15. Of which the Holy Ghofe faith, How beau- tiful! are thy feete with Pees , O Princes daughter : Song 7.1. fary'ee;]rofitftalne their infirmities: and this in their hand, was alto for expedition to the journey,Zach.8.4.Mark.6.8. Compare here- with Jakobs fpeech ; with my (faf e I pafJedover this lordan,Genelis 32.1o. w hale,] becaufe they were now in danger, and for it to gee out of Egypt in bat e,Deut. r6.3. and fo in hafte, and as with vi- olence to apprehend and apply Chrift unto them ¡ by faith,Matt. l 1.12. The original! word figni- fieth an haftening away through feareor amaze - nient; as in Deut. zo. 3; and fo may lignifie the fiedden fcares wrought in the Confcience by the Cofpell of Chrift, at the firft preaching thereof, (as in AQ. 2.37.) though after it giveth comfort and peace. This manner of eating, was peculiar unto the firft pafche in Egypt : neither were the generationsfollowing bound to there rites,when they were come to their reti in Canaan ; as is be- fore noted on verf.6. Neither did Chrift and his Difciples thus eat it; for they (food not girded with Raves in their hands : but fate, or rather lay donne, leaning one on anthers breft, as was then the Jewes manner, in legne of their reti and fern- title othetwife than they had in Egypt: as their Do&ors teach in the 7halmud,treat.oftheEa rezer. See Marke r 4.18. John 13. 12, 25. Alto Elias prophefied,yeefhail not goe out in hafie,nor depart by fleeing away, &c. Elay 52. 12. Paflesver] called in Hebrew,PcJeeh; and after in the Jerufalemi- tane language, Pafcha : which name the Evange- lifts keepe alto in the Greeke,Matt.26.2. &c.and in other tongues, it is nowcalled Pafcoe : wee in old Engli(hcalled it Fareld, at this day we name it the Pafeseer,according to the interpretation of the Hebrew word,which fignifieth to fare,pa ,or ;cape over, as God did over the houfes of the If- raelites , verf.13. 27. And as the feftivall time, fo the Lambe then killed, is called the Paf/èoter, Luke 2.41. and 22.7. and the Lambe of GO D Cbrijl is fo named alto, i Corin. 5.7. becaufe for his fake God paffeth over us, and defiroy- eth us not with the world, Iohn 3.3.16,18.Sevett famous Pfeovers are recorded in Scripture to have beene kept. The firft, this which Ifrael kept in Egypt.The fecond that,which they kept in the wilderneffe,Numbers 9. The third,which Iefus kept with Ifrael , when hee had newly brought them into Canaan, Iofh.5.1 o. The fourth,in the reformation of Ifrael by King Ezekias, a Chinn. 3o.The fifth tinder King Içfias, z Chronicle 35. The fixt, by Ifrael returned out of the captivity of Babylon,Ezr.6.19. The feventh,that which Je- fus our Saviour defired fo earnetily, and did eat with his difciples before he fttffered,Luke 22.15. &c. At w<h time,that legal Paffeover had an end, and our Lords Supper cane in the place,The me- morial' of Chrift our Paffeover, facrificed for us. Verf..i z. thegody] the Chaldee tranflateth, the idols: the fame is againe mentioned in Num.3 3.4. And after, a like thing is prophefied,the Lord (hall come into Egypt, and the idols of Egypt fhall bee meted at hit pretence, Efay.19.1. and againe, infra break the images of the houfi of the forme, &c. and the hut. fes ofthe gods of the Egyptians, (ball be burnr wish fire, leremie 4.3, I3.So Laban lofthis idols when Ifra- el fled from Syria, Gen.31.19.30. the idols and images of Babylon perifhed,when it was detiroy- ed,lerem.5o.z. and all fuch fballperifhinthetime oftheirvifitation,Jer.10.15.and 51.i8.Of this the Hebrew Doftors elfo fay when Ifrael came out of Egypt, what did the holy kid God ? hethrew (krone all the images of their abominations, and they were bro- ken in peeces. Pined E. Eliezer, chapter 48. jag- mems,] theGreeke tranflateth it,vengeanee. This was done, that God might be knowne to begrea- ter than all the gods, Exod.18.11. and to avenge the corruption that Ifrael had gotten by the i- dols of Egypt,Ezek.zo.8. Vcrf 13. pal(] or ¡cape: the Hebrew is pafaeb, and this bheweth the reafon of the name Pafch or Pa over, and fo Chrift is called, becaufe his bleed dmfetb safrom allfinse, and delivered, ut from wrath, r lob.' .7. t The(a.so. The Greeke tranflateth, I will pretciiyou: the Chaldee, I will fpare you : and foinverfe27. to deftrutlion,JHebr.tocorrupti- on ; that is,to be corrupted, or deftroyed, by the deftroyer,as verfa3. V.i4 f fivally keep,]it implieth mirth & joy,£or their deliverance hereby remembred, fee Ex.5.r. and at their feafts, they were commanded to re joyce,and forbidden to mourn or raeepe,Deut.16.11. 15. Neh.8.9. -t2. everlafling fatute] Heb.ftatute ofeternity ; meaning an eternall ordinance to be kept once a yeer,al daies of their life,til Chrift became our Paffcover : line which time it is alfo kept e- ternally , in remembrance of his deathuntil! he come,Deu.16.23.1 Corinth.5.7,8.and st.2 5,z6. V erf i 5.Seven ebryes] after the pafchall day, for it was a diftinEt feati and commandenment. The Pafeozer was to be kept on the fourteenth day of the firfi monetb, at even : thefaf of Vnlevmedbread, be- ganne the fifteenth day of the fame moneto, and lofted 12 13 14 Ij