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C fq ExoDUS.XII. laded (even dayes, of which the firft day,and the laft, the feventh day, were holy convocations, wherein they might-doe no fervik worke, as Mofes plainly fhew- eth in Levit.23.5 6,7,8. The Paffeover ( in the ages following)niight not be killed and eaten in any place,but wheret,he Lord did chufe to place his name there, Deut.16.5,6,7. which afterward was in Ierufalem : but the feats of Unlevened bread , the Hebrewes thought themfelves bound to keep in everyplace where they dwelled, ifthey could not be at Ierutfdena.And the eating ofit (they fay) depended not on the eating of the Reliever, but wee a commandement by itIdle: Maimony treat,of Leven and Vn.'evened bread, chap.6. S.1. Howbeit , with the Paffeover they might eat no leven , as before is (hewed in verf 8. It it unlawfull to eat Leven, in the fourteenth day, from mid -day and tupward, which is from the beginning of thefeventb hove of the day: and whofo eatetb it at that time, is to be beaten by the law ; for et is feud (in Deut.16.3.) Thou fhalt eat no !even with it, meaning with thefacrifice oftbe Paf eeover. This they have expounded that, These fhalt not eat levels from the home that the Paiover may be killed , which it be- tween the twoevenings,and that (begimteth) at mid -day. - Maimony ibidem, c. r.S.8. Thefe (even dales wherein they might eat no Leven , figured the whole time ofour life, which muff beholy, with the unlevened cakes of neerity and truth, s Corinth.5.8.and with thankfull remembrance of our deliverance out of miferies; as this unlevened bread is called the breadof afJliflion, Dent.' 6.3.For feeven is a full and perfeft number of dales, and the whole world was created therein:fee the notes on Gen.2.z.and Lev.4.7. ease ¡e toeeafe] that is, put away,or abo- li/b,as the Greek explaineth it.The Hebrewes ex- pound it thus, that a man (hould abolifh it in hit heart, and count it at duff ; and determine in his heart, that be will have no leven at all within bit power, but what foever Leven it in bit power, it be Of duff , and at a thing whereof he will bave ne efeat all. And by the expofetien of the Scribes , he it to fare* after Leven in fecretplaces, and in comers , and to finde it out, and to bring it forth out of all the bounds of his habitation. And fa they fearcb out and abolifh Leven that night, at the beginning of the night of the fourteenth (day) by the light of a candle, out of all beles and corners, &c. And the putting away thereof was thus , tither they burin it , or broke itfmall , and threw it into the winde, or threw it into the fia. Maimony treat. of Leven,' chap. t. S. 2,;. and 3. ix. This ordinance the Iewes carefully obferved ; for in the day before they did eat the Paffeover (called the Preparation, Ioh.1 9.14.) the father of the familie, with other men, having lighted waxe candles , fearched all corners,to. purge' out all the remnants and crums of Levened bread verydiligently:firft biding the Lord, who fanftified then[ by his commande- ments,and had bidden them put away Leven;as is recorded inlbalmud Babareat.oftbe Pafover, ch.2. It figured the putting away of wickedne(fe and malice out of our hearts , and of wicked perlons out ofthe Church. 1 Corinth.5.7,8,t3. old Leven] Two words are ufed for Leven, by Mores, in this verfe ; the one Sear, which hath the name 41 of being left,or remaining : this we may cal(oldLe- ven , as Paul fpeaketh in s Cor.5.7. The other Chamets,fo called of the f ureneffè of the tafte: of ir, the Greeks (by tranfplacing the letters) call L.r- ven,Zumee. There fignified two forts alto, of :pi- rituali Leven, the one hidded and fecret , which ourSaviour faith is Hypocrifte,Luk.12.1.t he other more open and apparent , as falleand corrupt Marine, Matthew 16.6. la.evill manners , as Malice and Wiekednei, x Corinthians 5. 8. and wicked perfans, unto whom the Saints are oppo, fed,as being Vnleavened-cakes, t Corinthians 5.6, 7,13. So David talleth the malicious man, and him that corrupteth the Word of God, and in- feftethwith errour a Levened perron, or Leveler, Pfalme 71. 4. and the Heart infcfted with er- your, and vexed with griefe , is (aid to bee Le- veteed,Pfalme 73.21. Wherefore Leven was for- bidden at the pafchall Feaft, to leade men unto foundneffe in the faith of Chrift, and finceritie in all their converfation. The footfteps of this Law remained among the Heathens; for , the Flamm Diatip(or Romane Prie(t) might nao, by their Canons, tomb anj kvened meale; Aal. Gelliut, Booke 8. Chap. s 5. and Plutarch. (in fflzteefi. Ram.) fcanneth the reafon of it; becaufi Leven it fel pro- eeedeth from corruption, and corrupteth alfa the meale with which it is mixed. Now what Leven properly was , the Hebrew Doctors (hew thus : Nothing it forbidden by the name of Levened bread in the Faff over, but of five farts of corm oak ; which are two forts of 'rheas, namey, the common Wheat,and the Rye : and three fitsof Barley; wbioh are the common Sae ley, and the Foxe eare ( Barley ) and Oates. But the krude: of Paffe , as Rice, and Millet , and Pones , and Lentiles, and the like; there is not of them any leavened bread. For though the meek of Rice and the lifte, be kneaded, and er vered with °loathes , .lily dough winds it leavened : yet is it lawfdl to beeeaten, for it it not 'evened but petrified. The five fort: of Corne aforefaid, if they be kneaded with the liquour offruits only, without any water , they are never countedlevened, but are lawfull to bee eaten; for the juice of fruits doe not leaven, but putrifie. And the liquoùrs of fruit:, are as wine, andmilke,and honey,and vie Olive , and the juice of Apples, and Pomegranates. and all fuck like. But if any water be mixed with then, they doe leven. Tby may not byte Wheats in wate neither the beaten graine,nor the meale, for then it itper- fei% !evened; and f that it be burft in the boiling. They may not frie the pafie in oylé in a panne But they may boyle the graine and the meale ofparehed corne. it is fiel/ to boyle the corne or the mtale, in the liquour of fruits. Likewifi palle, that is kneaded in the liquour of fruits, if, they boyle it in the liquour óf fruits, or frie it in apan in ayle, it is lawful,: for the liquour of fruits leven not ,&-C. In any broth or pottage that they boyle; if any Barley or Wheat be found therein , and the graine be burl!, all obit broth is unlawful'; for leven is mixed with it. If the graines be not broken,they rake them out andburnt them, and the reft of the potage they may eat : far come fo mixed or booiled, and ne bull, is eut by the law, perfi111y lam. nec, &c. Maim in treat. f Leven andVn evenedbread, cap.5. felt i. &c. that 'Wile] the Chaldee ex- poundi it, that max. Sain verle 59. eta off,] Ud ; the