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/d//N,HIö1-1:111;41r/d fC2 EXODUS XII. the Greeke faith, deftroyed: Gen.' 7.14. The Hebrew Canons fay , who fo eatetb fnmuch as an o. live of leven in the Paff over , from the beginning jibe night of the 15 Wright , mmotbe end of the one and terenti- etb day of Nifan, if be eke it prefunoptuoufly , is guilty of being an off: j ignorantly be it bound to bring the fame- offring appointed for the fans. If bee eat any whit of [e- ven at all, it it forbirdden by the law ; and though he bee not to be cutoff, or bring an offring butfor the farefaid quawtideofan olive , yet be that eateth lei than that preflmptuoufly, it to be chaftifid with 'Wipes, Maiming treat. 4- Leven. ch.i. 3.1.7. from the fzril, &c.] that is,who fo eateth leven any of thefe daies. t 6 Verf.. i 6. convoeation,] an holy of ably, of all the people : and fo a Sabbath, as Lev.23.39. The like order was at other feafts, Levit.23.2,3.7.21,24. 27.35. So thefe fealts were for the honour of G od, and increafe of faith and hollneffe in his people,affembling for religious exerciCes. done,] dreffed and made ready to eat : which yet on the Sabbath day, was unlawfull to be done : Exod.s 6.5.z3.29.and 35.2,3. 17 Verf.t 7.felfe fame:] Hebr.the flrertgeh (or, body) of this day : fo verle4i. and 5r. fee Gen. 57.23. I broughtfortb]God did this by his Angel,as, It is written, be feet an Angel andbrought an fortb out ofEgypt,Num.2o.r6. The Hebrew Do &ors fay, T be redemption front Egypt, was by the band of the An- gel the Redeemer,witb the power of the great God , at it fail, (,e Exod.32. t t .) which thou ball brought firth out of the land of Egypt, with great power , andwith a firm hand. R. Menaehem, on Exod.12. 1$ Verf. t 8, firft] The Chaldee nameth it, In Ni- fan, in the tenth day : fee verle s. The Greeke faith, Beginning in the fourteenth day jibe fill month. 19 Verf .r 9.eot be found : ] from hence the Hebrew Doftors gather ; ifrhofoevtrleavetb /even within bit power at the Popover , although be eat not of it, yet hee tranfgrefffetb twoprohibitions ; no old lesenfballbefeene with thee, Exod.5 3.7. and, old leven (ball sot be found in your hoops, Exod. i 2.19. Moreover, Leven when the Paeover is gone over k, is for veer unlawful/ to bee pmt to any ufe. Maineoty, treat, of,Leven,chap.s. S.2.4. 'ranger] that is,ftrangers,as the Greek tranflateth it : oppofed to the naturali Ifraelites to be borne afterward in the land of Canaan. a I Verf.2 r. elders] bywhom her would fignifie this law, to all the people, as veri3. So before, in Exod.3.16. draw oat] feparate from the reh of the flocke, and deftinate unto this end; as before in verfe 5.6. The Greeke tranflateth, Goo and take, lambs] or, flocke kelp; of the fheepe or goats, as verfe 5. So the Greeke and Chaldee tranflate it plurally: neither is the Hebrew word tfm ufed for one particular lambe,but Tor many. Paiover] that is, the Pafeball Lambe, called by figure of fpeech, and facramentally, the Paffee- ver, as circumcifion iscalled the covenant, GeneC 17.13. the Roekv,,Cbrift, I Cot. xo. 4. bread and wine, the body and blood of Chrift, Mark. 4.22. 24. and many the like. Se Paul followeth this (perch, r Cor.5.7.Chrift our Popover (that is, our lambe) it killed forma. 22. .Verfe zz.ktfope] called in Hebrew, azob, in Greek (by the Apoftle) leepoo,Hebr.9:19,wher- upon we Englilb it eitop, or byffope : but whether it were that herbe,which wee commonly call by that name, is uncertaine. It grew out of walls, I Kings 4.33. The Jewes write,that there were fotre forts ofbyfope,and that this taken ofin the Law, wasfueh at men ufed meat of, andfeafm pottage with. And the bunch fpoken of, was three flalkes of'byffpe bound together. Maimony in Mifu, treat. Of the red Cow, chap.3, feEt.z. and This herbe was ufed to fprinkle with, in other fervices,and purifications : See Exod.24.6,8. Leviticus 14.4. Num.r9.6,18.and fignified the inftrument wher- by theblood of Chrift is fprinkled upon,and ap- plied unto our hearts, which is,the preaching of 1 faith;for faith purifieth the heart of finners,Afts s 5.9. and it commeth by the preaching of the Word, r 4, -17. which miniftreth unto us the fpirit,Galat.3. z. and we are ele& through fan &ification of the fpiritémto obedience and'prink; ting of the bland of Iefut CbrìJ1, I Pet. e-.2. which pur- geth our conCciences from dead worker, to frve the living Goe4Heb.9.14, See Pfal. 55.9. ftrike] or; crinkle: Hebrew,makesoueh: which the Greeke , tranflateth Pet (or pmt) the Chaldee, fprinkle. not gee] This alto was but at the Paffeover inEgypt; for the prefent danger of death bythe deftroying Angel: after,it was not required;andChrift with his Dilhipies, went out that night they ate the Pafche,Math.26,3o. The ho -fes of the Ifraelites thus fanftified by the palchal l Lambe,and blood thereof; out of which they might not goo that night,(when great cries were in Egypt,verf.3 o.) fignified the fafetie ofGods people by faith,kee- ping themfelves in the holy affemblies , where Chrift & his blood preferveth them fromdeath, Aûs 2.47. i Joh. a. r 9. So the Prophet warneth us,to enter into etw chambers,& (hut our doores about us, hiding our felves fora little moment, till the indignation be overpaft; Efa. 26.2o,a s.So Noe was Paved, being Phut up in his Arke, Gen.7. Rahab in her hole, Iof..2.18,19. Verfz3.fmite]orplagea; as after, 23 and in verl 27. not give the deflrtyer] that is, NO fiferhim, as the Greeke tranflateth it. But the Hebrew fpeech is more forcible, to expreffe Gods providence and hand in all things.As God by anAngel delivered his people, Num.zo. s by an Angel he deftroyedtheir enemies;as in the peftilence that was in Mad, he is called the Angel that deffrged the people, z Sam. 24. 16. And Paul faith ((peaking of this Paffeover) left bee that de- firged the fill-home , fbouldte:eh them , Heb. 11.28. Compare alto Pfal.78.49. Verf. 24. this thing] Hebr. Wit word, the cons- mandement of the Palleover every yore : excep- ting the fpeciall rites forefpoken of, that were only obferved in E pt,v.7.s 1.1 2. Verf. 25. the land] of Canaan, Iof. 5. ro. Tr. 25 howbeit they kept it once in the wilderneAe, be- fore they came into the land,Num.9. Verf. 6.wbat is 1] that is, what fignifieth? So 26 both theoutward rite,aad the meaning ofit,was to be taught to their children. Touchingwhom the 24 i/wwrrrliv,:I.1 lnii