27 28 29 ExoDUS.XII. the Iewes hold from the Law,in Exod. 23.14.17. Deut.16.14.16. that eves child that could bold bit father by the band andgoe upfrom Ierufalem (gates) to the motmtaine of tbeTample; his father was bound to caufe him togoeup, and to appeare (before God) with. him to the end be miht catechize him in the common - dements. And who fo war bound to appeare , woe bound to keepe the feaff, Maimonyin Hagigab, cb.2. 5.3.4. Alfo they fay , A chide that is able to Bate a morfdl of re tel they catechize him in the commandements , and -i_e him to Bate fa mych as an . olive of the unkvened bred. Maimony treat. of Leven and vnkvened bread, c.6.S.1o. V.27.6ended,]and fo humbly thanked God for this mercie : fee Exod.4.3 I . in the annotations. V.28. anddid,] in faith Mofes and they obey- ed Gods word,forwhich it is wittiefièd of them; by faith be did (keepe) the Pafover , and the f¢rin- ling of blood: that hee who defiroyed the 'firfi- borne, might not touch them, Hebr,i s.28. Unto the keep- ing of this Paffeover,the Hebrew Donors do ap- ply that fpeech in Song.2.9. My beloved is bike a Roe or a yang Hart; behold bee flandeth bebinde our wall, &c. thus : The Congregation of Ifrael Paid; At what time the glory of the Lord war revealed in Egypt, in the night of the Paffeover, and iced all the firfl- borne : be afcended upon fwifs lightning , and ran ar Roe, oras ayons Hart , andprotelled the boufe:sober- in we were, and fled behinde our walls and looked through the windme:, and fbewed himfelfe through the lattef es: and he faro the blood of the facrifrceof the Paf over , ( and the blood of Circumcifmn) which mat frin4ed ouour gate: : andfrom tbe high heavens he did behold, and few hispeople, which did Bate the facrifce of the film* feaft ruffed with fire, with the purte- narae, and with wild lettfce , and unkvened calker, and he [pared us, and gave not the deffroying Angel power for to rk ff roy us. T bargum on Song.2.9. Verf29.at midnigbt:]at the time of mens mull fecure reff, wben they fay peas and fafety then cont- methfudden elafiruïlion,t.Thef.5.z,3. fo, at midnight war a cry made,when all flumbred and flept, Matt. 25.5,6: and In a moment [hall they dye, andat mid- night, Iob.34.20. where the Chaldee paraphrafe applyeth it to the Egyptians here. The nigbt,fig- nifieth alfo the time of judgement. [mote] that is,as the Chaldee expounded it,kiled. And the Thargum called Iorathans, addethThe word of the Lord, !killed. every firff- borne,] or, all the firff -borne : to avenge thewrong they had done to Godsfirff -borne Ifrael,Exod,4.22,23. Thefefirft- baene, were the beginning (or chief- ) of all their ffrength, Pfal .to5.36.thedignitieoffuch,is noted on Gen.z5.3 i. And as the (Iris -borne of Ifrael, whom God faved alive, figured his elelI , called the Church of the firft- borne, which are written in heaven, Heb.i2.23. fo the fir(t -borne of Egypt whomGod deftroyed, figured the Reprobate,on whom Satan and the fecond death (hall have po- wer. This tenth plague is after celebrated,in Pf. 78.5 rand 105.3 6.and 13 5.8.and 136.10. tbat fate] the Chaldee faith,that fhould ft: fee Exo. 115. prifin baufe] or, dungeon: Hebrew, the bout of the pit; which the Chaldee tranflateth, 43 haxfe ofprifimer.r : where they ground at the mill, &c.Exod:i r.5. Verf. 3I. goe out :]towit,haflily;foranextraor - 3r dinary pricke in the Hebrew word, implyeth fo much : fie alto Gen. 9. i 4.Conipare Matt.2 5.6. where at midnight there was a Cr) made,tbere mat acrie near k, Behold the bridegreome commetti, gee yee out to meet him. Verf.32.b4i me,] that is,as the Chaldee tranf- lateth, pray for me. In that Pharaoh defired the prayersand biding ofGods people,both before, Exod.8.8.28.and 9.28and r o. t 6, 17.)and now at their departing:it fheweth,that in his heart he was conviéted of fin,in oppreffingGods fervants, and thatwith rel&ation of confcience, he had refufed to let Ifrael goe. Verf.33.were urgent] or, were ftrogg : and as the Greeke tranflateth forciblieurged. This was with humble intreatie, Exo. i 1.8. and they refoyoed when they went out, for the dreadoftbem was fallen upon them, Pfal.ro5.38. they fail] the Ierufalemy Thar- gum expounds it, the Egyptians faid, iflfrael tarrie one home, loe ail the Egyptians are dead men. V.34.ltenps of dough] fo the Greeke here tranf- lateth it. Theword may alto, bee interpreted, kkrteadiag erotgbes : fee Exod 8.3. Verf.35jewels] or veffiUs, inffrummt:: fee Exo. 3.22.and tt:2.Pfalao.37. Verf. 36. grace] Hebrew ; the grace of the people : 36 fee Exod. ;. a i. gave them their asking,] the Greeke tranflateth, lent unto them. Thus the pro - mife to Abraham was fuifilled; They /hag come out witbgreat fubflance, Gen. i 5.14. Ver.i7,Ramefes] a citie in Egypt,Gen.47.1 t. Thisjourney bean the 15.day,the day after the Paffeoverwas killed; and they went out with an high ham8 in the fight ó[all the Egyptians, Num. 3.3. Succoth] by interpretation, Boothe:, or T aber- eaeks: fo called of the Ifraelites making them boothes of the boughs oftrees,in this place : for perpetual! memorie whereof, God appointed a feaft of bathes to be kept in Ifrael every yeere,Lev. 23.42,43. about 600000] and not afeebk rfon amyl them Pfal.1o5.37. Thus the bleffing of God in multiplying Ifrael was fulfilled,Gen:15.5.and 46.3. The word about (or at it were) is not of doubt, or uncertaineie, but often afrmerh a thing fully andcertainly : as is faid of thePro- pbet:, about 400 men, i King.zz.6. which another expoundeth,Prophett 400 men,2 Chr.18.5. Verf38mixed people] Egyptians and other na- tions ; ( the Chaldee faith , many ffranger.e) who were moved by Gods works (hewed in Egypt, to goe out with Ifrael. Thefe afterward fell a luft- ing, and turned away Numb.' 1.4. great] Hebrew weightie poffon: fee the notes on Gen. 13.2. V.39. thruft net] as was foretold of God, Exo- dus 6. i . A yeerely remembrance of this their manner alerting Egypt, was by the feat ofun- !cvened cakes,Deut.16.3. Verf 4o.dweling] or,peregrmation, that is, dwel- ling as ffrangers ; for fo the Greeke tranflateth,and the Apoftle confirmeth,in Aet.13.17.So in Exo. z._t 5. 32 33 34 35 37 38 39 40