l' 111g4G1/® f/ 2 14 EXODUS XiZ. 2.15.A fro Abraham was raid to elfell in Canaan, Gen. t 3.a 2. who yet did but f jonrne there, ar in a firange country, Heb.11.9And this dwelling is im- plyed all() here. formes f Ifrael] thefe were fojonrners with Abram in Canaan, in fuch fnfe as Levi paidtithes there, beingyet in the lajnes of his father, Heb.7.9,to. For things done by the fa- thers, doe concerne the children : fee Pfal.66.6. Hof.'2.4Amos 5.25,26,27. dwelt]asftran- gers,that is , fojounsed in Egypt : to which the Gr. addeth , andin the land ofCanaan, they and their fa- thers; which addition is according to the true fenfe. 43ó.yeeres] Thee could not be all in Egypt, but waft beuuderffood of dwelling alto' inCanaan and Mefopotamia for Cohath fon of Levi,was one that came firft into Egypt,Gen.46. 8. 1 t .he lived but 13 3.yeeres,Exod.6, t 8.Amram his fonne (the father of Mofes) lived 137.yeeres, Exo.6.zo.and Mofes was'but So.yeers old when he fpake unto Pharaoh; for the releafe of Ifrael, Exod.7.7.and after 4o. yeeres travel! in the wil- derneffe,he died 12o.yeers old,Deut64.7.fo that their dwelling in Egypt was farre fhort of 43o yeeres,and mutt needs imply their fathers dwel- ling alto in Canaan ;even from the promife.given to Abraham,Gen. t 2.1.3,4,5And this the Greek verfion manifefteth, and the Apoftle coufirmeth, when he faith, that the Law was 43o,yeeres after the covenant that was confirmed before, f God in Chrif,with Abraham,Gen.3.t 6,17. 4 t Verí,4r.tulle fame]Hebrew,tbe bedy(or firength ) oftba: day ; as Gen.17.23. The Iew Doecors ga- thered from this, that God. brought Ifrael forth at mid-day, (as he flew the firft-borne of Egypt at mid - night) Pirkei R.Eliezer, chap.48. And Mofes faith , it was with an high hand, in the fight of ail the Egyptians, Numb.33.3. But,for the beginning of their riling up to goe their journey,they are laid to be brought forth by na'g ht, Dent.' 6.1. with Num. 33 3. armies] orboffs; meaning the tribes of Ifad : fee Exod.6.26. 42 Ver1.42 ofobfeervatiens,] that is, to bee much and raro/ully obferved of the eople. 43 Verf..43 the f atute,] or ordinance ; in Greeke,tbe law. grangers fnnte]that is, paynim, orgentfk : See Gen.' 7.12.This ismeant whiles he continu- ed in his unbeleefe, as appeareth by verf.48. and lob proportion, forbiddeth all fuch as fhould forfbke the faith : and the Chaldee paraphrafl tranflateth it no forme of Ifrael that it apoßate ( or fallesfrom the faith) ¡hall eateof it. So David calleth the perfecuting Iewes f rangers,Pfal.5 4 5 and hea- thens,P1 al.3 9.6.Alfo by the Iews ancient canons, it was unlawfull to let the Paffeover be eaten of any Apofata ( that changed his true religion) or any idolater, orfarreiner, orbiredfervant : Alaimo!), in Korban Pefac4,rh.9.S,7, And for unclean perfons, the law forbiddeth fuch, Numb5.2,3. and 9.6. ' 3.and 19.13. 44 Verf.44. bought for] Hebrew, the purebafe offtl- ver: that is, of money, or for any price. Compare this with the law of circutncif on,Gen.'7.12.13. that he fhall ease] after his voluntary entring into the covenant with Ifrael , and due time for his clenfing;whiÉhby proportion with the Law, Numb. /9.a .was to beefeven daies. And fo the Iews obferved,for any firanger that became a pro- felyte on the t ¢.day of the firft moneth,and was then circumcifed and baptifed, yet they killed , not the pafcha for him,becaufe hemight not eat of it at evening, for he was as one comming out of the grave,[havingbeen as Paul faith,deadin tref. pas and fins, Ephe.z.'.]and he mutt abide fever dayes, and afterward be clean. Maimony in Kor- ban Pfach, chap.6.S.7. Compare alto herewith, Nun'.3 t.19s¢.Iof.6.23. Verf.45 f rreiner,] or fjourner, (as Gen.23.4) 45 one that dwelleth in the land, but not hisowne; that hircth hishoufe,or is an in-mate ;(Co diffring from of lreMger, who dwelt in another countrey.) no fuc ít , nor hired perfora, might cate. Such for = refiners, (leaving the worfhip of idols, and other heathenifh pra&ifes)thoughnot circumcifed nor joynedto theGhurch,ñ'ight dwell in the land of Ifrael,even in Priefts houles , but were reftrained from the holy things; fee Lev.za.to.and 25.6. 45,47Such a ftranger the Iewes called Gertofbab, a fojourner among them ; or,a ffrorger within their gates(as Mofes fpeaketh)Deut t +21 and he was to fubmit unto the feven commandements given unto the formes of Noe ; wherof fee the notes on Gen.94. not eao:]and fo -by proportion,not have communion with the tither rites,as fpr ink- ling of the blood and the like , tíhleffe he were circumcifed,verf.48.So the !ewes explained this law If they kit/ (the Paffeover) for persons eireum- aifed, aneß(prinkle the blood in the name of the eircurn- cifed and uneircumeifed, it isunabowabk (or abomina. ble) for the fprinking is a weighty matter, for it it the mote (the principal!) of the faerifice. Maimotry in Korban Pefaeh, eb.2.S.6. Verf46. one bout,] in the fame honfe, or,roome: which the Chaldee tranflateth, in one fcietie. The IewDoEtors explaine it thus : Who le eatethofthe paflie,may not eat, but in one facietie, (or, in the fame Company) neither may they carie ought thereof out of the fcietie wherein they eat. And theffe fh of the Pafe- over that it earied out of the fieiety , whetherpre lump. tomb or ignorantly it unlawful/ to be eaten, &e. but midi be burnt. Alfo, two focimies that eat in one bout, mxß eaeb make them afgne (of diftin&ion) &e.and the one company muff turn their faces together - ward, and the other company muff turne their faces togethe4ward and eat,fo that they appeare not mixed. Man`nony in Korban Pefach,eb.9. S.1. 2,3. abroad] or out :which the Iewes (as be- fore is noted) doe underftand, not only of the ftreets , but not out of the roome nor fociety where it is to be eaten. a bare:]to forefhew that not abone ofChrift our Paffeover fhould be bro- ken ; as was fulfilled Ioh.19.33.36. which figni- fed his vi&ory and deliverance out of affli&ion and death,(from which he rote the third day;)as PfaI.34.2o,21, the Lord keepetb all hir boner , not one of them is broken. And in hope of relurre &ion, Io- feph gave charge of his bones, and they were ca- rded into Canaan,Heb. t t.22.Exo.t3.r9. The hones of the Paffeover were harm (with the flefh that re- mained, /Amy /a6r////PP/n01RTti+MW e1RU111int// 46