EXODUS mained,v.so.) as is teltified by the Hebrew Do- Aors,who allòfay, that though it were a little kid wbyee boner were tender, .70 might they not ease them, far: that were the breaking of the boner. Maimony in Korban Pefach,eb.10.S.2.9. 47 Verf.47.decit] that is; prepare, offer, and eate the pacche, as is ordained. For négle&, and not doing it,men were to be cut t Numb.9. s 3. Vcrf..48. affranger, ] The Greeke tranflateth, whenány profebtc come imtoyou: and fo the Chal- dee faith , when aflranger Pall become ayrofelyte(or fame himfelfe) with you. So this differeth from that which was before in v.2 ;.and alfo in ver.45. and is meant ofa third fort of langers that were converts, in Greekerailed profelyter , fuchas were joyned to the Iewes Church, A&.13.43. and 2. so. Matth.23.I 5. Such they were wont to call grangers within the covenant; atol juif Frangers; to diftinguith then from orangers within the gates (that did but dwell among them) mentioned in Dent.' 4.21. and here in v.45. doe the P affe- over] that is,keepe or celebrate it. This phrafe is aced in Matt.26.1 S. Heb.s 1,28. andtben,J fo not onely himfelfe,but his male children Inuit be circumcifed , ere he might be admitted to the Paffeover 5. for he was yet in his finne, efhiles his children were (through his default)uncircumci- fed ; fee Gen.17.12,s3,14. Exod.4.z4,26. And thus the Iewes have interpreted this placa, that ai :bEeircumeifonofbimfef , (ifitbeonitted)debar- retb him from doing the Pafover, fa dab thecireum- eifienof bitfine , and ofhit fervantt, &e. and if he kill it bore bee eke cirettmcife them, it is unlawful!. li'faimory in Korbaot Pe faeb, chap. 5.Seci.5. wacfrcumcifed : ] the Chaldee turneth it, profane perfect. So God làith, o firanger mtdreumeifed in heart , nor itotelcutn:i fiid in f el , !ball enter imam) Santluary, Eeek.,4.9. And the Hebrew Doctors fay ,Wbiles thepower ofuneleawoef, and the fnperououe foreskin ír upenhim, bee it unfit to beani- ted with the divine Majeffy, Oc. R. Menacb m m Exod.12, 49 Verf..49,that fojourmth,] the Greekehere (as in ver.48.) tranflateth , the profelyte thesis come among yon. Se the obedient heathens, might by faith in Chri(t have part in all the holy things with Ífrael alwaies: for in Chrif all are one;, Galat.3,28. A&. s 5.9.And untofrangers, is promifsd inheritance with the tribes of Head in the holy land,Eze 47. 22,2%.The Iew Do &ors of old have thus written concerning this; Adojs our maoer gave the inheri= tame jibe Low and commandements to Ifrael mdy, at it it written (Detit.33 4.) the inheritance of the congregation of Iakob: matinee arty of ¡heather nati- onï ;bat willingly joined bimfilfe a profe[yte, as it is written, (Numb.s 5.15.) ayee are, fo fhsll the firan - ger le before the Lord. But whofeever io not willing, obey force .bins not to receive the law and the samman- dementr. But they force all that tome into the world, to receive the commandements given to the fans of Noe [whereof fee on Gen.9.4.] and who fi recei- vetb not them, is lolled; and he that received' them, it called the f ranger that f'ionrneth, &v. allaitneny in Mireb trcat.of Kingr,ch,8,S.10, Likewife in their 4$ . X I 1 I. Firm borne fanc-tified. 4_< commentary upon Exodus,called Elie flemath rab- bah, upon Exod:1 i. they fay This it that which tt written (in Efay 5 6.3.) And let not the frame e f the firanger that bath joned bimfe/fe to the Lord, fpeake Paying, T he Lordbatb eatery feparated met: for lob faith, The granger fhall not lodge in the ffreet, (lob 3 t 32.) And why ? Becaufi the help blef ed (Gad) excltt- detb no creature , but receiveth aft. For bit gates are open every honre and wbofeever would be received in, he entretb and is received. For This , it wa Paid by lob, the firanger fhall not lodge in the oreet. And again he faith hube pertnof God, I Will open my dourer to the traveller (Iob,3I.32.) Rabbi Barahiae fail, In whole perm ftieaketb lob this ? Doubt[ ffe ben-fe it fhall be that theeorangers!hall be Priefis, miniffriog rotbe batty bleed ( God :) a it it written, and the firanger fhallbe jgyned to them, Efay z 4.5 .) andthir joyning is not meant but f the Prieffs , a it is written, yore wee unto one Of the Priefls offeer, (I Sam.s. 36.) Fir it fhall come to pas , that prefelytes fhall case of the âbew- bread, &c. CHAP. XIII. I, God cmanandeth to fanilifte all the Firo -borne, unto him: 3, to remember the day of their going nut of Egypt : 5, to keepe the feaff of Vnlevened bread, in Canaan : 8, to fhew their fames the mule thereof: 12, to ft apart fir the Lord, the orolinascfbeafis. I 6, Phylatieries, for a figne of Gods former mer- cier. 17, The way by which God bd Ifrael in the wil- dernef. 19, The carrying of lofephs bones with them. 20, Ifraelcampetb inEtham. zi, Godguided, them by apillar efa clou4and pillar office. Aing N D Jehovah fpake unto Mofes, fay. s Sanétifie unto mee every fir& borne , that which openeth every wombe, among the formes of Ifrael of man and of beat} ; it is mine. And Mofes Paid un- to the people,Remember this day,inwhich ye came out from Egypt, from the hopfe of fervants; forby itrength of hand Jehovah brought you out from hence : & no levened bread !hall bee eaten. This day you come out,in the moneth of Abib. And it íhall be, when Jehovah íhallbring thee into the land of the Canaanite, and the Chethite , and the Amorite,and the Evite,and the Iebu(ite, w»h he fware unto thy fathers to give thee/ a land Rowing with milk and honey: that thou (halt ferve this fervice, in this moneth: Seven daies thou (halt eat unlevelled cakes:& in the feventh day /nail be a fealI to Jehovah. Vnlevened cakes (hall bee eaten leven daies ; and no levened bread fhall bee íeene with thee, and no old leven (hall bee fern with thee,, iii all thy border. And thou (halt! g (hew thy fonnPln that day, laying; becatife of I 3 4 6 7