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-6///%G!gi1 1'1AIT'1DM , 1+ A!iedeemer promifed. Ga iv >s s is 11 I. 15 16 1.8 19 20 2I 22 23 24 thou haft done this , turfed art thou above all cattell,and above every beaft of the field: upon thy belly (hilt thou goe, and dull (halt thou eate all the dayes of thy life. And I will put enmity betweene thee and thewoman, and betweene thy feed and her feed : Hee, (hall bruife thy head, and thou fhalt bruile his heele. Vnto the woman he Paid, multiplying Í will multiyly thy forrow and thy concepti- on; in forrow (halt thou bring forth chil- dren : and thy defire( hall be to thy husband; and he (hall rule over thee. And unto Adam bee Paid , Becaufe thou haft hearkned unto the voice of thy wife, and haft eaten ofthe tree, which I comman- ded thee,faying,thou (halt not eat of it: cur- led ie' the ground for thy fake ; in forrow fhalt thou cat of it all the dayes of thy life. And thotnes and thiftles thall it bring-forth to thee: and thou (halt eat the herbe of the field. In the fweat ofthy face fhalt thou Bate bread ; till thou return unto the ground, for out of it waft thou taken: for duff thou art, and unto dull (halt thou recutne.And A. dam called hiswives name Evt : beeaufe fhe was the mother of all living. And Jehovah God made to Adam and to his wife,coats of skin, and clothed them. And JehovahGód faid,Behold the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil!: And nowleft he put forth his hand,and take alfo of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever. And Jehovah God font him forth, from the garden of Eden: to till theground, from whence he was taken. And he drove out the man : and he placed at the eaft of the garden ofEden, Cherubims ; and the flame of a fword,which turned -it -felfe : to keepe the way of the tree of life. v1 muttatoan!. Veer. C Erpent:] named in Englifh, of creeping on 7 the earth ; but in Hebrew,naehafh,offcb- til obfervation, fearehing, and finding out by experience, Gen.3o.27. and 44.5. The greater ferpents are called dragons: and nacaafb is fòntetimes turned in Greeke a dragon: Job 26.13. Amos 9.3. and for it in Hebrew , put Tannin , a dragon , Exod.7.1 o. with 4.3. nd in the new Teftament, the fame thing is called both adragon, and a ferpent, Rev. 20.2. fchtill: ] that is,prudent and craff:pru- dent to fave and helpe it (elf, whereupon it is laid, be prudent atferpenu,Mat.'o.i6.crafy, to deceive others as Paul faith , the ferpem h3 lax craftinefJè be- gtdled Eze , 2 Cor,11.3. by which two words,the Scriptures doeexprelfe the Hebrew 'here ufed: which often is taken in the good part,oppofed to famplieis and folly, Prov.' .4. and 8.5.. and 14.15. 18.and 22.3. more than: ] theword more is r1- fually omitted in the Hebrew, as eafie to be un- derftood:yet fometime is exprelfed, as in Eft.6.6. And the holy Ghoft fetteth it downe in Greeks, when it wahteth in Hebrew, as inGal.4.z7.from Efa.54. t.màny are the children of the defeláte,more than a'the maried: in Efay 94.r. the word mare is not written. So the Greeke verfion in this place ad- dtth it : though fometime the Greeke allo wan- teth it, as Gen.38.26,Luke 18.14. He feel:] Whereas beafis are known innatare to be fpeech- leffe (and theScripture confirmed' it,z Pet.2.t6) becaufe they Want reafon or underftanding, Pfal. 3 2.9.Iud.v. i o. Mofes under the name of the fee- pentsîeaking ,clofelymeanethSatan, who opened the ferpents mouth, and caufed it to fpeake with mans voice, as the Lord by an Angell opened the mouth ofBalaamsAlle, Num.2z.22.28. 2 Peter 2.16.And fo the Hebrew Do &ors write, that the uncleane fpirit Somma,) ( the devil]) wag united with the *pent : R. Menachtm onGen.3. And, at a man puf ed with an mill fpirit, -all the worker that hedoth, andall the words that be f eaketh, are not but by the reafm of the evi11 f irit that ie inbim a fo the fer- peát, all the work! that he did, and all the word., that he 'Pak, be fakee, not , neither did , but bythe re fen of the Devitt, Pirke R.Eliezerp chap.I3. The Angels (of Whofe creation we fpake before, on Gen.2.1.) be- ing fpirits, and a flaming fire, Pfàl.r 04.4. excellent in wifdome,and mighty in flrength,2 Salmi 4.20 Pfa1.1o3.2o.they many of them, (having one for principali,) did fine againit God,Mar.5.9.Mat. 25.4!. 2 Pet.2.4. by not abiding in the truth, nor keeping their fief] efiate, but leaving theirowne balaba- tion, Iohn 8.44Iude 6. and are now hill called, of their rwm'ng and knowledge,. Drmonr,Mar.5.1 2. of their mi htyftrength ,prineipalitierandpowers,Col. 2.15. of their calumniation and enmity to God and his creatures, they are named the malidaut,the Devil, and Satan, t Iohn 2.13. Pec.5.8. Mat. 4.8.10. And the Devil] fpeaking by this Serpent, is therefore called the great dragon, that old Serpent, which dereizetb all the world. Rev.12.9.And as him- felfe flood not in the truth , but frnmedfrom the be- ginning,' booue upon mans creation he overthrew him ; and is therefore faid to be a man- killer from the beginning, Íoh.8.44. And mans fall and niiferie, is here immediately joined tu his creation and fearing in Paradife.Alfo the Hebrew Dottors, hold ; that nothing here mentioned was done after the fixe dayes of the creation : all our wife men doe agree, that this whok matter war done the fixt day, faith Mahn. in Morch. Nebuchim, chel. 2.per. 30. -the woman] the weaker vefll i Pet. 3.7: whom Satan thought the more eafìly to de- ceive, and fo did: as Paul obferveth, Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, was in the tranfgrefon, 1 Tinsoth.2.14. 2 Corinth.' 1.3. So the Serpent fer upon Chrift , in his hunger and infirmity Matthew.4.2,3. Yea : 3 or, Moreover: it is a word proceeding from an earneft mind ; and ufually it is an addition to fomething fpoken before. So it is likely the Serpent