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Ol'10/1/1I 1 114°V///A 8 Io I2 13 14 GENESIS III., compared to the Spars wehs Efay 59.5,6And the figti e which had leaves and no fruit, was turfed of Chi itlç and withered, Matth. 21. 19. a- prons :] named in Hebrew óf girding about the Ïoynes.So Peter when he was naked,girded a gar- ment on him, Ioh.21.7. And thofe parts of the body which Cervé for generation, were then, and Dill are molt fhamefull , and ftudioufly covered ; became finne is become natural], and derived by generation, Pfalnt.5I.7. Gen.5.3. Therefore cir- cumcifion (the finne of regeneration_) was alfo on that part of mans body,Gen. i 7. I I. VerfS.tbe voice of lebovab: ] this fometime fig - nifieth any noire or found, Ezek. r.z4. fometime the thunder, Exod.9.28,29. fometime Gods di- Din& voice like thunder, as Ioh.12.27,28,29. walking : ] this by the Greeke is referred to God walking: it may alfo bee meant of the voice, which is faid to wa!ke,orgoe on,when it increafeth more and more, Exod.19.19. the wind:} by theGreeke verfion,this was the eventide. So in the evening of the world at the laft day , the Lord !hall defcend fromheaven, with a fhowt, with the voice of the Archangel !,and with the trumpet of God &c. 1 TheC4.16. bid tbemfelves:] through confcience and feeling of their finne and mifery, and for feare of Gods Majefty, verf, o. Howbeit, there is no darkeneJ , nor fhadow of death , where the worltes of iniquity may , hide them fehes: Iob 34. 22. Antos 9.3. Pfalm. 139.7 8,9. Prov. 5 5.3. Ier. 23.24. fiam the face : J' or, theprefence, that is, for feare of the Lords comming. Verf.iofeared:]or, ma afraid: this feare was a terrour through feeling ofGods wrath for fin ; as ICrael al Co felt in themfelves, when they heard the voice of God at mount Sinai, Exo.2o.18,, 9, 2o.It was fitch as had torment with it, which whofo fa-etb,isnot perfl7inlove, r Ioh.4.18_ and procee- ded from the pirit of bondage, Rom.8.1 5. Other - wife,there is air() a feare, which proceedeth from the fpitit ofadoption, and ccordeth well with love and comfort, 1 Pet - 1.1.17. Pi tinr.z. t 1. and 147.1 L:Icr.32.3 9.40. Prov.19.23. This feare, if Adapt had kept,he had efchewed evill,Prov.t6.6. am naked:] he diffembleth the main caufe, which was his finne: pure nakedneffe was Gods creature,and he was vakdbefore,withontfeare or' fiame,Gen.2.2 5. Verf. 12. thou gavefi: ] Adams confeffton is mix- ed with excufes,andfrtrther evils:asking no mer- cy, but charging the woman, and God himfelfe, with the caulèof his fall. Th:faol of of man, per - 'zerteth his way , and his beartfrettethagai,l the Lord: Prov. t 9.3. Verf t 3. what is this ?] or, For what ? that is, Why haft thou done this? Verf 14.tmto the ferpent:] unto the bcaft and the devil! ;which together were the 'manes to draw into (inne, verfs.and therefore are joyned as one here in the punifhmcnt. curled :, ] this is con- trary tob lefd,Dcut.28.3.16.andas tobleffè, is to fay well of any 5 foto. dale' , is to fay will: ter ex- pounded by the holy Ghoft : as,thoufbalt not curfe the Ruhr, ExOd.22.28.which Paul citeth thus,thou (halt not peak evibof the Ruler, A&.23.5. And as Gods word is one with his deed;fo his curfi is the powring out ofevils upon the creatures for finne, unto their perdition, Dent.28.2o. &c. So the fig - t ree being curfed,w ithered,Mark.11.21.the chil- dren curfed , were torne of bealls, 2 King.2.24. And that the devil was implyed under this curie, the Hebrew Dp &ors have acknowledged , flying'; of God that be brought shoji three, and decreed a-I gainJl them the decrees of judgement , and did eafl Sam- mad (the Devil!) and his company, out ofhla bob' place, out ofheaven, andcut offthefeetof she ferpent, and ezer- fidhim &,.Pirke R. Eliezer,ch.14. So Peter faith, God 1j,ared not tbe Angels that finned, but cafe them! down to bell, &c. 2 Pet.2.4. And in Rev.t 2.7,8,9. fpeaking.of a fpirituall combat with the Devil in the Church, it is faid, the Draganfought, and bis Angels; but they prevailed not , neither was their place found wry more in heaven ; and ¡bat great Dragon , that old frlent, called she Devill and Satan ,was cafeont,&c. As the Devill is curfed above all creatures, Mat. 25.4 the curfed ferpent is in Scripture a nmi- licnde of the mot} hurtttill ve0emous and hatefull beafts,as Deut.8.15.Ier.8.17.Pf.58.5. Mat23.33. thy lei!): ] or, thy bref : as the Greeke hats a twofold tranfation, upon thy broil and belly : mean- ing with great paineand difficulty. For other creatures alfo goe on thebeUp, Lev.' i.42. but as A- dams labour,and Eves conception, had pain and for- row addedto them,(v.16, i 7)10 the Ièrpents gate. dufl:]that is,vile and unclean meats:noting alfo herebybafeneffe ofcondirion,Mie.7.17.and hunger and penury , which this beat} fhould ful- fer above others,wltich eat the herbs of the field: Gen.!.3o.This eating ofdufl, isagaineremembred its Efa. 65.25.where fpeech isófour Redemption from Satan by Chrift : which fheweth that there outward curfes implyed further mylteries. V.15.enmity:] this is oppofed to the acuity and 15 fuuiliarity which had beene between the woman and theSerpent,which Godwould breake. And here beginneth the &It promife of grace and life, to Evah and mankind now dead in finne,and ene, sties to God,Co1.2.13.and t.z, For the amity of thisworld, is enmity of God,Iam.4.4. thy feedand her feed: ] that is, thypoferity and hers. Seed,is often fired for children: by the Serpents feed, aremeant not only thofe venemous bealls,wisich have enmity with mankind: but alfo wickedmen, called ferpents, generations of vipers, and children of the Devill, Matth.23.33. 1 Iohn3. to. By the w,onsans feed,is meant (in refile& of Satan)chiefly Chrif, who being God over all bleed for ever, Ihonld come of David and Abraham, and fo of Eve, according to theflefb, for the was themother of all living, Roman.I.3.and 9.5. And with Chrill all Chriftians, who are Eves feed both in nature and in faith , as all Chriftians are called Abrahams feed: Ga1.3.29. He:] or, it; that is, theSeed. This is fief, to be underftood of Chriff, who was made of a woman, Ga1.4.4. thefruit f the wambe of theVirgin Mary , Luke 1.42- Hee through death, bath deflrayed him that bad the power of death, that is the Devill, Hebrewes 2.14. Secondly, it Mtior %///RR1111MAAM7 .