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EXODUS and made it. So Idolaters doe even to this day, draw out & polilhwith their pens, idoli worfhip and herefie. and he made] or,wben he bad made it. molten Callfe] Hebrew, Caffe af'meltir:g, or rf molten woke, meaning the image of a Calk , as before the image of God, is called God, v. 1. As the Hea- .thens changed the glorie of the incorruptible God, into images made like to corruptible men, birds, beafts, &c. Py et.1.z3. fo Ifrael now changed theirGkrie intothe forme of an oxe that eater', graJe; and frgat God their Saviour , P +al. 106. 19, 20, 21. Theft be My Godr]that is,Tbia is thy God, as theho- ly Gholà expoundeth it in Nch. 9.18. They made them a molten Cafe, and faid, this is thy God; meaning an image of the true God , which had brought them out of Egypt, who is alto called in Scripture after the like phrafe plurally , though he he but one, as inGen.2o. 13. &35.7. Jof.24.19. As the image of a calfe, was before called a calfe ; 16 the Scripture ufeth figuratively to call fignes and fi- gures,by the names ofthole things theyfignified, as Ex.12.1 I. & 17.15. Gen.37.7. Mat.26.26,28. I Cor. to. 4. Titus leroboam Cpake alto of his gol- den calves, I King. s z. 28. And the intent of lfrael in making the calf,andthe intent of Jeroboantwere one. R Menachem on Exod. 3 z. f V. .to Iehovah] or of Iehovah, as the Gr. is, of the Lgld; unto whom a fcaft fhould have beene kept, Exo. Io. 9. and whim they intended this their fervice, although indeed,they facrificed unto the Roll, and rejoyced in the work of their owns hands, v.8. Aft.7. 41. and in Gods account, offered untoDevils, after whom they went a whoring, Lev. 17.7.So lehn would be thought zealous for Iebovah, when yet he wor- (hipped Íereboams golden calves, which alto were Devils,2,z9. z Chroa r. t 5. Verf,,6,brougho-neere] to the Altar; that is, fad, as the Gr. tranflateth. to play] fo theApoftle tranflateth it allo in Gr. t Cor. to. 7. fometinie thtword is ufed for laughing and rejycing,Gcn.21. 6. here ibis meant of their tinging, dancing, &c. about their gods of gold,v.18,19. Sothat which one Prophet calleth playing, (the word here uteri) r Chron.t 5.29: another calleth dancing, 2 Sam.6. 16. The Hebr. (as R. Menacbem on this place) ex- pound it whoredome, according to that in Gen. 39.14 F% hash brought in to us an Hebrew max to make us (or to play with us) which being underllood off fpirituall whoredome,that is,Idolatry,is accor- ding to truth.. And from this their praltilè, wee are warned not to be Idolaters like them,t Cor.lo7. 7 _V.7. Goe] the Gr.addeth the word gniekly,as Mo- fes altoBoth in Deut.9.I2.4rife,get theedown quick: ly. eorrn ted] this implieth both their Idolatrie, & the judgment which they brought upon them - felves therfore, as in Gen.6.1',I 2,13. whereupon bee calleth them Mofes his people as not being worthy to be named Godschildren, De/n.32.5. but under the wrath and rude of It /V/ Law. The Greeke interprcteth it, have tratf reffèd the Law: 9 Vert 9.111 fe- necked] or bard necked, as elíewherc the Lord faith, Thou art bard, and thy necke is an iron finew,Efay 48.4. It is a fimilitude taken from un- ruly heifers that will not liibmit their neck to 6 135 the yoke, Hof 4. r 6. Ier.5.5. and 27.8.and fo mea- neth ftuhborne and difobediect cariage; ofwhich God often reprovcth them by this name Exod. 33.35. and 34.9. Dent. 9.6. r 3. and ro.16. & 34. 27. Ier.7.z6. and 19.15. Neh.9.17.29. A&. 7.51. Vert t o. Let me alone] that is, igtreat me not to (pare them;or,hinder me not by thy prayer,frotlr punifhing them. So the Chaldee tranflate, Leave dff thy prayer before me. confume] and put out their namefromunder heaven, Deut.9. t 4. of thee] Hebrew make thee to agreat nation. In Deut. 9. 54. it is Paid, a mighty nation , and greater then they. So a- gaine in Num.] 4.52. V,t t. the face] this the Gr. andChaldee tran- flate,hee pro,yedbefore the Lord; but Gods face,is font- rime ufed for his anger,as inGen.32.20.1-ev.20.6. P121Jo. & 34. 17. and fo it meaneth a fupplica- ting againft the anger which was now waxing hot.For they had beene abolifhed, had not Motes flood before God in the breach,to turne away his wrath front deftroying them,Pfal.r o6.23. Wherefore,&c.] This is not a quellion, as if there were no Caufc for the Lord to be angry ; but is a manner -of camel intreaty,that he would not in wrath deftroy them. So the Prophets often ufed to pray in this fort, as in Pfal. iò./ . and 44. I z. And when Chrift faid , Wherefore male yee this adoe and rxeepe , Ma r.5.3 9. another Evange- lilt explaineth it,Wcepe net, Luk.8.5 2. and,Art thou come to torment ur ?`Mar. 8. 29. is expounded,/pray thee torment me rot, Luke 8. z 8, Ver.I z. for mill] or, in evill,in malice, that is, ma- I 2 lieioufly: the Greeke tianílateth with malicioryìefJe. repent] the Greeke tranflateth, be merciful! un- to the evillof :lg people: which thitig is here i;itplied, but the Hebrew phrafe meaneth all() the evil! of pimi(hment, which God fhould repent of, that is, not infli& upon them ; (peaking after the manner of men , as in Gen,6.6. Therefore theChaldee addeth repent of the trill , which thou thinkef to doe to thypeople, which is confirmed by verf,14. Verl.13. by thy felfe] God having no greater to 13 fweareby,and by fitch an oath, willing to (hew' the immutability of his counfell as Paul expoun- deth it, Heb.6.13.17.The Chaldee tranflateth, /7 thy Word, fee Gen. unto which place this prayer of Mofes bath fpeciall reference, where alto the biding of all nations in Chrilt, Is mentioned, which is the ground of this requelt and of Gods yeelding thereunto. So the Hebrew, Do&ors after fort acknowledged, laying, T hen Mofs returned and fought mer y at the face of the Lordd, and the Lord remembred the inclination of Ifaak_, who was, bound by his father in mint Morijah upon the Al- tar : and the Lord turned fsom hisanger, and caufed his divine- pretence to dwell in the midi of them, as bef re. Thargum in Can' t. cap. T. verfè 13. cap. 2. verfe 17. Verf.15. on the one] 1 -Rehr. on this fide, and on this. 15 This manner of writing on both fides,was alto ht other myfticall books,Ézek. z. t o. Iiev.5. t . It fig nified in refpeil of the Law it feilt that it h th both the outward letter,& inward Cpiritual tuea- ning,Ro.7 relpe& of ntê,that the Law fhould be written outwardly in n, .aai- Mm z c»Is io II