1/ /XIV Ant 1,111®A N/ EXODUS XXXII. ons before men, and inwarìly in their hearts be- fore God, Matth. 5.16. Heb.8, t o. Roms,28.29. Sec the notes on Exod.3 r. t 8. 16 +cr: 16. the workeofGod] herein they differed from the fecond tables,which were theworhe of Mofes, Exod.34.1.It is a tradition of the Iewes, that there firft tables were Nervenout of the Saphir of 'tbetbroneof Gods glory , (mentioned in Exod. 24. s o.) Tbargum in Cant. cap, x. verl 11. 17 Verf 17. lofhua] or,as the Greeke writeth him, Iefttt : fee Exod. t 7.9 of them that thou] or, of them that marmer(or frng:)Hebrew,ofanfwering, (or tinging.) The Chaldee tranflates it,it is not the voice of flrong men, which overcome in the marre neither it it the voice of weake men, which are rdfromfited. difcomfitnre]or ieeakenef; of fitchas are overcome. ftnging]forplay and'voluptuoufneffe, good cheare, &c. as in ver. 6. Therefore the Chaldee tranflates it , the voice of them that play ; and the Greeke added], of them thatfang for wine. 19 Verf i 9. his hand] or, his hands; that is, each of his hands : the Hebrew hath both readings ; the firfi by thé vowels and margine; the other by the letters in the line. So in Exod.35. r t. Lev. 9.22. and 16.2s. Deut.2.33. breaks tb'em]tolignifie the breaking of the covenant, by reafon of their fin.For that Mofes did this advifedly,and by the motion of Gods Spirit, appeareth by his relati- on of it againe, in Deut.9.16. i 7, Wherefore the Tabernacle of the congregation, (wherein the Lord was to be fought) was upon this , pitched afarre off from the campe,untill by Moles intrea- ty , reconciliation wasmade between God and the people, Exod.33.7.9. &c. 20 Verl,20. fmall] even as duff, Dent. 9.21. thát it might utterly be abolilhed : and that they might drinke thereof. the waters] of the brool¿e that came downs out of the mount, Dent. 9. 1 t, from the Rock inHoreb,Ex. x 7.6.which Rock was Chrift, n. Ctor, x0.4. drinke] By this they were taught the way of falvation from their fins : whiles Mofes (that is, the Law) giveth the knowledge of fin and condemnation for the fame, Rom.3.zo. Ga1.3.1 o.and forceth men unto Chrift,the Rock from whom doe flow the waters of life, wherein all finne is fwallowed up to the repentant belie- ving finner; who by drinking the dull thereof with the waters of the Gofpell, into their owne bowels, doe acknowledge the curie which they have deferred, and doe judge themfelvess whó are clfeto bee condemned of the Lord, Gal.'3.24 Ezek.36.31. and 20.43. 1 Cor.10.31. Compare Nu111.5.17.19- 22 V. 22. are fet] or,lieinevi/l;as the Apolileufeth alike fpeech of the world , n Ioh.5. 19, or, are In evill:that is,are zery evi /:as Gods works arc laid to be in faith,Pf.33,4.that is,mofffaitbfiell, or true : the woman is faicl tq be in the tranf reffoa,t Tim,z.14. that is, she tranf regör,and many the like. The Gr. tranflateth , thou knoweff the violent farce of this people. 24 Veff.24.there cameout]Aaron here is not to free in eonfeff ng his owns lis, , as he did the peoples but fpeaketh of the Calfe,as if he had been made rather by hap,then by his art,verfe Out Aarons fiti was fo great, as the Lord was ,very angry with him, to have detireycd hin,;,had not Mofes prai- edfor him alto, Deut.9. zo. for he had made the people Raked unto their flame; as after in ver.25. Compare Aarons excul'e with Adams, Gen.3. Verf.2 5. naked] in the flame of their finnes,de- 25 prived of the glory and prote &ion ofGod,as na- ked unarmed men , to be devoured of their ene- mies.Comparc Gen 3.1o. Rer3.1 8.& 16.15,The Gr. tranflateth it diffipated, (or fiat tered)for Aaron bad difpated them; for a rejoring to their adver fries . ttntofbame] or, infamy , and as the Gr. tran- flatés it, a rejnycing, or mockerie : which the Chaldee paraphrafeth thus , to blot them with an evihname in their generations .So the Thargum on Solomons Song cap.1. vent 2. faith hereof; the wicked of t hat gene- ration rofe up, and made agolden Gaffe togetber with the mixed people which were among them : and they made tti,ir workrs to flinke, and their will sthme went out into the world. And Paul applieth the like againfi the Iewes, Through breaking the law d Jhonoureff thou Gods For the name of God m bile/sensed among the Gentiles thrvughyou,Rom.2,23,24, amengfl;hof that rye up againft them] or, by their adzerfaries. For a people naked without Gods prote&iou, are ealily by their enemies foyled, & putto lhame, as in Nuns. n4.42.43.45. 2 Chron.12.5, and 28.9.6. Verf. 26. thegaté] the [Riblike place of judge- ment: fee Gen.34.2o.Deut./7.5. Ruth. 4. T.11. let bim come] this word , (fttpplied allo by the Greeke) Mofes through halle andearnellncffe o- mitteth. See the like in Gen. 13.9, and 11.4. and 23. 13. the Chaldee alfq addeth it, hying, They that flare the Lord, let them come unto me.,. Verf.28. 3000. mm] the principali authors of this wickedneffe, for that many moc were guilty alfö of the fame, appeareth by verfe 3o. &c. Verf.29, Fill your hand] that is,Confecrate your 9 felves & your fervice to the Lord,a phralc taken from the ordaining of facrifices, Exod.z9.7. Hee fheweth that the executing of juftice, is accepta- ble to God as facrifice, t Sans. 19.18.22. The Chaldee tranflateth, Tee bate offered your offrivgs,thit day, &c: that he may give] or , that there may be guilt, namely, from God. For this fa& of the Le- vites, who acknowledged not their own parents, brethren or children, to (pare them from death; is after mentioned to their praire, in the biding that Mofes uttered, Deuter. 33. 9. &c. And this Tribe of Levi, was adjoyned by the Lord unto the Prielis, and taken in (lead of all the firflborne of IJ'ael, Num.3.9,41,45 So the children wiped out as it were ' the thine of their father Levi,who had before abufed his fword unto injuliice; for which he loll the blefftng that Bile he fhould have had, Gen. 49. 5,7. V.30. peradventure I(hall] or, it may be Ifhall ,or , if fo be I may; the Greeke tranflateth, that Imay. They are words that imply a diflcultie, though good hope to obtain, as (inners are taught to have upon their turning unto God, Luke i 5. 18. So in Amos 5.15. It may be the Lord will be merciful; and ]of. 14, 12. If fit be (perade plumy ) the Lord rill be with me : allo in 1 Sam. 14.6. Verle 26 28 30 /®is A/ VISCIIIIINI111110,,m % Mnuun _ -J