EXODUS XX X 111. lfrael mourrieth. I37 31 Verf. 31. unto febovah]before whom, hefell dawn forty dales e.g. fortie nights, as before: for he was afraid of the anger and hot. difpleafure, wherewith the Lord was wroth egainft them, Deut.9.18.i9. If gold] As Mofes here particularly expreffeth the Mine oflfrael,fo the Hebrew Do&ors gather from this example, a'generall rule , that every (inner when hee repenteth , mull.confelfe that particular fin which he bath committed. Maimony, treat.of Re- pentance, ch.2. f.3. 32 V. 32.ifthote wilt]an unperfeft fpeech, through paffion of mind : fuch as are fluidly times ufed in Scripture. Steinke 13.9.and the notes onExod. 4. 5.and 18.11 The Greeke eran(latton fupplieth the defeft thus , And tow , if dome wilt forgive them the ftn,forgive them. The word If is ufed alto in prayers, as cn.24.42, and 28.2o. thy Boeke]the Bookeoflifc,Phi14.3. or, of the ûving,Plal.69.29.eal- led the writingof the beetle ofIfrad,Ezek. r 3.9.fpoken of God,after the manner of men. This with pro- ceeded from great furrow in heart,for the fall of this people,from the zc cle of Ge ds glorie,& love of his brethren, for whole fakes he could with himfelfe accused (or feparated) from Chrilt, as Paul allò did, Rom. Herein alto Mofes dealt as a mediator between God and nun; and was a figure of our Mediator Chrifk, who layd down his life for the fheepe Iohn 10.15. and re- deemed us from the curie of the Law, when hee was made a eurfë for us, Gal. 3.13. although Mofes could not fully efeft the grace that lice defired for the people. The intent of Moles (fay the Heb. Doors) was that he might die in Read of them , and Beare their pmi fhneem,aecerding to that,(in Jay 5 3.5.) he was wounded ter our trefpaffes: for the death ofthe juff malfeth reconciliation , d"e. R. Menaehem, on Ex. 32. 33 Verf. 33. Whofoever]theGreekefaith, if any bath finned; meaning fuch fine as whereby men fall awayfinally ; againik whom David prayeth, Let them be wiped out of the booke of the living. Pfal. 69. 29.but who fo overconmseth,Chrifkwill net wipe bit name out of the Booka of life, Rev. 3.5. I will wipe]or,I fhottld wipe him out,ifany. 34 Verf. 34. unto the place] the word place , the Greek*: alto addeth,meaaing the laud of Canaan. So God in indignation gg1tveth over the people unto Moles , and the condu& of the Angel ; and would withdraw the fgnes of his pretence from thermos after he did,in Exodus 33. Angel]there was an Angel fore-promifed in Exodus 2:3. 20. Howbeit, R. Metuchen' on this place faith, 3 hie Angelis not the Angel of the co errant, ofwhombee fpake in the time of avottrabk acceptance, My prefene f4oa/l gce, fr now tie bollbleffid God, had taken away hie divine- prefinefrom amaegfl them , and wadd have led them by the band of another Angel. And Mofes fpeech in Exodus33.12. feet-meth to imply fo much. when I v ße]!or, of my vifesatien, that is, when I fee good to punifh them ; for fo vifiting here figni- fieds, as in Exodus 20. 5. By this God would teach theimpolfibility of the Law, to reconcile men unto God ; in that Mofescould obtaine but a deferring of their punilhment ; they frill re- maining under wrath, Verf.3 5 . they made]that is,caulèd to bee made for they that occafion or retire a thing , are laye1 to doe they fame; as Iudas purchafed the field,(Aet. i.5 8.)which was bought by the Pricfts, with the money which Judas returned,Mat.27.3.7.fee Ex. 7. The Greek here tranllateth , fir the making ofthe Calle, but the Chaldee faith, for that they fined it. Ataongltother punilhments which God inflicted upon the people there was one fpeciall for this fin,that God turned,andgave themup to worfleip the huff of heaven, 6.e. Af3.7.42. fo giving them over from one evill to another, as he did alfo the Gentiles; Rom.s.24.26,28. 4skiWititti2442i2 I412 35 CHAP. XXXIII. I, The Lord refufeth to goe a he had promifed , with the people. 4, The people mourn far it, and putof their ornaments. 7, The Tabernacle is removed out of the campe. p, Mofes entreth into it , and God in a cloud talketb with him. 12, He prayet& the Lord te floes him hit waies. 15, and to let hie prefene goe with his people. t7, God granteth it him. 18, He defireth to fee Gods gory. 5 9, God promifeth to poclaime hit Name before bim, but hie fate no man can fee and live. A ND Iehovah fpake unto Mofes , Go getthee up hence thou and the peo- ple , which thou haft brought up out of the Land of Egypt, unto the Land which I fware unto Abraham, to If.ack, and to Ja- cob, faying,unro :by feed will I give ir. And I will fend before thee,an Angel: and I will drive out, the Canaanite, the Amorite, and theChethite, and the Pherizzire, the Evite, and the Iebu(ìte. Vnto a Land flowing with milke ì and honey : for I will not goe up in the midfl of thee, for thou art a ftiff- necked people, Tell I confume thee in the way. And the people heard this evill word, and they "mourned : and no man did put his orna- ment upon him. For Iehovah had faid un- to Mofes; Say unto the Sons oflfrael, ye are a fti(f necked people; in onemoment I will come-up in the miditofthee, and confume thee : now therefore put -offthy Ornament from on thee, and I (hall know what I (hall doe unto thee. And the Sonnes of Ifrael, (tript themfelves of their ornament , from the mount Horeb. And Mofes tooke a tent, and pitched it for him , without the cataipe, afar off from the campe ; and called, it , the Tent of the congregation : and it was ,that every onewhich fought Jehovah , went out unto the Tent of the congregation, which was without the campe. And it was when Mores went out unto the tent; all the people rote-up , and Rood every man at the doore Mm; of r 2 3 4 5 6 7 8