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i ii1/111/mmtu',;ï I38 Mofes defireth,&c. EXODUS X X XI II. of his Tent, and looked after Mofes, until! 9 he was entred into the rent. And it was as Mofes entred into the Tent ; the pillar of the cloud defceaded,and flood at the doore Io of the Tent; and he fpake with Mofes. And all the people faw the pillar of the cloud hand at the doore of the Tent , and all the people rote - up, and bowed- them - felves- downe, every man at the doore ofhis Tent. And Iehovah take unto Mofes , face unto face, as a man fpeaketh unto his friend: and he returned into thecampe,and his minifter, Iofhua the Son of Nun, a yong-man,he de- parted not fromwithin the Tent. I a And Mofes Paid into Iehovah , See , thou faift unto me,Carie -up this peoplc,and thou haft not let nie know whom thou wilt fend with me : yet thou haft laid, l know thee by name; and alfo thou haft found grace in t3 mine eies. Now therefore, I pray thee, if I have found grace in thine eyes, Phew mee O now thy wayes , and let me know thee, that I may find grace,in thine eyes, andcon - t4 fider, that this nation ti thy people. And hee fayd : My pretence (hall goe , And I Is will give thee refs. An bee fay unto him : If thy prefence goe not , carie us nor 16 up hence. For wherein (hall it be known here , that I have found grace in thine eyes, bath I and thy people ? Is it not in that thou goeft with use So (hall we bee mar - velloufly- feparated, I and thy people, from all the people with are upon the face of the earth. 17 And Iehovah Paid unto Mofes, I will doe this thing alfo,which thou haft fpoken : for thou haft found grace in mine eyes ; and I 18 know thee ; by name. And hePaid, I pray. 19 thee, (hew the thy glory. And he faid,I will make all my goodneffe paffe before :hee ,and will proclaime the name of Iehovah, before thee : and will hegracious, to whom I will be gracious; and will be mercifull,tgwhom 20 I will be merciful!. And hee laid, thou art not ab;e to fee my face : for no man Thal! 21 fee my face,and live. And Iehovah faid,Be- hold, there it a place bymee: and thou (halt 22 ffand upon a rocke. And it thatl bee while my glorie paffeth by , that I will put tbee ¡n a clifr of the rocke , and will cover a thee with my hand, while I paffe by. And 3 I will take-away my hand,and thou (halt fee my backe- parts : but my face (hall not bee feene. II t.ilnnatations. THy feed] that is, as the Chaldee faith , the Sons . the ,Greek faith , your feed. He reCpec- teth chiefly the promife to Abraham, Gen. r z 7. which he would performe , not withftanding their unfaithtùlneffe. ' Verte z. an Angel]. in Greeke my Angell : of 2 whom fee Exodus z3. zo. 23. Though this is thought of fome,to bee meant of another Angell, fee the notes on Exodus 32.34. I will drive] The Greeke expounds it thou frail drive. Canaanite] that is,as theChaldee tranflateth Ca- naanite:, &e. fie , ,en.1 o. i 6. Vnto the fix nations here mentioned the ';ireeke addeth the Gerge- fite : to make up the number of Seven , as in Deut. 7.t. Vert: 3. Vetoa land]for explanation the Greet? 3 addeth , And I will bring tb,e into a Land. milke ] a figure of heavenly bleffings : fee the notes on Exodus 3 8. I mill not goe] to wit, with a vifible ligne Of my pretence, as in the cloud : Co the Chaldee tranflateth, brill not urge my prefatce, (or Majeffie) to gee up in the middeft of thee. So after in vert S. And now God had withdrawn the cloudy pillar (the ligne of his gracious condüét) from them , as appeareth by verfe 9. so. So in the Tbargum (or Chaldee para- phrafe) on Cant. z. 17. the Hebrew Doaors tày, The Sonnet of Iliad made the golden ealfe ; and the glorious elated which overfhadomed them , was taken awry and tbey remained uncovered , &e. ffiffe] or ha d necked, that is, Itubborne and dífobedient: fee Exod. 31.9. Vet(: q.. evil word] that is, hard or heavy ty- dings. m: -urned] (hewed their mourning, by their habit, gefture, &c. as the words following manifeft;and the force of the original word im- plyeth, 1 Sam.,4.,. 3. The Greeke tranflateth, they mounted in mourning :reeds. Verle s, to the fins of lfrael] the Hebrewes(as R. Menaehem on this place) doe obferve, that this ::tanner of fpeech, Was in the may of merry; forhi- therto he bad ealledthem TRY PLOP Lt (Exodus 32.7.) and Tae PaoPLa (Ex. 33.1 ) But now be calleth them by their belozedname , Sons of Iirael. Iwill come r y]to wit,ifthou repent nor; fo it is a threatning ofjudgement, as the Cr. alto tranfla- teth, Looke that I bring not anotherplague zponyou, and confumeyou. Or it may be Englithed, If Ifhouldge Kip in the micldeff of . bee I flooldel o nfumeeine , to wit, unle& thou repent and walke better. thyorna- ment] t hat is, humble thy felfe,and (hew fruits of repentance. The Greeke faith, now therefore put oo the garments of your glorie, andyour ornament. The Chaldee expounds it, theornament ofthy armour : fo in v. 6. and Iwill & ow] God fpeaketh after the manner of neen,who judge by the anions that ap- peare;as in Gen.18,1 t. and 21. 12. for otherwife God knoweth all hit workes , from the beginning if the world,Aa.1$. a 8.The Greeks interpreters under- flood it of Gods making &nowne to others , and tranflateth, I will pew what I will doe unto thee. Vert. AS"- iiarraun nrmmneiii