iEXODUS XXXIII. 1;9 6 7 8 9 I o II Verf. 6.from the mount] that is, farre front it, as being unworthy to come Were unto God,whofe glory was as yet upon the mount, which burned with fire,Deut 9.15. V. 7. aTent. ]or,theTen,notthatwhichafterwas the place of publike worship, for it was not yet made(Exod.36.)but either Mofes owne Tent (as the Greeke tranflateth his Tent,)or force other for this fpeciall ufe. Tent oftbe congregation]which was the name ofthat glorious Tent which God commanded to be made; fee Exod.a9.5.Thc Gr. tranflateth it, the Tabernacle oftef;mony :the Chald. the' Tabernacle of thehaufe ofde5lrine. This which fhould have beene in the midlt of the hoft,Num.2 I7.was now placed far out of it: fignifyingGods difpleafure againfi, & departure from his people, Prov.15.29.According to which fituatiô, are the complaints of holy men made to God , in their tentations,Pfal.lo.r And 35.2a.and38.22. fought Iehovab]the Chald. páraphrafeth,that fugb: dot-trine (or information)frone the face oftbe Lord. V.Y, andflood] to Tooke and oblèrve with reve- rence , what fignes of grace, Mofes fhould have from the Lord , about this bnfneffe in hand; for reconciling him unto his people. The Hebrewes in their Thargum on Salomons long, apply here- unto that in Song, 3. I.2.3. thìts : When the people of the Haute oflfrael fan, that the cloud ofglorie was removed away, and the crowneofholinef which bad been given them at (mount) Sinai, war takenfrom them: then they remained dark as the night ánd fought the erearne of bolinef rehieh was taken from them , butfotmd it not. The [tas f Ifrael paid one to another, let ne rife , & goe, andcompaffè the Tent of the covenant , which Mofes bath fßread without the campe: and let ut Peek informa- Lion from the face oftbe Lars,( and the holy Majeflie which is talon atm./from us, &o. Verf..9.he] that is, Iehovah fpake(as in v.1 r.entt cif the cloudy pillar, whichwas a ligne of favor, pal. 99.7.]orwoùp ed,fowithhumility thanking God for this token of his grace to wards them. V. 11.fanuntoface ]familiarly,plainly,inhispre- lence, & with lively voice, as he fpake before un- to all the people from the mount,Ex.2o.whfch is faid to befacetoface,Deu.5.4. Howbeit, the Hebr. (asR. Menaeh.on this place,)obferve a difference int hewords ,thisherebeingPanimelpanim;that in Dent. 5.4. being Panim be parting, as implying a diferentmanner of [peaking to Mofes,from that unto al Ifrael.A like phrafe is of fpeaking month to month, Num. r2 .8,So this was afpeciallpriviledge that Mofes had, above other Prophets,Deut. i4. ro.who had dark vifons.See this more fully ope- nedonNtun.r2. loftea]inGr. kiss theflame of Neue. ymmgman ]fo called inrefpe&of his fervice, not of yeers: for he was now above l o,yeers old, as may be gathered by Iofh. 24. 20. But becaufe tntnif}ery & fervice is ufually by the yonger fort, all fervants are called yongmen.See Gen. 14.a4. he] that is;lefur (or Iofua)departednot. This fenfe the Greek plainly yeeldeth; but fb underftood by force , as if Iefits returned with Mofes , & Iehovah departed not out of the Tent. V. r 2.whom]or, what thou wilt fend, that is what figne of thy gracious pretnce, which hitherto hath been in the cloud condu&ing us,Exo. s 3.21. 22. The Gr.tranfateth, thou haft netmanifefedunto me , whom thou wilt fendwith mee. See the notes on Exod.3234. byname]that is,in Cpeciall & par- titular manner;as the Grceke tranflateth it,above all Wren. So after in ver. r 7. V.r 3.thy wales] This fometlme meanethGods owne works, & adminiftration,as Iob. 40. r 9. Pf. 77.2o.fomtime thofethings which men are to do and walkein,asEx.s8.zo.Pf.25.4.5 The former fenfi feenieth here to be nient; theChald.tranfla- teth, the way of thy goodnef; and the Gr.thus, Shew Ay j f unto me;letme manifeffj fee thee, that Imay find grace bofo; a thee : and that I may know that this nation is thy people. confider]Hebr. fie. V.a el. nyprefence ]or,mjface, that is,avifibleligne of me prefent;which theChaldee calleth Shecinab, ufed for the divine pretence or Maiefty of God, and Chrift dwelling with his people.The Greeke tranflateth ,my [eelfewillgoecfre thee ; and fo the phrafe is ufed in z Samuel 17. 11. that thy pretence (orfare) goe to bane/!; that is, thou in thine owne perfon, In Efay 63.9. theProphet mentioneth the Angel of Gods pretence (or face) which Paved his people.. And fo Come Hebrewes have expounded this here, fayirig; The ground Obis Mypreteence fhalIgoe, is as if he fhould fay,tbe Angel the Redeemer, u it is written (in Efà), 63.) And the Angell of his pre - fence Paved them. And (in Malach. 3.1. ) the Angel of the Covenant whom yea delight in. And be is calledthe Fare(orPrefence,) beeaufeis the Face ofwrath toconfumt their enemies. And I will give thee ref ,that thy people ; fhall not be led ,with the hard meafure efjttdgement but with the abfkete mature of mercy : according to the meaning (of this word in Deuteronomy 25.19.) when the Lord thy God bath given time ref from all thine enemies. R. Menachem , on Exodus 33. ;give thee refl] towit, from all tbineenemies,asisexplained in Deut. 12. 1o. and fo it implyeth the fubduing of them ; as Move ,given. thee ref from all thy enemies, 2 Samuel 7. ii. is expounded, fubdued all thy enemies, 1 Citron. r<7.10. Verf. i 5. thy pretence] er, thy face. The Greeke faith againe, Ifthou thy fife gee not with ,ts ; and fo it is explained by Mofes,in verfe s 6.the Chal- deeaddeth, Iftbj divine-prefinee , (Sbeeinab)gee not with us , that miraculous wonky may bee done fir us. It implieth Gods care and prote &ion of his people by Chrift (as is before noted,) who is the expref -image of Gods fate (or perfon) Hebr. a.3. Compare P1a1.31.2 x. Verfe 16. here] or,now; the Greeke tanflateth, fhallitbeknowne indeed (or truely.) marvelloufly feparated] fevered and exempted to louse mar- vellosa and excellent ufe; the Or. tranflateth, fball be made glorious,Compare Ex. 8.a 2.P.4.4, from all]or, above aß, as the Gr. faith, above all nati- ens. This Mofes refpeð inDeut. 4.7. fir what actionIsCo great , who bath God fo nth unto them,&c. V.17.1 keora thee by name] the Gr.expoundeth it; I know thee above all men. So in verfe 12. Ver.18. I y 13 4 15 16 17