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1¢0 EXODUS XXXIII. 18 19 20 Verf, i 8. fly glory] hereby he meant the face of God, as after is explained in verf. 20. that is a plain and manifeft knowledge of God, as men are plainly difcerned one from another , by the face. The iebrewes unfold it thus,Wbat war that. which Motes our mailer fright to attain unto, when bee Paid, I PRAY TH11B SHE VV Me THY GLOB Ice? He requefed to know the truth of *be being (or.Fffenee) of the holy bled ( God, ) until that be were known in his heart , dke as a man it known , erhofe face it faene, and whole forme it ingraven in ones heart , f of that man is diffinguifhed (or feparated) in his knowledge from other MM. SO MOP regteefed that the EfneeefGod, might dre d :fiinEu[y knowne in bie heart , from the Effeence of other things , f that be might know the truth of Isis Rime, at it ie. But Godanfwered him , that the knowledge of living man , who is compounded of body and foule, bath no ability to apprehend the truth of this thing , con - cerninghisCreator. Maimony, inMifneb, in Iefudei hatorab, c. i. f. i o. Ver. s 9. my goodnef] The Chaldee expounds it, myglory,and the Greek, I will pafbe thee with my glory. The goodnef (or good things) or God , is that wherewith his people are fatisfied, Ier. 31. i4.Pfal.65.5. thename]Thargum Ierufalemy ad- deth, tbe good name. This promife was fulfilled in Exod. 34. 6. The Hebrewes explaine it thus, I will proclaime before thee, my great name, which thou cant not fee. R. Menachem , on Exod. 33. bee gracious] or, have mercy on , as the Gr. tranflateth, which the Apo /le followcth , Rom.9. 15. bee merciful)] or , bave compafon, commiferation. As this teacheth that Gods grace; mercy, and com- panion, is the cafe of our happines:fo in that he doth this to whom be will it fhcwethGods freedom in communicating his grace where he plealèth, without wrong to any. So that which Mofes asked for all the people, (v. 16.) God reftraineth to his owne will , according to his elç &ion of grace, excluding all others, and mans owne will andworks. Wherefore Paul citing this text,con- cludeth; So ties, it is not in him that willetb,nor in him that runner ; bat in God that fheweth mercy, Rom. 9. 15. 16. The ancient Hebrews taw this grace of God, though now they be ignorant of it. For R. Menaehetn on this place,writeth,howGod (hewed Mofes at that time, his treafures; awl he faid, Q Lord of the world, whofi is that great treafure ? Het anfwered, who fc bath good werigo , to hire will Igive his wages : and who fo bath -one , I will doe, andgive unto himpealls: at it is written , I will begraciout , to whom. I will be gracious. This expofition accordeth with Pauls, inRom. 4.4. 5 . and 3.24. Vet. 20. my face] that is, fee and know my glo- rie as it is perfe &Iy : by rcafon of finne, Rom. 3. 23. and of the weakneff of the fle(h , which alwaies feareth death, when God appeareth as Dent. 5. 24.25.Iudg. 13.22.Efay.6.5.Dan.I o.8. Rev 1. r7. But after this mortals bath put on immortality , we (hall fee God Gibe io , even face to face, I. lob. 3. 2. I . Gor. 13.12. So the Hebrews hence doe obferve, whiles men live, they are not counted- wortby;wlen the die they fall be countedworthy, to fee the face of God : R. Shat in llefbitbehoemab, f 1.41.4.And R. Menaehem here faith, after his death he fhoukl attaine unto it; fir it it treafisred up for the heft, again fl the time to come. Verf. 22. eliff] or, hole, cave: which is a place of hiding for feare, as in Efay.2.2 r.Song.2.14.The Roeke onwhich Gods people are fee, is fpiritually God himfelfe in Chriff, and faith in him, Pfal. 18.3.32.Mat.16.18. eover]thisfomtimefrgni- fieth fafe prote &ion, Pfal.9I.4.fornetime a cove- ring with feare and aftli &ion, Iob. 3.23. Lam.3, 43. Here it is meant in the firft fenfe. my band] or,my ?clime ,the hollow of my hand, which alto is fometime the instrument of helpe, (Pfal.91.4.12. and t t 9.173.)fometime of aáfi &ion,Iob.t 3. so. and 3 3.7.It may alto mean my daub as a cloud arofe in the fight of Elias fervant, Big a mans band, t Elihu callcth the tGuds,Cappajim, that is,bandr, Iob, 36.31. The Chaldee here tran- (lateth it my Ford: ( which is the title of Ghent, 'oh.' .1 ) So in the verfe following the Chaldee faith, And I will taiga away the word of my glory. VÇ f.23. baake paris] os', after parts; the things be. 23 hittdcme. This may beunderftood of an imperfe& image ofthcglor of God, fuch as man is able to behold inthis life, where wee fee through a glaffe, darky oppofed to theftate which is to come, when we fluff feeface reface, or rye to eye , as 1 Cot. 13.I2.Efay.52.b. And it is fpoken of God, after the manner of men;for properly he(beiug a Spi- rit infinite 8c incomprehenfible)hath neither face nor batkparts, nor any fuch thing , as is noted on Gen. 6.6. Some referre this to the vilon which Mofes law ofGhriff transfigured upá the mount, Match. 17.2.3. where alto a slot! ever- Jbadewed the difciples , 0.4. If we apply it unto Christ, his baekparts may be underltood of his aff lu ions I fufferings ,which in this hIc, Iis people doe fee and are partakers of: as in the life to come, they (hall behold his face, and partake of his glory, Matth.I o.38.Phil. Ioh.3.2.Pfal. i7. 15. The Hebrewes fay, God made knowne unto Mofes, that which no man knew before bim,nor fhall know after !rim : that he apprehended in his know, ledge, the truth of the E(feneofGod, diftin&ly front the effence of other things , MPS wbofe backeparts are fees , and bit whole body and raymem it attained tatto in ones knowledge , from other bodies ofmen. Maimony,in Iefudei hatorab, chap. 1.Se&. i o. It is a traditionof the lewes , that God nowappeared &lee Sheliach tfttbbar ( the Mef eenger or Minìf er of the congregafion,)clad with a robe. R. Mena /seta on Exod. 33. & foMaimáy in Iefudei battrais,chap.i.Se&.g. faith,Mofesfaw him on the Sea, b'ke a mighty warriexr, andm Sinai, clad lik a Minif er of the congregation. be fene]the Greeke addeth ene of sbee:but it is more generali, of no man, as in ve fe 20. And byfeinpis not meantonely with the outward eye, but with the heart or underftanding, according to that phrafe in Ecclef I. 16. mine heart bath feern: becaufe the mind ofman cannot apprehend God, who is incomprehenfible,Iob 11.7.1 Tini.6.16.R.Meeo- tlemhere faith ; Obferve how he faith not,My face thou Petit not fe,btn Sit A L L NOT B1 Se 1 N n,at ifbefheald fay, there sane power in any creature to comprehend it. CHAP. 22