(he Fables, and EXODUS C HAY. XXXIV. I, God rrileth Mofes to hem two T abler of floe m which hee mould write agiine the words of the covenant. 4, Moles having dune fi , ment tep into the moms; 5 The Lord defendeth i» a cloud, and proclaimeth his Name. 8 Mofes man Jhippeth , tiedintreateth God to goe with them. i o , Gad mafteth a covenant with them , marnitá( them; 12, of the idolatry of the Canaa- nites , 16, andmariage, with them. 18, He renew- ed, the commandement a f the fait of unleavened bread, and of fanhlifying their firs(- borne. 21, Of the Sab- bath. 2-2, Of other feafts , and rites about facrificing 28, Mofes after forcie ¿aies in the motnt, ammeth down with the Tabtei. 29, His face Jisineth, and he covereth it with a voile. A I Nd Jehovah Paid unto Mofes, Hew thee two Tables offtone,like the firlf: and I will write upon the Tables , the words which were on the firfl Tables which z thou brakeft. And be thou ready in the morning : and come up in the morning, unto mount Sinai. and prefent thy felfe un- to me there, Upon the top of the mount. 3 And let no rnan come up with thee; neither let any man be feene, throughout all the mount: neither let the flocks nor herds 4 feed before that mount. And he hewed two tables of (tone like the firft ; and Mofes rofe up early in the morning , and went up unto mount Sinai, as Jehovah had commanded him and tooke in his hand the two tables 5 of (tone. And Jehovah defcended in the cloud; and he ftoòd with him there: and 6 he proclaimed the name of Jehovah. And Jehovah paflêd by, before him, and he pro- claimed : Jehovah , Jehovah : God , land- full and gracious , long fuffering and much 7 in mercie and truth. Keeping tnercie,for thoufánds; forgiving iniquitie, and trefpafs, and Pinne : and that willnot clearing,cleare, (the guilde) vifiting the iniquitie of the fa- thers, upon the fonnes, and upon the tonnes fonnes, unto the third , and unto the fourth 8 generation. And Mofes made- hafte;and ben. ded.downe-the -head toward the earth and 9 bowed himfelfe. And hefaid; If ó now I have found grace in thineeyes; ô Lord ; let the Lord now goe amongfi us: for 'it th a (fille necked people; and pardon thou our iniquitie and our finne , and take us for thine I o inheritance. And he laid : Behold, I firike a covenant : before,all thy people,' will doe marvels, which have not been created inall theearth, or in any of the Nations : and all d.e people amongft which thou art, (hall fee XXXIV. thaCovenant;Scc: 141 the work of Jehovah,for it is a fearful thing; which I doe with thee. Obferve thou that t1 which I command thee this day : Behold I drive out frdm before thee , the Amorite, and the Canaanite ; and the Chethite , and the Pherizzite , and the Evite, and the Jebtr- liice. Take heed to thy felfe ; left thou itrike a covenant with the inhabitant of the land, into which thou entreft : left bee be for a fnare in the midit of thee. But ye (halhde- (troy their altars , and breake their pillars, Land cur -downe their groves. For thou (halt not bow -down thy felfe to another God : for Jehovah , whore name is Jealous : hee, is a Jealous God. Left thou ftrike n covenant with the inhabitant of the Land : and they goe a whoring after their gods, and facrifice unto their gods ; and he call thee, and thou Bate of his facrifice. And thou take of his daughters, unto thy Eons: and his daughters goe -a- whoring after their gods; and make thy formes goe -a- whoring af,er their gods. Thou fhalt not make unto dice , any molten gods. The feaft of unleavened cakes (halt thou keepe: fevendaies thou (halt eate un- leavened cakes,as I cornmanded thee; at the appóintedtime, of the moneth of Abib : for in the moneth of Abib , thou camels out from Egypt. All that openeth the wombe, is mine : F t 9 and all thy cattell that is male ;. that which openeth (the wombe) of oxe and of (keepe. And that which openeth (the wombe) of an affe, thou (hall redeeme with a lambe ; and if thou wilt not redeeme it, then thou (halt breake the necke of it : every firft -borne of thy- fonnes thou (halt redeeme ; and they (hail not appeare before me, emptie. Saxe daies , thou (halt labour, and in the feventh day, thou (halt ceafe : in easing, tittle, and in harveft, thou (halt ceafe. And thou (hall obferve to thee, the feaft of weekeâ : of the firft fruits of Wheat harveft : and the foals of iugathering,at the revolution of the yeer. Three times in die yeere, every male of thee fhall appeare, before the face of the Lord, Jehovah , the Gdd of Mae!. For I -will cart out the nations , frombefore t hee, and will inlarge-thy border: and no man (hall define thy land : when thou goell up to appeare before the face of f ehovah thy God three times in the yeere. Thou halt riot flay the blood of my facrifice, with !evened bread : neither fhall the facrifice 'ofthe feaft of the [saffeover; temaine, unro the mor- ning. The firft of thé fitít fruits ofthy Land t 26 'thou I2 13 14 IS t6 17 8 2 at 22 23 24 25