.9r/- iii.tnto iv itmnisi i i4.íí Mofes face fhinetht. EXODUS XXXIV. 267 28 29 30 3r 32 33 34 35 I 2 3 thou fhall bring into the houle of Jehovah. thy God : Thou flak not feethe a kid in his mothers milke. And Jehovah laid unto Mores, Write for thee 'there words : for after the Tenour of there words,I have ftricken a covenant with thee , and with Ifrael. And free was there with Jehovah, Forty daies and forty nights, bee did Bate no bread, nor drinke water; and he wrote upon the Tables,the words of the Covenant; the tenne words. And it was when Mofes carne downe from mount Sinai, and the two Tables of Teftimonie. in Mofes hand, when he came downe from the mount : that Mofes knew not, that the skinne of his face fhone,whcn he (pake with him. And Aaron , and all the fonnes of If- rael, law Moles: and behold, the skinne of his face (hone: and they feared to come nigh unto him: And Moles called unto them, and Aaron and all the Rulers of the Con - gregation , returned unto him : and Mofes fpake unto them. And afterward, all the fonnes of Ifrael came nigh: and hee corn. manded them, all that Jehovahhad fpoken, with him, on mount Sinai. And Mofes made an -end of fpeaking with them : and he put a veile upon his face. And when Mofes went in before Jehovah,to fpeake with him, he cooke of the veile, untill hee came out and fpake unto the formes of Ifrael, that which her was commanded. And the Ions of Ifrael law the face of Mofes; that the Skin of Mofes face (hone: and Mofes did put the veile againe upon his face, umili he went in to fpeake with him. Annotation.`. HEra thee] or, Hew unto thy f f , whereas the former tables were the workofGodhintfelfe, Exod.32.16. See the notes on Exod.3 t.18. Here followeth the renewing of the covenant, between God and his people : rehearfed againe in Deut. 10. I. &c. and I] The Greeke here addeth, and come thou up unto me in the mount, and I, rive. So Mo- tes hinifelfe repeateth it in Deut. 50.5. Verf 2. prefent thy fife] or, f and //o''r me there, that is, wait till I come downe,as verf:5. and then (as the Chaldee tranflateth) fond before me there. And this being to be done in the morning, it was a frgne of mercie,Pfal.90. 54. and 30.6. and 5.4 Ver.3. before] the Gr. tranflateth, neere the mount, fee Exod.x 9.12,13. with theAnnotations. Verf 5.defended] by a manifeftation of his glo- rious pretence. The Chaldee faith, war revealed. See Exod. 59. 18. he proclaimed] that is the Lord did proclaime; as bee pr66mtfed, Exod.33. 19. Or it may be underfood of Mater, and tran- .rriavti m I111NI n flated,he called on the name of lehovab :for fo the He, brew plu'afe fometime fignifieth,as Gen. 52 8 Verf. 6. palled by] that is, as the Chaldee trap- 6 flateth , canted hit Male ilie (Shecinab) to pale by. Whereupon the Hebrewes, comparing this with Exod. 33. t 9, 22. lay The Sbecinah (or Divine - Majefiie) called I, pallid by. R.Menacbem on Exod. 34. So they held this Sheeinab, to be one with the Father. See after on verf.9. be proclaimed] that is, God proclaimed, Exod.3 3. t 9. But Thargúm Jerufalemie referreth it to Mofes, raying; And tlx glorie of the Majeffie of the Lord puffed before hint, and Mofesprayed, and fair!, &c. Howbeit, Mofes him- felfe faith, the Lord fpake thefe words, Nuns. r 4. 17,18. And fo other of the Hebrewes underftand it,as before, that Sheeinab (the Divine prefence) pro- claimed tbefe properties. R. Menachem. Iehovab, Iehovab, &e.] Here all Gods goodnef palled before Mofer,and was proclaimed,according to the pro- mite, Exod.33. t 9. the three fir( titles figoifying God in his Effence or Being , diftinguified. in three perfons, t Joh.Sq. God] imHebrew.E( which fignifieth /Wig/iris: fee Gen. 54. 18. pittijbll] or, compelf,'onate; of tendermereie. Thefe next (even attributes,fhewGods affection toward repentant and belecving finners ; I in pittying their miferie; 2 (hewing faveur and grace unto . them,though unworthy; 3 long fuffring their in- firmities; 4 of much mercfeand bounty,in doing them good;5 of much truth,in fulfilling his pro - mifes unto them; 6 and extending the like mercy to their children, even to the thoiifand generati- bn; 7 and forgiving their fins of all forts: wherin the blet %dneffe of man confifteth, Pfa1.32.1, 2. Rout. 4.6,7,8. long fullring] or, long ere be be an- gry: Hebrew, lmg of anger (or,ofnofirils.) vier` cie, or, bounteoufne, ffè , k ndnef, which David fix and twentie times in one Pfalme, confeffeth to in- ducefor ever, PfaL 536. Compare alfo .9. r 7. Jon.4.z. Praia 03. 7,8,9: &c. Ver.7. for thoufandsJ that is, (as Thargum Jeru- falemie explaineth it) far a thou fandgenerations : fee Exo.2o.6. The Greeke tranfatetb,anddoing mercis unto thoufands. not clearing eleare] that is , bee will in no wife Beare, (or acquit, holdinnocent;) to wit, the greifre perron, as the Greek verfion addeth ; or (as the Chaldee filth) them that convert not. Alfo the Jerufalemie Thargum expoundeth it, hee will not clears flatters in the day of the great judgement. The like defel'tis in Num. i 4.18.Nahuni 5.3. and in other like fpeeches, as Lev. t 9.18. which fometime the Scripture it ieffe fupplieth,as is noted on Gen.4. 20. and 24.33. And there two la( attributes axe in refpe& of Gods dealing wit Is the wicked;unto whom her imputeth no righteoufiteffe , for their good; but infiilteth punifhment upon them and theirs, unto perdition. Yet this his juice upon the wicked, is a part of hie goodnes towards his people, as it is Paid , The ju fifball rejyce, whin he feeth the venbearce : he ¡hall waft bit feet in the bleed eef elm tricked, NIL 58. ii. zif tire] that is.ptr- nifhing, fee Ex0d. 20. 5. funs] ro wit, rf the wicked, or rebellirus, as the Chaldee here addeth: And Thargum Jerufalemie faith, rat:embringthe f nnes 7