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ExoDUS XXXIV. fins of the smckd fnber!, upon therebellious fns, unto thé thirdgeneratwn, and unto the fourth generation. 8 Verf 8. bowed himfelree] or , worfhipped,fell-pro- pale: Thargum Jertttalemie expoundeth it,hecon -, feffed and lauded God. See thenotes on Exod. 4.31 9 Verf. 9. now goe]or, Ipray thee goe, to wit, with the Ggns of his prefence in the cloudy fiery pil- lar. The Chaldee faith, Let the Majeftie ofthe Lord goe. By the Majeftie (or Divine prefeenee) ofthe Lord, which the Hebrewes call Shecinah , wee may well underftand Chrift : for the Hebrewes ufually di- tkinguifh this from God the father ; and fay, there is no commfng before the majl bled and high King, with- out Shecinab. R. Menachem on Levit. 1 o. Our Sa- viour more plainly faith , No man commeth unto the Father , but by me , Joh. 14.6. Of him the ancient Jewes feeme to fpeake, under this name.Shecinah; though at this day they defpife their falvation. See before , on Exod. 33. 14, 25. and 34.6. and 14. 19. for it is] or , though it be a fife-necked people, yet pardon thon , &c. For in the time of fa- vourable- acceptation , it was well with thaw; by Shed - nah (the Divine- majeftie) that tookepitty upon tbr: faith R.Menavhem. take tos for inheritance] or, m- berit (poffiffi) thou ut : which the Greeke tranfla- teth, we fhall be thine., This is the bleffedneffe of a people , that God chufeth them to be his inheri- tance; as Pral. 33. t2. Zach. 2,12. and God cloth inherit or poff , thofe whom hee fubdueth unto his obedience, and ruleth over them, Mime 8z.. 2. Leviticus 25.46. I o Verf. iodhe faid]the Greeke explaineth it, the Lord paid unto Mofees. ffrike] that isrmak, to wit, with thee, as the Greeke explaineth it. marvels] in Greeke,gloriour things : and fo the Evangeliff u- feth the word, Luke 13. 17. the people rejoyced fir all the glorious things that were done by Ie*: where the Syriack hath, marvellous things. So in Job 5. 8: Exod. 33.16. This promife feetneth to concerne the marvellous workes, which .god after did be- fore all Ifrael in the daies of sofas: as when the Sunne and Moone flood hill In the midi] of hea ven, &c. Jof. I o. r 2,13. of which it is there faid, Is not this written in.the book of Iafber ? which the Chaldee there expoundeth, the book of the Law : as being a thing whereof Moles here wrote. created] the Greeke faith, done : and creating is the making or doing of a newmarvellous and glori- otis thing: as Gen. 1.1. Num.16.30. a fearfull thing] or,he is fearfieII,meaning God : but the Gr. expounds it, they are marvellous things. with thee] that is, as the Greeke tranflateth, to Thee; meaning all Ifrael; as the words following manifeft; or, with thee, meaning Moles; that is, by thy hand; as Paul faith, not I, but the grace of God with me, 1 Cor. 15. to. Verf. 11. Obferve thou] or, keepe f r tby fef : for thine owne good. Amorite] that is , *writes, tine. as the Chaldee tranflateth. See Gen. I o.16. Exod. 23. 23, 28. I s Verfe 12. fnare] or cattle of thy ruin. Sc: Exo- dus 23. 33. 13 Verf. 13. pillars] or, fandingimages, flatues: fee Exod. 23.24. groves] which they ufed to con- II +3 ferrate to their gods,offrirg facrifice tinder green trees, Deut. r 2.2. 2 King.16.4. So among other heathens, trees and groves were the Temples of their gods, faith Plinie,hilLh'ook I a. chap.!. And in the Romane Lawes of the 12. Tables, in the 2a. law of P.eligion,it was commanded to havegrovés in the fields. For this cattle Ifrael is here bidden to cut them docrne, and in Dent. t 2.3. to burne them : and wire allo forbidden to plant any grove, or any tree neere untó the Altar of the Lord, Deut.6.21. Verf 14. other god] to theidols of thepeopled, as the Chaldee expoundeth it. V. I 5. goe-a-whoring] that is, commit idolatry, which is fpiritual whoredome,Jer.3.9.and fo the Chaldee explaineth It here, to erre after their errors: that is, their idols. he] that is , the inhabitant a- forefaid; put for all and every of the inhabitants: therefore the Greeke tranflateth, they call.; and Co after. CompareNum.25.r,2. Prov.9.13 15. Verf. 1 7. moltengods] or, gods afinetal: Hebrew ofinelting. So Levit. 19.4. Exod.20.23. Vert: 18. MI] or, which 'commanded : but the Hebrew after, is put for caa er : as in Exo.z 3.15. and fo the Greeke tranflateth it here. Abile] in Greeke, the month of new fruits. See Exod. 13. 4. Verf 19. is mine] or, fhall be mine : that is, fan- &ified tinto mee: fee Exod. 13. 2,12. that which openeth] or, the frfl borne, as the Greeke and Chaldee here tranflateth it. See Exod. 13.12,13. and 22. 29, 30. Verf. 2o. with a lambe] a living jambe, of the fheepe or goats, and no other biaft; as i5 noted on Exod. 133.13. and the Jambe was to be given to the Priefi, Num. 8. 8,15. The Hebrewes fay, It might be redeemed with a lambe , whether male or fe- male, unblemifkid or bleinifhed, fmall or great. If a man ha* no lambe to redeeme it with hee may redeeme it with the value of it, andgive the price to the Prieft. The Law commandeth not a Lambe, to make it heavier up- on him , but lighter. For if bee have she firlllirog of an 4, which it worth tenfbekels , bee may redeeme it with a Lambe worth a luarter of a jliekel. But the price in money, is from three zuxims and uprirard: [that is, three quarters of a fhekel ; for one zuz is the fourth part of a fhekel.] If the price be lee then three zuzims,'they redeeme it not therewith: and agood eye (that is, a liberal] perfon)giveth not lei then fhe- hglo Maimony, in treat. of Firll fruits,-ch. 12. fè&. 1 o. &c. break thenecke] the Chaldee faith, kill it. They might have no nie of benefit of the Affe till it was redeemed. If hee fold it before it was re- deemed, the price war unlawfull. If itelyed before it was redeemed , or if the neeke was broken it was buried. For it was ttnlajfitll to make benefit of it, even after the wide was broken; becaufe it was not redeemed. Therefore if hee redeemed it not, but gave the 4 it fef to the Priefi; it was unlawful! for the Priefi to put it to arty fir- vice, untill it warred timed with a Jambe. Maitnony ibi- dem, chap. 12. feet. 4. they (hall not appeare] or, my face Thal not be faene : to wit, by any man : the Greeke faith, thou fbaltnot appeare. emptie]withi out an oblation: fee Exod.z3. 15. Verf z I. labour] or, ferve : feethe notes on Exo- dus 14 If If Iá 19 2 ZI